CompressedId64Set.decompressArray Function

Decompress the compact string representation of an Id64Set into an Id64Array.

decompressArray(compressedIds: string, out?: Id64Array): Id64Array

@returns The array containing the decompressed Ids.

@throws Error if compressedIds is not a well-formed CompressedId64Set.

@note The Ids are decompressed and appended to the array in ascending order based on their 64-bit numerical values.

@see - compressArray to perform the inverse operation.

  • decompressSet to decompress as an Id64Set instead.
  • iterable to efficiently iterate the Ids.
Parameter Type Description
compressedIds string The compact string representation.
out Id64Array If supplied, the Ids will be appended to this array rather than allocating and returning a new array.

Returns - Id64Array

The array containing the decompressed Ids.

Defined in

Last Updated: 18 January, 2025