createTexture MethodStatic

Create a texture with the given parameters.

createTexture(iModelDb: IModelDb, definitionModelId: string, name: string, format: ImageSourceFormat, data: string | Uint8Array, description?: string): Texture

@returns The newly constructed Texture element.

@throws IModelError if unable to create the element.

@see insertTexture to insert a new texture into the iModel.

Parameter Type Description
iModelDb IModelDb The iModel to contain the texture.
definitionModelId string The DefinitionModel to contain the texture.
name string The name to serve as the texture's Code value.
format ImageSourceFormat The format of the image data.
data string | Uint8Array The image data in the format specified by format.
description string An optional description of the texture

Returns - Texture

The newly constructed Texture element.

Defined in

Last Updated: 21 February, 2025