TileAdmin.Statistics Interface

Statistics regarding the current and cumulative state of the TileAdmin. Useful for monitoring performance and diagnosing problems.


Name Type Description
decoding TileContentDecodingStatistics See TileContentDecodingStatistics.  
numActiveRequests number The number of requests which have been dispatched but not yet completed.  
numActiveTileTreePropsRequests number The number of in-flight IModelTileTreeProps requests.  
numCanceled number The number of requests canceled during the most recent update.  
numPendingRequests number The number of requests in the queue which have not yet been dispatched.  
numPendingTileTreePropsRequests number The number of pending IModelTileTreeProps requests.  
totalAbortedRequests number The total number of tiles for which content requests were dispatched and then canceled on the backend before completion.  
totalCacheMisses number The total number of tiles whose contents were not found in cloud storage cache and therefore resulted in a backend request to generate the tile content.  
totalCompletedRequests number The total number of completed requests during this session.  
totalDispatchedRequests number The total number of tiles for which content requests were dispatched.  
totalElidedTiles number The total number of tiles whose contents were not requested during this session because their volumes were determined to be empty.  
totalEmptyTiles number The total number of completed requests during this session which produced an empty tile.  
totalFailedRequests number The total number of failed requests during this session.  
totalTimedOutRequests number The total number of timed-out requests during this session.  
totalUndisplayableTiles number The total number of completed requests during this session which produced an undisplayable tile.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 08 March, 2025