Quantity Formatting And Parsing

The @itwin/core-quantity package contains classes for quantity formatting and parsing. For detailed API documentation, see our iTwin.js reference documentation.

If you're developing a frontend application that takes advantage of the core quantity APIs, also check out the iTwin.js frontend quantity formatting learning section.

Terms and Concepts

Common Terms

  • Unit - A named unit of measure which can be located by its name or label. The definition of any unit is represented through its UnitProps.
  • UnitsProvider - An interface that locates the UnitProps for a unit given name or label. This interface also provides methods for UnitConversion to allow converting from one unit to another.
  • Unit Family/Phenomenon - A physical quantity that can be measured (e.g., length, temperature, pressure). Only units in the same phenomenon can be converted between.
  • Persistence Unit - The unit used to store the quantity value in memory or to persist the value in an editable iModel. iModels define the persistence unit through KindOfQuantity objects.
  • KindOfQuantity - An object that defines a persistence unit and presentation formats.
  • Format - The display format for the quantity value. For example, an angle may be persisted in radians but formatted and shown to user in degrees.
  • CompositeValue - An addition to the format specification that allows the explicit specification of a unit label, it also allows the persisted value to be displayed as up to 4 sub-units. Typical multi-unit composites are used to display feet'-inches" and degree°minutes'seconds".
  • FormatterSpec - Holds the format specification as well as the UnitConversion between the persistence unit and all units defined in the format. This is done to avoid any async calls by the UnitsProvider during the formatting process.
  • ParserSpec - Holds the format specification as well as the UnitConversion between the persistence unit and all other units in the same phenomenon. This is done to avoid async calls by the UnitsProvider and to allow users to input quantities in different unit systems than specified. For instance, if a metric unit system is set, a user could enter 43in and have the result properly converted to meters.
  • Formatter - A class that holds methods to format a quantity value into a text string. Given a FormatterSpec object — which includes one or more unit definitions, each with their own conversion information and a specified format — and a single magnitude number, the Formatter can convert this number into a text string, adhering to the properties specified in the formatTraits.
  • Parser - A class that holds methods to parse a text string into a single number. Given a ParserSpec object containing a Format's Units and their Unit Conversions, as well as an input string, the Parser can either return an object QuantityParseResult that contains the magnitude of type number, or an object ParseQuantityError.


For a detailed description of all the setting supported by FormatProp see the EC documentation on Format.


Units Provider

To appropriately parse and output formatted values, a units provider is used to define all available units and provides conversion factors between units. There are several implementations of the UnitsProvider across iTwin.js:

The BasicUnitsProvider holds many common units and their conversions between each other.

The SchemaUnitProvider is used to load unit definitions of schemas from an iModel. This holds more extensive units through the Units schema, while also allowing users to define their own units.

The AlternateUnitLabelsProvider interface allows users to specify a set of alternate labels which may be encountered during parsing of strings. By default only the input unit label and the labels of other units in the same Unit Family/Phenomenon, as well as the label of units in a Composite format are used.

Unit Conversion

Unit conversion is performed through a UnitConversionSpec. These objects are generated by a UnitsProvider, with the implementation determined by each specific provider. During initialization, a ParserSpec or FormatterSpec can ask for UnitConversionSpec objects provided via the UnitsProvider. During parsing and formatting, the specification will retrieve the UnitConversionSpec between the source and destination units to apply the unit conversion.

Examples of Usage

Numeric Format

The example below uses a simple numeric format and generates a formatted string with 4 decimal place precision. For numeric formats there is no conversion to other units; the unit passed in is the unit returned with the unit label appended if "showUnitLabel" trait is set.

Example Code
    import { BasicUnitsProvider } from "@itwin/core-frontend";
    import { BasicUnit, Format, FormatterSpec } from "@itwin/core-quantity";

    const unitsProvider = new BasicUnitsProvider();
    const formatData = {
      formatTraits: ["keepSingleZero", "applyRounding", "showUnitLabel", "trailZeroes", "use1000Separator"],
      precision: 4,
      type: "Decimal",
      uomSeparator: " ",
      thousandSeparator: ",",
      decimalSeparator: ".",

    // generate a Format from FormatProps to display 4 decimal place value
    const format = new Format("4d");
    // load the format props into the format, since unit provider is used to validate units the call must be asynchronous.
    await format.fromJSON(unitsProvider, formatData);

    // define input/output unit
    const unitName = "Units.FT";
    const unitLabel = "ft";
    const unitFamily = "Units.LENGTH";
    const inUnit = new BasicUnit(unitName, unitLabel, unitFamily);

    const magnitude = -12.5416666666667;

    // create the formatter spec - the name is not used by the formatter it is only
    // provided so user can cache formatter spec and then retrieve spec via its name.
    const spec = await FormatterSpec.create("test", format, unitsProvider, inUnit);

    // apply the formatting held in FormatterSpec
    const formattedValue = spec.applyFormatting(magnitude);

    // result in formattedValue of "-12.5417 ft"

Composite Format

For the composite format below, we provide a unit in meters and produce a formatted string showing feet and inches to a precision of 1/8th inch.

Example Code
    import { BasicUnit, Format, FormatterSpec } from "@itwin/core-quantity";

    const formatData = {
      composite: {
        includeZero: true,
        spacer: "-",
        units: [
            label: "'",
            name: "Units.FT",
            label: "\"",
            name: "Units.IN",
      formatTraits: ["keepSingleZero", "showUnitLabel"],
      precision: 8,
      type: "Fractional",
      uomSeparator: "",

    // generate a Format from FormatProps to display feet and inches
    const format = new Format("fi8");
    // load the format props into the format, since unit provider is used to validate units the call must be asynchronous.
    await format.fromJSON(unitsProvider, formatData);

    // define input unit
    const unitName = "Units.M";
    const unitLabel = "m";
    const unitFamily = "Units.LENGTH";
    const inUnit = new BasicUnit(unitName, unitLabel, unitFamily);

    const magnitude = 1.0;

    // create the formatter spec - the name is not used by the formatter it is only
    // provided so user can cache formatter spec and then retrieve spec via its name.
    const spec = await FormatterSpec.create("test", format, unitsProvider, inUnit);

    // apply the formatting held in FormatterSpec
    const formattedValue = spec.applyFormatting(magnitude);

    // result in formattedValue of 3'-3 3/8"

Parsing Values

Example Code:
  import { Format, ParserSpec } from "@itwin/core-quantity";

  // define output unit and also used to determine the unit family used during parsing
  const outUnit = await unitsProvider.findUnitByName("Units.M");

  const formatData = {
    composite: {
      includeZero: true,
      spacer: "-",
      units: [{ label: "'", name: "Units.FT" }, { label: "\"", name: "Units.IN" }],
    formatTraits: ["keepSingleZero", "showUnitLabel"],
    precision: 8,
    type: "Fractional",
    uomSeparator: "",

  // generate a Format from FormatProps used to determine possible labels
  const format = new Format("test");
  await format.fromJSON(unitsProvider, formatData);

  const inString = "2FT 6IN";

  // create the parserSpec spec which will hold all unit conversions from possible units to the output unit
  const parserSpec = await ParserSpec.create(format, unitsProvider, outUnit, unitsProvider);
  const parseResult = parserSpec.parseToQuantityValue(inString);
  //  parseResult.value 0.762  (value in meters)

Mathematical Operation Parsing

The quantity formatter supports parsing mathematical operations. The operation is solved, formatting each value present, according to the specified format. This makes it possible to process several different units at once.

Example Code
  import { BasicUnitsProvider } from "@itwin/core-frontend";
  import { Format, Parser } from "@itwin/core-quantity";

  const unitsProvider = new BasicUnitsProvider(); // If @itwin/core-frontend is available, can use IModelApp.quantityFormatter.unitsProvider
  const formatData = {
    formatTraits: ["keepSingleZero", "showUnitLabel"],
    precision: 8,
    type: "Fractional",
    uomSeparator: "",
    allowMathematicOperations: true,

  const format = new Format("exampleFormat");
  await format.fromJSON(unitsProvider, formatData);
  // Operation containing many units (feet, inches, yards).
  const mathematicalOperation = "5 ft + 12 in + 1 yd -1 ft 6 in";

  // Asynchronous implementation
  const quantityProps = await Parser.parseIntoQuantity(mathematicalOperation, format, unitsProvider);
  // quantityProps.magnitude 7.5 (value in feet)

  // Synchronous implementation
  const parseResult = Parser.parseToQuantityValue(mathematicalOperation, format, feetConversionSpecs);
  // parseResult.value 7.5 (value in feet)

Last Updated: 18 February, 2025