

Name Description
Content A data structure that contains the Descriptor and a list of Item
Descriptor Data structure that describes content: fields, sorting, filtering, format, etc.
Field Describes a single content field.
Item A data structure that represents a single content record.
KeySet A class that holds multiple KeySet.Key objects.
NestedContentField Describes a content field that contains Nested content.
PresentationError An error type thrown by Presentation APIs.
PresentationRpcInterface Interface used for communication between Presentation backend and frontend.
PropertiesField Describes a content field that's based on one or more similar
RegisteredRuleset A ruleset that is registered in a ruleset manager.
RulesetsFactory A factory class that can be used to create presentation rulesets targeted towards


Name Description
ChildNodeSpecificationTypes Used for serializing array of ChildNodeSpecification
ContentFlags Flags that control content format.
ContentSpecificationTypes Used for serializing array of ContentSpecification
DefaultContentDisplayTypes Displayed content types.
GroupingSpecificationTypes Available types of GroupingSpecification
InstanceLabelOverrideValueSpecificationType Types of possible InstanceLabelOverride label value.
LoggingNamespaces Enum of logging namespaces used by Presentation library.
PresentationStatus Status codes used by Presentation APIs.
PropertyEditorParameterTypes Used for serializing array of PropertyEditorParameters to JSON
PropertyGroupingValue Used in PropertyGroup to specify the type of value to use
PropertyValueFormat Format of the property value.
QuerySpecificationTypes Used for serializing array of QuerySpecification to JSON.
RelatedPropertiesSpecialValues Special values that can be used in RelatedPropertiesSpecification.propertyNames
RelationshipDirection Defines direction of a relationship that should be followed
RelationshipMeaning Meaning of the relationship
RequestPriority Enumeration of standard request priorities. Beta
RuleTypes Used for serializing Rule objects to JSON.
SameLabelInstanceGroupApplicationStage Specifies hierarchy creation stages used to apply SameLabelInstanceGroup grouping. Beta
SortDirection Data sorting direction
StandardNodeTypes Standard node types
VariableValueType Available value types of user-controllable variables
VariableValueTypes Possible variable value types Beta

Global Functions

Name Description
getInstancesCount Get total number of instances included in the supplied key set.


Name Description
AllInstanceNodesSpecification Creates nodes for all available instances filtered only by the
AllRelatedInstanceNodesSpecification Creates nodes for all related instances for parent ECInstance node. Deprecated
ArrayTypeDescription Type description for array properties.
BaseNodeKey Data structure that describes a basic node key
BaseTypeDescription Data structure for base content field type description.
CalculatedPropertiesSpecification Sub-specification to include additional calculated properties into the content.
CategoryDescription A data structure that describes a Field category.
CheckBoxRule Rule that allows configuring check boxes for certain nodes.
ChildNodeRule Child node rules define nodes that are displayed at
ChildNodeSpecificationBase Base interface for all ChildNodeSpecification implementations.
ClassGroup Allows grouping ECInstance nodes by their base class.
ConditionContainer Container of a ConditionContainer.condition property.
ContentInstancesOfSpecificClassesSpecification Creates content for ECInstance(s) of specified classes.
ContentModifier Rule that allows supplementing content with additional
ContentModifiersList Contains various rule attributes that allow modifying returned content.
ContentRelatedInstancesSpecificationNew Beta
ContentRequestOptions Request type for content requests
ContentRule Defines content that's displayed in content controls (table view,
ContentSpecificationBase Base interface for all ContentSpecification implementations.
CustomNodeSpecification Creates a custom-defined node.
CustomQueryInstanceNodesSpecification Creates nodes for instances which are returned by an ECSQL query.
DefaultGroupingPropertiesContainer A container of default grouping properties.
DEPRECATED_ContentRelatedInstancesSpecification Deprecated
DEPRECATED_RelatedInstanceNodesSpecification Deprecated
DEPRECATED_RelatedInstanceSpecification Deprecated RelatedInstanceSpecification specification. Deprecated
DEPRECATED_RelatedPropertiesSpecification Sub-specification to include additional related instance properties. Deprecated
DescriptorOverrides Descriptor overrides that can be used to customize
DescriptorSource Descriptor properties
DisabledSortingRule Rule to disable sorting for certain ECInstances in the hierarchy and/or content.
DisplayValuesArray An array of display values
DisplayValuesMap A map of display values
ECClassGroupingNodeKey Data structure that describes an ECClass grouping node key
ECInstanceNodeKey Data structure that describes an ECInstance node key Deprecated
ECInstanceNodeKeyJSON Serialized ECInstanceNodeKey JSON representation. Deprecated
ECInstancesNodeKey Data structure that describes a node ECInstance node key
ECInstancesNodeKeyJSON Serialized ECInstanceNodeKey JSON representation.
ECPropertyGroupingNodeKey Data structure that describes an ECProperty grouping node key
ECPropertyValueQuerySpecification Specification which specifies the name of the parent instance property whose
EditorDescription A data structure which describes property editor used
EnumerationChoice A single choice in enumeration
EnumerationInfo Enumeration information
ExtendedDataRule Rule used to inject some extended data into presentation data
GroupingNodeKey Data structure that describes a grouping node key
GroupingRule Grouping rule is an advanced way to configure node grouping.
GroupingSpecificationBase Base interface for all GroupingSpecification implementations.
HierarchyRequestOptions Request type for hierarchy requests
ImageIdOverride Rule that allows overriding default icon and dynamically define an icon
InstanceKeyJSON A serialized version of InstanceKeyJSON.InstanceKey
InstanceLabelOverride Rule to override labels for instances of specific ECClasses.
InstanceLabelOverrideBriefcaseIdSpecification Specification that returns ECInstance's briefcase ID in base36 format.
InstanceLabelOverrideClassLabelSpecification Specification that uses ECClass display label as the label content.
InstanceLabelOverrideClassNameSpecification Specification that uses ECClass name as the label content.
InstanceLabelOverrideCompositeValueSpecification Specification that allows creating a label value composited using
InstanceLabelOverrideLocalIdSpecification Specification that returns ECInstance's local ID in base36 format.
InstanceLabelOverridePropertyValueSpecification Specification that uses property value as the label content.
InstanceLabelOverrideStringValueSpecification Specification that uses the specified value as the label content.
InstanceLabelOverrideValueSpecificationBase Base interface for all InstanceLabelOverrideValueSpecification implementations.
InstanceNodesOfSpecificClassesSpecification Creates nodes for all instances of specified ECClasses.
KeySetJSON A data structure of serialized KeySet
KindOfQuantityInfo Kind of quantity information
LabelGroupingNodeKey Data structure that describes a display label grouping node key
LabelOverride Rule to override labels and descriptions of nodes which pass rule's
LabelRequestOptions Request type for label requests
MultiSchemaClassesSpecification Specification for multiple ECClasses that belong to
NavigationRuleBase Base class for all NavigationRule implementations.
NodeArtifactsRule Rule used to create and assign artifacts to specific nodes.
NodePathFilteringData Data related to node hierarchy filtering
PageOptions Paging options
PersistentKeysContainer Persistent data structure that holds identity information
PresentationRpcRequestOptions Base options for all presentation RPC requests.
PrimitiveTypeDescription Type description for primitive properties.
PropertiesDisplaySpecification Sub-specification to hide / display specified ECInstance properties. Deprecated
PropertyAccessor Data structure that describes one step of property
PropertyCategorySpecification Specification to define a custom property category. Beta
PropertyEditorJsonParameters Arbitrary JSON parameters for custom property editors
PropertyEditorMultilineParameters Multiline parameters for property editors that support multiline display
PropertyEditorParametersBase Base interface for PropertyEditorParameters.
PropertyEditorRangeParameters Range parameters for property editors that support ranges
PropertyEditorSliderParameters Slider parameters for property editors that support slider display
PropertyEditorSpecification Specification for custom property editor
PropertyEditorsSpecification Sub-specification to specify custom property editor Deprecated
PropertyGroup Allows grouping by property of the instance
PropertyOverrides A container structure for possible property overrides Beta
PropertyRangeGroupSpecification Describes a grouping range
PropertySortingRule Rule to configure sorting for certain ECInstances in the hierarchy and/or content.
PropertySpecification Specification of an ECProperty and its overrides Beta
QuerySpecificationBase Base interface for all QuerySpecification implementations.
RelatedInstanceNodesSpecificationNew Beta
RelatedInstanceSpecificationNew Updated RelatedInstanceSpecification specification. Beta
RelatedPropertiesSpecificationNew Sub-specification to include additional related instance properties. Beta
RelationshipStepSpecification Specification of a single relationship path step. Beta
RepeatableRelationshipStepSpecification Specification of a single relationship path step. Beta
RequestOptions A generic request options type used for both hierarchy and content requests
RequestOptionsWithRuleset Options for requests that require presentation ruleset.
RootNodeRule Root node rules define the nodes that are displayed
RuleBase Base interface for all Rule implementations.
Ruleset Presentation ruleset is a list of rules that define tree hierarchy and content provided by
RulesetVariable Data structure for representing ruleset variable. Beta
SameLabelInstanceGroup Allows grouping multiple instances with the same label into one ECInstance node.
SchemasSpecification Specification for a list of ECSchemas
SelectClassInfo Data structure that describes an ECClass in content Descriptor.
SelectedNodeInstancesSpecification Creates content for current selection.
SelectionInfo Data structure that contains selection information.
SelectionScope Data structure that describes a selection scope
SelectionScopeRequestOptions Request options used for selection scope related requests
SingleSchemaClassSpecification Specification for a single ECClass
SortingRuleBase Base class for all SortingRule implementations.
StringQuerySpecification Specification which contains an ECSQL query used to query for instances.
StructFieldMemberDescription A data structure that describes a struct member.
StructTypeDescription Type description for struct properties.
StyleOverride Rule to override default node style and dynamically define a foreground/background
SubCondition Defines child node specifications which should only be handled when a condition
SupplementationInfo Contains supplementation-related information for
ValuesArray An array of raw values
ValuesDictionary A dictionary data structure.
ValuesMap A map of raw values
Variable Definition for single user-controllable variable
VariablesGroup Presentation rules support variables that allow having additional customization of the hierarchy


Name Description

Type Aliases

Name Description
ChildNodeSpecification Navigation rule specifications that define what content the rule results in.
ClassId Type of an ECClass ID.
ComputeDisplayValueCallback Definition of a function for calculating a display value.
ContentRelatedInstancesSpecification Creates content for ECInstance(s) related to current selection.
ContentRpcRequestOptions Data structure for content request options.
ContentSpecification Content rule specifications which define what content is returned
CustomizationRule Customization rules allow customizing each node or content item separately.
GroupingSpecification Grouping rule specifications
HierarchyRpcRequestOptions Data structure for hierarchy request options.
InstanceId Type of an ECInstance ID.
InstanceLabelOverrideValueSpecification Specification to define how the label for InstanceLabelOverride should be created.
Keys A type for multiple keys that identify something in iModel.js application
LabelRawValue Type definition of label raw value.
LabelRpcRequestOptions Data structure for label request options.
NavigationRule Navigation rules define the hierarchy that's created for navigation controls.
NodeKeyJSON One of the serialized node key types
NodeKeyPath Node key path.
Omit Create a type with T properties excluding properties listed in K.
Paged A wrapper type that injects PageOptions into supplied type
PresentationRpcResponse Data structure for presentation RPC responses
PropertyAccessorPath Describes path to a property.
PropertyEditorParameters Parameters for PropertyEditorsSpecification
QuerySpecification Query specifications used in CustomQueryInstanceNodesSpecification.
RelatedInstanceNodesSpecification Creates nodes for related instances of specified ECClasses.
RelatedInstanceSpecification This sub-specification allows joining the primary node instance with any number of related instances and creating
RelatedPropertiesSpecification Sub-specification to include additional related instance properties
RelationshipPathSpecification Specification of a relationship path. Beta
RepeatableRelationshipPathSpecification Specification of a repeatable relationship path. Beta
Rule Presentation rules allow configuring the hierarchy and content.
RulesetVariableRpcRequestOptions Data structure for ruleset variable request options.
SelectionScopeRpcRequestOptions Data structure for selection scope request options.
SortingRule Sorting rule implementations
Subtract Create a type with T properties excluding all properties in type K.
TypeDescription One of content field type descriptions.
VariableValue Union of all supported variable value types Beta

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024