rotateCameraLocal Method

Rotate the camera from its current location about an axis relative to its current orientation.

rotateCameraLocal(angle: Angle, axis: Vector3d, aboutPt?: Point3d): ViewStatus

@note Even though the axis is relative to the current camera orientation, the aboutPt is in world coordinates, \b not relative to the camera.

@returns Status indicating whether the camera was successfully positioned. See values at ViewStatus for possible errors.

Parameter Type Description
angle Angle The angle to rotate the camera.
axis Vector3d The axis about which to rotate the camera. The axis is a direction relative to the current camera orientation.
aboutPt Point3d The point, in world coordinates, about which the camera is rotated. If aboutPt is undefined, the camera rotates in place
(i.e. about the current eyePoint).

Returns - ViewStatus

Status indicating whether the camera was successfully positioned. See values at ViewStatus for possible errors.

Defined in

Last Updated: 20 February, 2025