createFrom MethodStatic

Create a local Snapshot iModel file, using this iModel as a seed or starting point. Snapshots are not synchronized with iModelHub, so do not have a change timeline. @note: A snapshot cannot be modified after close is called.

createFrom(iModelDb: IModelDb, snapshotFile: string, options?: CreateSnapshotIModelProps): SnapshotDb

@returns A writeable SnapshotDb

@see Snapshot iModels

Parameter Type Description
iModelDb IModelDb The snapshot will be initialized from the current contents of this iModelDb
snapshotFile string The file that will contain the new iModel snapshot
options CreateSnapshotIModelProps Optional properties that determine how the snapshot iModel is created.

Returns - SnapshotDb

A writeable SnapshotDb

Defined in

Last Updated: 21 February, 2025