ContextRealityModelState Class

A ContextRealityModel attached to a DisplayStyleState supplying a TileTreeReference used to draw the reality model in a Viewport.

see DisplayStyleSettings.contextRealityModels.

see DisplayStyleState.contextRealityModelStates.

see DisplayStyleState.attachRealityModel.



Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
matchesNameAndUrl(name: string, url: string): boolean ContextRealityModel Returns true if name and url match the specified name and url.
toJSON(): ContextRealityModelProps ContextRealityModel Convert this model to its JSON representation.


Name Type Description
iModel Readonly IModelConnection The iModel with which the reality model is associated.  
isGlobal Accessor ReadOnly boolean Whether the reality model spans the entire globe ellipsoid.  
modelId Accessor ReadOnly undefined | string The transient Id assigned to this reality model at run-time.  
rdSourceKey Readonly RealityDataSourceKey The reality data source key with which the reality model is associated.  
treeRef Accessor ReadOnly TileTreeReference The tile tree reference responsible for drawing the reality model into a Viewport.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
_appearanceOverrides Protected undefined | FeatureAppearance ContextRealityModel  
_displaySettings Protected RealityModelDisplaySettings ContextRealityModel  
_planarClipMask Protected undefined | PlanarClipMaskSettings ContextRealityModel  
appearanceOverrides Accessor undefined | FeatureAppearance ContextRealityModel Overrides applied to the appearance of the reality model. Only the rgb, transparency, nonLocatable, and emphasized properties are applicable - the rest are ignored.
classifiers Readonly undefined | SpatialClassifiers ContextRealityModel A set of SpatialClassifiers, of which one at any given time can be used to classify the reality model.
description Readonly string ContextRealityModel A description of the model suitable for display in a user interface.
displaySettings Accessor RealityModelDisplaySettings ContextRealityModel Settings controlling how this reality model is displayed in a Viewport.
name Readonly string ContextRealityModel A name suitable for display in a user interface.
onAppearanceOverridesChanged Readonly BeEvent<(newOverrides: undefined | FeatureAppearance, model: ContextRealityModel) => void> ContextRealityModel Event dispatched just before assignment to appearanceOverrides.
onDisplaySettingsChanged Readonly BeEvent<(newSettings: RealityModelDisplaySettings, model: ContextRealityModel) => void> ContextRealityModel Event dispatched just before assignment to displaySettings.
onPlanarClipMaskChanged Readonly BeEvent<(newSettings: undefined | PlanarClipMaskSettings, model: ContextRealityModel) => void> ContextRealityModel Event dispatched just before assignment to planarClipMaskSettings.
planarClipMaskSettings Accessor undefined | PlanarClipMaskSettings ContextRealityModel Optionally describes how the geometry of the reality model can be masked by other models.
realityDataId Readonly undefined | string ContextRealityModel An optional identifier that, if present, can be used to elide a request to the reality data service.
url Readonly string ContextRealityModel The URL that supplies the 3d tiles for displaying the reality model.

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023