

Name Description
AccuDrawHintBuilder AccuDrawHintBuilder is an InteractiveTool helper class that facilitates AccuDraw interaction.
AccuSnap AccuSnap is an aide for snapping to interesting points on elements or decorations as the cursor moves over them.
ActivityMessageDetails Specifies the details of an activity message to be displayed to the user.
AngleDescription Angle Property Description Beta
AuxCoordSystem2dState The state of an AuxCoordSystem2d element in the frontend
AuxCoordSystem3dState The state of an AuxCoordSystem3d element in the frontend
AuxCoordSystemSpatialState The state of an AuxCoordSystemSpatial element in the frontend
AuxCoordSystemState The state of an AuxCoordSystem element in the frontend
BaseUnitFormattingSettingsProvider This abstract class reacts to changes in the "active" iModel and updates the QuantityFormatter overrides and active Beta
BeButtonEvent Object sent to Tools that holds information about button/touch/wheel events.
BeTouchEvent A ButtonEvent generated by touch input.
BeWheelEvent A BeButtonEvent generated by movement of a mouse wheel.
BingElevationProvider Provides an interface to the Bing Maps elevation services.
BingLocationProvider Provides an interface to the Bing Maps location services.
BlankConnection A connection that exists without an iModel.
BriefcaseConnection A connection to an editable briefcase on the backend.
BriefcaseNotificationHandler Base class for notification handlers for events from the backend that are specific to a BriefcaseConnection.
BriefcaseTxns Manages local changes to a BriefcaseConnection via Txns.
CategorySelectorState A set of Categories to be displayed in a ViewState.
ChangeFlags Describes which aspects of a Viewport have changed.
CheckpointConnection An IModelConnection to a checkpoint of an iModel, hosted on a remote backend over RPC.
Cluster A cluster of one or more Markers that overlap one another in the view.
ContextRealityModelState A ContextRealityModel attached to a DisplayStyleState supplying a TileTreeReference used to draw the
DecorateContext Provides context for a ViewportDecorator to add Decorations to be rendered within a Viewport.
Decorations A set of RenderGraphics and CanvasDecorations produced by Tools and Decorators, used to decorate the contents of a Viewport.
DisclosedTileTreeSet A set of TileTrees disclosed by a set of objects implementing TileTreeDiscloser, used to collect references to tile trees in use by those objects.
DisplayStyle2dState A display style that can be applied to 2d views.
DisplayStyle3dState A DisplayStyleState that can be applied to spatial views.
DisplayStyleState A DisplayStyle defines the parameters for 'styling' the contents of a ViewState.
DrawingModelState Represents the front-end state of a DrawingModel.
DrawingViewState A view of a DrawingModel
DynamicsContext Provides context for an InteractiveTool to display decorations representing its current state.
ElementState The "state" of an Element as represented in a web browser.
EmphasizeElements An implementation of FeatureOverrideProvider for emphasizing selected elements through simple color/transparency appearance overrides.
EngineeringLengthDescription Engineering Length Property Description Beta
EntityState The "state" of an Entity as represented in a web browser.
EventController An EventController maps user input events from a Viewport to the ToolAdmin so that tools can process them.
FitViewTool A tool that performs a fit view
FlashSettings Settings that control how geometry is "flashed" when hovered over in a Viewport.
FlyViewTool A tool that performs the fly operation
FormattedQuantityDescription Base Quantity Property Description Beta
FrustumAnimator Animates the transition of a Viewport from one Frustum to another.
FuzzySearchResults This class is used to return the results of
GeographicTilingScheme A MapTilingScheme using a simple geographic projection by which longitude and latitude are mapped directly to X and Y. Beta
GeometricModel2dState Represents the front-end state of a GeometricModel2d.
GeometricModel3dState Represents the front-end state of a GeometricModel3d.
GeometricModelState Represents the front-end state of a GeometricModel.
GlobeAnimator Animates the transition of a Viewport to view a location on the Earth.
GraphicalEditingScope Represents a period of time within an interactive editing session during which the
GraphicBranch A node in a scene graph.
GraphicBuilder Provides methods for constructing a RenderGraphic from geometric primitives.
HiliteSet A set of hilited elements for an IModelConnection, by element id.
HitDetail A HitDetail stores the result when locating geometry displayed in a view.
HitList The result of a "locate" is a sorted list of objects that satisfied the search criteria (a HitList).
IconSprites Icon sprites are loaded from .png files in the assets directory of imodeljs-native.
IdleTool The default "idle" tool.
ImageryMapLayerFormat Base class imagery map layer formats. Beta
IModelApp Global singleton that connects the user interface with the iTwin.js services.
IModelConnection A connection to a IModelDb hosted on the backend.
IModelRoutingContext Controls the RPC routing for an iModel connection.
IndexBuffer Builds up a VertexIndices.
InputCollector The InputCollector class can be used to implement a command for gathering input
InteractiveTool A Tool that may be installed, via ToolAdmin, to handle user input.
IpcApp The frontend of apps with a dedicated backend that can use Ipc.
LengthDescription Length Property Description Beta
LocalUnitFormatProvider Implementation of BaseUnitFormattingSettingsProvider that stores and retrieves data in local storage. Beta
LocateOptions Options that customize the way element location (i.e.
LookAndMoveTool A tool that performs the walk operation using mouse+keyboard or touch controls.
LookViewTool A tool that performs the look operation
MapCartoRectangle A specialization of Range2d representing a Cartographic region on the surface of the Earth, Beta
MapLayerFormat Class representing a map-layer format. Beta
MapLayerFormatRegistry Beta
MapLayerSource A source for map layers.
MapTile A Tile belonging to a MapTileTree representing a rectangular region of a map of the Earth. Beta
MapTileProjection Projects points within the rectangular region of a MapTile into 3d space. Beta
MapTileTree A quad tree consisting of MapTiles representing the map imagery draped onto the surface of the Earth. Beta
MapTilingScheme A scheme for converting between two representations of the surface of the Earth: an ellipsoid and a rectangular tiled map. Beta
MarginPercent Specifies margins to apply around a view volume for methods like ViewState.lookAtVolume and Viewport.zoomToElements, expanding the
Marker A Marker is a CanvasDecoration, whose position follows a fixed location in world space.
MarkerSet A set of Markers that are logically related, such that they cluster when they overlap one another in screen space.
MeasureAreaByPointsTool Report area defined by points using current quantity formatter for area.
MeasureAreaTool Report accumulated areas of selected elements using the current quantity formatter for area.
MeasureDistanceTool Report distance between 2 points using current quantity formatter for length.
MeasureElementTool Base class for mass properties tools.
MeasureLengthTool Report accumulated lengths of selected elements using the current quantity formatter for length.
MeasureLocationTool Report spatial coordinate at a point as well as cartographic location for geolocated models using current quantity formatters.
MeasureVolumeTool Report accumulated volumes of selected elements using the current quantity formatter for volume.
MeshParams Describes mesh geometry to be submitted to the rendering system.
ModelSelectorState The state of a ModelSelector.
ModelState Represents the front-end state of a Model.
NativeApp The frontend of a native application
NotificationHandler Base class for all implementations of an Ipc notification response interface.
NotificationManager The NotificationManager controls the interaction with the user for prompts, error messages, and alert dialogs.
NotifyMessageDetails Describes a message to be displayed to the user.
OffScreenViewport A viewport that draws to an offscreen buffer instead of to the screen.
OrthographicViewState Defines a spatial view that displays geometry on the image plane using a parallel orthographic projection.
PanViewTool The tool that performs a Pan view operation
PhysicalModelState Represents the front-end state of a PhysicalModel.
PlanarClipMaskState The State of Planar Clip Mask applied to a reality model or background map. Beta
PolylineParams Describes a set of tesselated polylines.
PrimitiveTool The PrimitiveTool class can be used to implement tools to create or modify geometric elements.
QuadId Identifies a node within a quad tree, such as a MapTile within a MapTileTree. Beta
QuantityFormatter Class that supports formatting quantity values into strings and parsing strings into quantity values.
RealityMeshParamsBuilder Incrementally constructs a RealityMeshParams. Beta
RealityTile A Tile within a RealityTileTree, representing part of a reality model (e.g., a point cloud or photogrammetry mesh) or 3d terrain with map imagery. Beta
RealityTileTree Base class for a TileTree representing a reality model (e.g., a point cloud or photogrammetry mesh) or 3d terrain with map imagery. Beta
RenderClipVolume An opaque representation of a clip volume applied to geometry within a Viewport.
RenderContext Provides context for producing RenderGraphics for drawing within a Viewport.
RenderGraphic Abstract representation of an object which can be rendered by a RenderSystem.
RenderGraphicOwner A graphic that owns another graphic.
RenderSystem A RenderSystem provides access to resources used by the internal WebGL-based rendering system.
RotateViewTool A tool that performs a Rotate view operation
Scene Holds a collection of objects comprising the scene to be drawn by a Viewport's.
SceneContext Context used to create the scene to be drawn in a Viewport.
ScreenViewport An interactive Viewport that exists within an HTMLDivElement.
ScrollViewTool A tool that performs the scroll operation
SectionDrawingModelState Represents the front-end state of a SectionDrawingModel.
SelectionSet A set of currently selected elements for an IModelConnection.
SelectionTool Tool for picking a set of elements of interest, selected by the user.
SetupCameraTool A tool that sets the view camera by two points.
SetupWalkCameraTool A tool that sets a walk tool starting position by a floor point and look direction.
SheetModelState Represents the front-end state of a SheetModel.
SheetViewState A view of a SheetModel.
SnapDetail A SnapDetail is generated from the result of a snap request.
SnapshotConnection A connection to a SnapshotDb hosted on a backend.
SpatialLocationModelState Represents the front-end state of a SpatialLocationModel.
SpatialModelState Represents the front-end state of a SpatialModel.
SpatialViewState Defines a view of one or more SpatialModels.
Sprite Sprites are small raster images that are drawn on top of Viewports by a ViewDecoration.
SpriteLocation A Sprite location.
StandardView Supplies access to a set of commonly-used view rotations.
StandardViewTool A tool that rotates the view to one of the standard views.
Storage A local disk-based cache for key value pairs for NativeApps.
SurveyLengthDescription Survey Length Property Description Beta
TerrainMeshProvider Provides 3d meshes representing terrain for display in a Viewport. Beta
TerrainProviderRegistry A registry of TerrainProviders identified by their unique names. Beta
Tile A 3d tile within a TileTree.
TileAdmin Manages Tiles and TileTrees on behalf of IModelApp.
TileDrawArgs Provides context used when selecting and drawing Tiles.
TileGeometryCollector Collects geoemtry from a GeometryTileTreeReference within a specified volume at a specified level of detail. Beta
TileRequest Represents a pending or active request to load the contents of a Tile.
TileRequestChannel A channel over which requests for tile content can be made.
TileRequestChannels A set of named TileRequestChannels via which content for Tiles can be requested.
TileRequestChannelStatistics Statistics regarding the current and cumulative state of one or more TileRequestChannels.
Tiles Provides access to TileTrees associated with an IModelConnection.
TileStorage Beta
TileTree A hierarchical level-of-detail tree of 3d Tiles to be rendered in a Viewport.
TileTreeReference A reference to a TileTree suitable for drawing within a Viewport.
TileUsageMarker A marker associated with a Tile to track usage of that tile by any number of TileUsers.
Tool A Tool that performs an action.
ToolAdmin Controls the operation of Tools, administering the current ViewTool, PrimitiveTool, and IdleTool and forwarding events to the appropriate tool.
ToolAssistance Tool Assistance helper methods.
ToolRegistry The ToolRegistry holds a mapping between toolIds and their corresponding Tool class.
ToolSettings Settings that control the behavior of built-in tools.
TwoWayViewportFrustumSync Forms a bidirectional connection between two Viewports such that the Frustums of each are synchronized with one another.
TwoWayViewportSync Forms a bidirectional connection between two Viewports such that the ViewStates of each are synchronized with one another.
VertexTableBuilder Builds a VertexTable from some data type supplying the vertex data.
ViewClipByElementTool A tool to define a clip volume for a view using the element aligned box or axis aligned box.
ViewClipByPlaneTool A tool to define a clip volume for a view by specifying a plane
ViewClipByRangeTool A tool to define a clip volume for a view by specifying range corners
ViewClipByShapeTool A tool to define a clip volume for a view by specifying a shape
ViewClipClearTool A tool to remove a clip volume for a view
ViewClipDecorationProvider An implementation of ViewClipEventHandler that responds to new clips by presenting clip modification handles
ViewClipTool A tool to define a clip volume for a view
ViewCreator2d API for creating a ViewState2d for a 2D model (GeometricModel2dState).
ViewCreator3d API for creating a 3D default ViewState3d for an iModel.
ViewGlobeBirdTool A tool that views a location on the background map from a bird's eye perspective; the viewed location is derived from the position of the current camera's eye above the background map.
ViewGlobeIModelTool A tool that views the current iModel on the background map so that the extent of the project is visible.
ViewGlobeLocationTool A tool that views a location on the background map corresponding to a specified string.
ViewGlobeSatelliteTool A tool that views a location on the background map from a satellite's perspective; the viewed location is derived from the position of the current camera's eye above the background map.
ViewingSpace Describes a Viewport's viewing volume, plus its size on the screen.
ViewManager The ViewManager holds the list of opened views, plus the selected view.
ViewManip Base class for tools that manipulate the frustum of a Viewport.
Viewport A Viewport renders the contents of one or more GeometricModels onto an HTMLCanvasElement.
ViewPose The "pose" for a View describing the viewed area or volume, depending upon whether
ViewPose2d The "pose" for a ViewState2d.
ViewPose3d The "pose" for a ViewState3d, including information about the view's Camera if it is enabled.
ViewRect A rectangle in unsigned integer view coordinates with (0,0) corresponding to the top-left corner of the view.
ViewRedoTool A tool that performs view redo operation.
ViewState The front-end state of a ViewDefinition element.
ViewState2d Defines the state of a view of a single 2d model.
ViewState3d Defines the state of a view of 3d models.
ViewToggleCameraTool A tool that toggles the camera on/off in a spatial view
ViewTool An InteractiveTool that manipulates a view.
ViewUndoTool A tool that performs view undo operation.
WalkViewTool A tool that performs the walk operation
WebMercatorTilingScheme A MapTilingScheme using the EPSG:3857 projection. Beta
WindowAreaTool A tool that performs a Window-area view operation
ZoomViewTool A tool that performs the zoom operation


Name Description
UNIT_EXTRA_DATA Additional unit data such alternate display label not found in the Units Schema


Name Description
ActivityMessageEndReason Reason for ending the activity message via endActivityMessage
BeModifierKeys Numeric mask for a set of modifier keys (control, shift, and alt).
ClipEventType Event types for ViewClipDecorationProvider.onActiveClipChanged \
ContextRotationId Specify the rotation to return from AccuDrawHintBuilder.getContextRotation.
CoordSource The source that generated a coordinate.
CoordSystem Coordinate system types
DepthPointSource Source of depth point returned by Viewport.pickDepthPoint.
FlashMode As part of FlashSettings, describes how geometry is flashed.
FrontendLoggerCategory Logger categories used by this package
GraphicType Describes the type of a GraphicBuilder, which defines the coordinate system in which the builder's geometry is defined and
HitGeomType What was being tested to generate this hit.
HitParentGeomType Classification of GeometricPrimitive that generated the Hit.
HitSource The procedure that generated this Hit.
InputSource The source that generated an event.
KeyinParseError Possible errors resulting from ToolRegistry.parseKeyin.
LocateAction The possible actions for which a locate filter can be called.
LocateFilterStatus Values to return from a locate filter.
MapLayerImageryProviderStatus Beta
MapLayerSourceStatus Values for return codes from MapLayerSource.validateSource
MapTileTreeScaleRangeVisibility Map tile tree scale range visibility values. Beta
MessageBoxIconType Describes the icon displayed in a messagebox opened using NotificationManager.openMessageBox.
MessageBoxType Describes the set of buttons displayed in a message box opened using NotificationManager.openMessageBox.
MessageBoxValue Describes the possible return values produced when the user clicks a button in a messagebox opened using NotificationManager.openMessageBox.
OutputMessageAlert Describes the alert behavior of a NotifyMessageDetails.
OutputMessagePriority Classifies a NotifyMessageDetails by its level of importance.
OutputMessageType Describes the type and behavior of a NotifyMessageDetails.
ParseAndRunResult The result type of ToolRegistry.parseAndRun.
QuantityType Defines standard format types for tools that need to display measurements to user.
SelectionMethod The method for choosing elements with the SelectionTool
SelectionMode The mode for choosing elements with the SelectionTool
SelectionProcessing The processing method to use to update the current selection.
SelectionSetEventType Identifies the type of changes made to the SelectionSet to produce a SelectionSetEvent.
StandardViewId Describes a set of commonly-used view rotations.
TileBoundingBoxes Options for displaying tile bounding boxes for debugging purposes.
TileGraphicType Describes the type of graphics produced by a TileTreeReference.
TileLoadPriority Loosely describes the "importance" of a Tile.
TileLoadStatus Describes the current status of a Tile's content.
TileTreeLoadStatus Describes the current state of a TileTree.
TileVisibility Describes the visibility of a tile based on its size and a view frustum.
ToolAssistanceImage Tool Assistance known images
ToolAssistanceInputMethod Input Method for Tool Assistance instruction
UniformType The underlying data types that can be used for uniform variables in screen-space effect shaders.
VaryingType The underlying data types that can be used for varying variables in screen-space effect shaders.
ViewStatus Describes the result of a viewing operation such as those exposed by ViewState and Viewport.
ViewUndoEvent Describes an undo or redo event for a Viewport.

Global Functions

Name Description
calculateEcefToDbTransformAtLocation Calculate the ECEF to database (IModel) coordinate transform at a provided location, using the GCS of the iModel.
canvasToImageBuffer Create an ImageBuffer in the specified format with the same dimensions and contents as a canvas.
canvasToResizedCanvasWithBars Resize a canvas to a desired size.
connectViewportFrusta Form a connection between two or more Viewports such that they all view the same volume.
connectViewports Forms a connection between two or more Viewports such that a change in any one of the viewports is reflected in all of the others.
connectViewportViews Form a connection between two or more Viewports such that every aspect of the viewports are kept in sync.
extractImageSourceDimensions Extract the dimensions of the jpeg or png data encoded in an ImageSource.
getCenteredViewRect Determine the maximum ViewRect that can be fitted and centered in specified ViewRect given a required aspect ratio.
getCesiumAssetUrl Return the URL for a Cesium ION asset from its asset ID and request Key.
getCompressedJpegFromCanvas Produce a jpeg compressed to no more than specified bytes and of no less than specified quality.
getImageSourceFormatForMimeType Get the ImageSourceFormat corresponding to the mime type string, or undefined if the string does not identify a supported ImageSourceFormat.
getImageSourceMimeType Get a string describing the mime type associated with an ImageSource format.
getQuantityTypeKey Function to return a QuantityTypeKey given either a QuantityType enum value or a string.
imageBitmapFromImageSource Extract a bitmap from a binary jpeg or png.
imageBufferToBase64EncodedPng Converts the contents of an ImageBuffer to PNG format.
imageBufferToCanvas Create a canvas element with the same dimensions and contents as an image buffer.
imageBufferToPngDataUrl Produces a data url in "image/png" format from the contents of an ImageBuffer.
imageElementFromImageSource Extract an html Image element from a binary jpeg or png.
imageElementFromUrl Create an html Image element from a URL.
isCheckboxFormatPropEditorSpec CheckboxFormatPropEditorSpec type guard.
isCustomQuantityTypeDefinition CustomQuantityTypeDefinition type guard.
isTextInputFormatPropEditorSpec TextInputFormatPropEditorSpec type guard.
isTextSelectFormatPropEditorSpec TextSelectFormatPropEditorSpec type guard.
openImageDataUrlInNewWindow Open an image specified as a data URL in a new window or tab. Beta
queryTerrainElevationOffset Queries the actual elevation of a cartographic point on the globe (using Bing elevation services)
readElementGraphics Convert the byte array returned by TileAdmin.requestElementGraphics into a RenderGraphic.
readGltfGraphics Produce a RenderGraphic from a glTF asset suitable for use in view decorations.
synchronizeViewportFrusta A function that returns a SynchronizeViewports function that synchronizes the viewed volumes of each viewport.
synchronizeViewportViews A function that returns a SynchronizeViewports function that synchronizes every aspect of the viewports' states, including
tesselatePolyline Strictly for tests.
tryImageElementFromUrl Try to create an html Image element from a URL.


Name Description
Animator An object to animate a transition of a Viewport.
BatchOptions Options used when constructing a Batch - that is, a RenderGraphic with an associated FeatureTable describing individual Features within the
BeButtonEventProps Properties for constructing a BeButtonEvent
BeTouchEventProps Properties for initializing a BeTouchEvent
BeWheelEventProps Properties for constructing a BeWheelEvent
BlankConnectionProps The properties for creating a Blank IModelConnection
CanvasDecoration A Decoration that is drawn onto the
ChangeViewedModel2dOptions Options for changing the viewed Model of a 2d view via Viewport.changeViewedModel2d
CheckboxFormatPropEditorSpec CheckboxFormatPropEditorSpec defines getter and setter method for a boolean property editor.
ComputeChordToleranceArgs Arguments used to compute the chord tolerance (level of detail) of the RenderGraphics produced by a GraphicBuilder.
ComputeDisplayTransformArgs Arguments supplied to ViewState.computeDisplayTransform. Beta
CreateRenderMaterialArgs Arguments supplied to RenderSystem.createRenderMaterial.
CreateTextureArgs Arguments supplied to RenderSystem.createTexture to create a RenderTexture.
CreateTextureFromSourceArgs Arguments supplied to RenderSystem.createTextureFromSource.
CustomFormatPropEditorSpec Properties that define an EditorSpec for editing a custom formatting property that is stored in the "custom" property in the FormatProps.
CustomGraphicBuilderOptions Options for creating a GraphicBuilder to produce a RenderGraphic that is not associated with any particular Viewport and may not be associated with
CustomQuantityTypeDefinition CustomQuantityTypeDefinition interface is used to define a Custom quantity type that can be registered with the QuantityFormatter.
Decorator Interface for drawing decoration graphics into, or on top of, the active ScreenViewports managed by ViewManager.
DepthPointOptions Options to control behavior of Viewport.pickDepthPoint.
DepthRangeNpc The minimum and maximum values for the z-depth of a rectangle of screen space.
DownloadProgressInfo Download progress information.
EdgeParams Describes the edges of a mesh.
ExtentLimits Describes the largest and smallest values allowed for the extents of a ViewState.
FeatureOverrideProvider An object that customizes the appearance of Features within a Viewport using FeatureSymbology.Overrides.
FormatterParserSpecsProvider Interface that defines the functions required to be implemented to provide custom formatting and parsing of a custom quantity type.
FormattingUnitSystemChangedArgs Arguments sent to FormattingUnitSystemChanged event listeners.
FrontendSecurityOptions Options that can be supplied with IModelAppOptions to customize frontend security.
FuzzySearchResult Interface implemented by objects returned while iterating through FuzzySearchResults
GenericAbortSignal Partial interface of AbortSignal. Beta
GeometryTileTreeReference A TileTreeReference that can supply geometry in the form of Polyfaces from Tiles belonging to its TileTree and satisfying the criteria defined Beta
GetPixelDataWorldPointArgs Arguments to Viewport.getPixelDataWorldPoint.
GlobalAlignmentOptions Options that control how a view is aligned with the globe.
GlobalLocation Describes a location on the earth using cartographic data structures.
GlobalLocationArea Describes a rectangular area of the earth using cartographic data structures.
GltfMeshPrimitive A unit of geometry belonging to a GltfMesh.
GltfNodeBaseProps Properties common to Gltf1Node and Gltf2Node.
GltfTextureInfo Describes a reference to a GltfTexture.
GpuMemoryLimits Defines separate GpuMemoryLimits for mobile and desktop clients.
GraphicArc A GraphicPrimitive representing a 3d open arc or closed ellipse that can be supplied to GraphicBuilder.addPrimitive.
GraphicArc2d A GraphicPrimitive representing a 2d open arc or closed ellipse that can be supplied to GraphicBuilder.addPrimitive.
GraphicBranchOptions Options passed to RenderSystem.createGraphicBranch.
GraphicBuilderOptions Options for creating a GraphicBuilder used by functions like DecorateContext.createGraphic and RenderSystem.createGraphic.
GraphicLineString A GraphicPrimitive representing a line string that can be supplied to GraphicBuilder.addPrimitive.
GraphicLineString2d A GraphicPrimitive representing a 2d line string that can be supplied to GraphicBuilder.addPrimitive.
GraphicLoop A GraphicPrimitive representing a 3d planar region that can be supplied to GraphicBuilder.addPrimitive.
GraphicPath A GraphicPrimitive representing a 3d open path that can be supplied to GraphicBuilder.addPrimitive.
GraphicPointString A GraphicPrimitive representing a point string that can be supplied to GraphicBuilder.addPrimitive.
GraphicPointString2d A GraphicPrimitive representing a 2d point string that can be supplied to GraphicBuilder.addPrimitive.
GraphicPolyface A GraphicPrimitive representing a mesh that can be supplied to GraphicBuilder.addPrimitive.
GraphicPrimitive2d Base interface for a 2d GraphicPrimitive that can be supplied to GraphicBuilder.addPrimitive.
GraphicShape A GraphicPrimitive representing a closed 3d planar region that can be supplied to GraphicBuilder.addPrimitive.
GraphicShape2d A GraphicPrimitive representing a closed 2d region that can be supplied to GraphicBuilder.addPrimitive.
GraphicSolidPrimitive A GraphicPrimitive representing a SolidPrimitive to be supplied to GraphicBuilder.addPrimitive.
IModelAppOptions Options that can be supplied to IModelApp.startup to customize frontend behavior.
IpcAppOptions Options for IpcApp.startup
ITwinIdArg Argument for methods that can supply an iTwinId and iModelId. Beta
LookAtArgs Arguments to ViewState3d.lookAt for either a perspective or orthographic view
LookAtOrthoArgs Arguments to ViewState3d.lookAt to set up an orthographic view
LookAtPerspectiveArgs Arguments to ViewState3d.lookAt to set up a perspective view
LookAtUsingLensAngle Arguments to ViewState3d.lookAt to set up an perspective view using a (field-of-view) lens angle.
MapLayerAccessClient Beta
MapLayerAccessToken Beta
MapLayerAccessTokenParams Beta
MapLayerAuthenticationInfo Beta
MapLayerOptions Options supplied at startup via IModelAppOptions.mapLayerOptions to specify access keys for various map layer formats. Beta
MapLayerScaleRangeVisibility MapLayer visibility based on its scale range definition. Beta
MapLayerTokenEndpoint Beta
MarginOptions Options that control the margin around the edges of a volume for lookAt and Fit view operations
MaterialDiffuseProps Describes the diffuse properties of a RenderMaterial.
MaterialSpecularProps Describes the specular properties of a material.
MaterialTextureMappingProps Describes how to map a RenderTexture's image to the surfaces to which a RenderMaterial is applied.
ModelDisplayTransformProvider Interface adopted by an object that wants to apply per-model display transforms. Beta
NativeAppOpts Options for NativeApp.startup
OffScreenViewportOptions Options supplied when creating an OffScreenViewport.
OnViewExtentsError A method to be called if an error occurs while adjusting a ViewState's extents
OsmBuildingDisplayOptions Options controlling display of OpenStreetMap Buildings.
OverrideFormatEntry Override format entries can define formats for any of the different unit systems.
PaddingPercent Specifies padding to apply around a view volume for methods like ViewState.lookAtVolume and Viewport.zoomToElements, expanding or
ParsedKeyin Successful result from ToolRegistry.parseKeyin.
ParseKeyinError Possible errors form ToolRegistry.parseKeyin.
ParticleCollectionBuilder Interface for producing a collection of particles suitable for use in particle effects.
ParticleCollectionBuilderParams Parameters used to construct a ParticleCollectionBuilder.
ParticleProps Describes a particle to to add to a particle collection via ParticleCollectionBuilder.addParticle.
PickableGraphicOptions Options used as part of GraphicBuilderOptions to describe a pickable RenderGraphic.
PreferenceArg Argument for methods that can supply the user preference content. Beta
PreferenceKeyArg Argument for methods that must supply a key for the user preference. Beta
PullChangesOptions Options for pulling iModel changes.
QuantityFormatOverridesChangedArgs Arguments sent to UnitFormattingSettingsProvider when overrides are changed.
QuantityFormatsChangedArgs Arguments sent to QuantityFormatsChanged event listeners.
QuantityTypeDefinition This interface supplies the definition of a standard quantity type that is registered with the QuantityFormatter.
QueryScreenFeaturesOptions Options specifying how to query for visible Features by reading pixels rendered by a Viewport.
QueryTileFeaturesOptions Options specifying how to query for visible Features by inspecting the Tiles selected for display by a Viewport.
ReadGltfGraphicsArgs Arguments supplied to readGltfGraphics to produce a RenderGraphic from a glTF asset.
ReadImageBufferArgs Arguments supplied to Viewport.readImageBuffer.
ReadMeshArgs Arguments supplied to TerrainMeshProvider.readMesh. Beta
RealityDataSource This interface provide methods used to access a reality data from a reality data provider Beta
RealityMeshParams Geometry for a reality mesh to be submitted to the RenderSystem for conversion to a RenderGraphic. Beta
RealityMeshParamsBuilderOptions Options used to construct a RealityMeshParamsBuilder. Beta
RenderSystemDebugControl An interface optionally exposed by a RenderSystem that allows control of various debugging features. Beta
RequestMeshDataArgs Arguments supplied to TerrainMeshProvider.requestMeshData. Beta
ScreenSpaceEffectBuilder An interface used to construct and register with the IModelApp.renderSystem a custom screen-space effect.
ScreenSpaceEffectBuilderParams Parameters used to create a ScreenSpaceEffectBuilder.
ScreenSpaceEffectContext Context passed to ScreenSpaceEffectBuilder.shouldApply.
ScreenSpaceEffectSource The GLSL implementation of the effect produced by a ScreenSpaceEffectBuilder, to be integrated into a complete shader program.
SelectAddEvent Passed to SelectionSet.onChanged event listeners when elements are added to the selection set.
SelectedViewportChangedArgs Argument for ViewManager.onSelectedViewportChanged
SelectRemoveEvent Passed to SelectionSet.onChanged event listeners when elements are removed from the selection set.
SelectReplaceEvent Passed to SelectionSet.onChanged event listeners when elements are simultaneously added to and removed from the selection set.
TerrainMeshProviderOptions Options supplied to TerrainProvider.createTerrainMeshProvider to construct a TerrainMeshProvider. Beta
TerrainProvider Interface adopted by an object that can supply TerrainMeshProviders enabling the display of 3d terrain in a Viewport. Beta
TextInputFormatPropEditorSpec TextInputFormatPropEditorSpec defines getter and setter method for a text input property editor.
TextSelectFormatPropEditorSpec TextSelectFormatPropEditorSpec defines getter and setter method for a Select/Dropdown property editor.
TextureCacheOwnership Specifies that a RenderTexture should be kept in memory until the corresponding IModelConnection is closed, at
TextureImage Describes the image from which to create a RenderTexture.
TileContent Describes the contents of a Tile.
TiledGraphicsProvider Provides a way for applications to inject additional non-decorative graphics into a Viewport by supplying one or more TileTreeReferences capable of loading and drawing the graphics.
TileDrawArgParams Parameters used to construct TileDrawArgs.
TileGeometryCollectorOptions Options for creating a TileGeometryCollector. Beta
TileParams Parameters used to construct a Tile.
TileTreeDiscloser Interface adopted by an object that contains references to TileTrees, to expose those trees.
TileTreeOwner Owns and manages the lifecycle of a TileTree.
TileTreeParams Parameters used to construct a TileTree.
TileTreeSupplier Interface adopted by an object which can supply a TileTree for rendering.
TileUser Represents some object that makes use of Tiles in some way - e.g., by requesting and/or displaying their contents, querying their geometry, etc.
TokenArg Argument for methods that can supply an access token. Beta
ToolAssistanceInstruction Interface used to describe a Tool Assistance instruction.
ToolAssistanceInstructions Interface used to describe Tool Assistance for a tool's state.
ToolAssistanceKeyboardInfo Tool Assistance image keyboard keys
ToolAssistanceSection Interface used to describe a Tool Assistance section with a label and a set of instructions.
ToolTipOptions Describes the behavior of a tooltip created using NotificationManager.openToolTip.
Uniform Represents a uniform variable in a shader program used by a custom screen-space effect, providing methods for setting the current value of the uniform.
UniformArrayParams Parameters used to define an array of uniform variables for a ScreenSpaceEffectBuilder's shader program.
UniformContext Context supplied to UniformParams.bind.
UniformParams Parameters used to define a uniform variable for a ScreenSpaceEffectBuilder's shader program.
UnitFormattingSettingsProvider The UnitFormattingSettingsProvider interface is used to store and retrieve override FormatProps and Presentation Unit System
UserPreferencesAccess User preferences provide a way to get, store and delete preferences for an application at Beta
ViewAnimationOptions Options that control how an Viewport animation behaves.
ViewChangeOptions Options that control how operations that change a viewport behave.
ViewClipEventHandler An object that can react to a view's clip being changed by tools or modify handles.
ViewCreator2dOptions Options for creating a ViewState2d via ViewCreator2d.
ViewCreator3dOptions Options for creating a ViewState3d via ViewCreator3d.
ViewportDecorator Interface for drawing Decorations into, or on top of, a ScreenViewport.
ViewportGraphicBuilderOptions Options for creating a GraphicBuilder to produce a RenderGraphic to be displayed in a specific Viewport.
VisibleFeature Represents a Feature determined to be visible within a Viewport.
ZoomToOptions Options to allow changing the view rotation with zoomTo methods.


Name Description
EditManipulator Classes and methods to create on screen control handles for interactive modification of element(s) and pickable decorations.
FeatureSymbology Contains types that enable an application to customize how Features are drawn within a Viewport.
Frustum2d Constants and functions for working with two-dimensions Frustums.
PerModelCategoryVisibility Per-model category visibility permits the visibility of categories within a Viewport displaying a SpatialViewState to be overridden in
Pixel Describes aspects of a pixel as read from a Viewport.
RealityDataSource Utility functions for RealityDataSource Beta
RealityMeshParams Beta
RenderSystem A RenderSystem provides access to resources used by the internal WebGL-based rendering system.

Type Aliases

Name Description
CanvasDecorationList An array of CanvasDecorations.
CollectTileStatus Enumerates the statuses returned by TileGeometryCollector.collectTile. Beta
DownloadBriefcaseId Properties for specifying the BriefcaseId for downloading.
DownloadBriefcaseOptions Options to download a briefcase
FlashSettingsOptions Options used to construct or clone a FlashSettings.
Gltf1Id The type used to refer to an entry in a GltfDictionary in a glTF 1.0 asset.
Gltf2Id The type used to refer to an entry in a GltfDictionary in a glTF 2.0 asset.
GltfId The type used to refer to an entry in a GltfDictionary.
GpuMemoryLimit Describes a strategy for imposing limits upon the amount of GPU memory consumed by Tile content.
GraphicList An array of RenderGraphics.
GraphicPrimitive Union type representing a graphic primitive that can be supplied to GraphicBuilder.addPrimitive.
MapLayerFormatType Beta
MarkerImage The types that may be used for Markers
ModelSubCategoryHiliteMode Describes how the sets of hilited models and subcategories in a HiliteSet interact.
OnFlashedIdChangedEventArgs Payload for the Viewport.onFlashedIdChanged event indicating Ids of the currently- and/or previously-flashed objects.
ParseKeyinResult The result type of ToolRegistry.parseKeyin.
QuantityTypeArg Used to uniquely identify the type or quantity.
QuantityTypeKey String used to uniquely identify a QuantityType in the quantity registry.
QueryVisibleFeaturesOptions Options specifying how to query for visible Features.
SelectionSetEvent Payload sent to SelectionSet.onChanged event listeners to describe how the contents of the set have changed.
TextureCacheKey A key that uniquely identifies a RenderTexture in the context of an IModelConnection, used for caching.
TextureImageSource An object from which a RenderTexture can be created.
TextureOwnership Describes the ownership of a RenderTexture, which controls when the texture is disposed of.
UnitNameKey String used to uniquely identify a UnitProp.

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023