DynamicsContext Class

Provides context for an InteractiveTool to display decorations representing its current state.

see InteractiveTool.onDynamicFrame



Name Description
constructor(vp: Viewport, frustum?: Frustum): DynamicsContext    
addGraphic(graphic: RenderGraphic): void Add a graphic to the list of dynamic graphics to be drawn in this context's Viewport.  
createGraphic(options: Omit<ViewportGraphicBuilderOptions, "viewport">): GraphicBuilder Create a builder for producing a RenderGraphic appropriate for rendering within this context's Viewport.  

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
createBranch(branch: GraphicBranch, location: Transform): RenderGraphic RenderContext Create a RenderGraphic which groups a set of graphics into a node in a scene graph, applying to each a transform and optional clip volume and symbology overrides.
createGraphicBranch(branch: GraphicBranch, location: Transform, opts?: GraphicBranchOptions): RenderGraphic RenderContext Create a graphic from a GraphicBranch.
createSceneGraphicBuilder(transform?: Transform): GraphicBuilder RenderContext Create a builder for creating a GraphicType.Scene RenderGraphic for rendering within this context's Viewport.
getPixelSizeAtPoint(inPoint?: Point3d): number RenderContext Given a point in world coordinates, determine approximately how many pixels it occupies on screen based on this context's frustum.

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
frustum Readonly Frustum RenderContext Frustum extracted from the context's Viewport.
frustumPlanes Readonly FrustumPlanes RenderContext Frustum planes extracted from the context's Viewport.
renderSystem Accessor ReadOnly RenderSystem RenderContext The RenderSystem being used to produce graphics for this context.
viewFlags Readonly ViewFlags RenderContext ViewFlags extracted from the context's Viewport.
viewport Accessor ReadOnly Viewport RenderContext The Viewport associated with this context.

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023