RealityDataProvider Enumeration

Identify the Reality Data service provider


Name Value Description
CesiumIonAsset Will provide Open Street Map Building (OSM) from Cesium Ion (in 3dTile format)
ContextShare Will provide access url from realityDataId and iTwinId on contextShare for 3dTile storage format or OPC storage format
This provider support all type of 3dTile storage fomat and OrbitPointCloud: RealityMesh3DTiles, Terrain3DTiles, Cesium3DTiles, OPC

@see RealityDataFormat.
OrbitGtBlob This is the legacy mode where the access to the 3d tiles is harcoded in ContextRealityModelProps.OrbitGtBlob property.
It was use to support OrbitPointCloud (OPC) from other server than ContextShare
You should use other mode when possible

@see RealityDataSource.createKeyFromOrbitGtBlobProps that will try to detect provider from an URL
TilesetUrl This is the legacy mode where the access to the 3d tiles is harcoded in ContextRealityModelProps.tilesetUrl property.
It was use to support RealityMesh3DTiles, Terrain3DTiles, Cesium3DTiles
You should use other mode when possible

@see RealityDataSource.createKeyFromUrl that will try to detect provider from an URL

Defined in

Last Updated: 20 February, 2025