BrowserAuthorizationClientConfiguration Interface



Name Type Description
authority Readonly string | undefined The URL of the OIDC/OAuth2 provider.  
clientId Readonly string The unique client id registered through the issuing authority.  
noSilentSignInOnAppStartup Readonly boolean | undefined if true, do NOT attempt a silent signIn on startup of the application  
postSignoutRedirectUri Readonly string | undefined The URL passed in the signout request, to which the authority will redirect the browser after the user has been signed out.  
redirectUri Readonly string The URL passed in the authorization request, to which the authority will redirect the browser after the user grants/denies access  
responseMode Readonly "query" | "fragment"    
responseType Readonly "code" | "id_token" | "id_token token" | "code id_token" | "code token" | "code id_token token" The mechanism (or authentication flow) used to acquire auth information from the user through the authority  
scope Readonly string A space-delimited collection of individual access claims specified by the authority.  
silentRedirectUri Readonly string | undefined The redirect URL used for silent sign in and renew.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
prompt string | undefined BrowserAuthorizationClientRequestOptions The required action demanded of the user before the authentication request can succeed

Defined in

Last Updated: 17 February, 2025