API Reference > imodeljs-common > DisplayStyles > HiddenLine > HiddenLine.Settings HiddenLine.Settings Class Describes how visible and hidden edges and transparent surfaces should be rendered in "hidden line" and "solid fill" RenderModes. Methods Name Description equals(other: HiddenLine.Settings): boolean override(props: HiddenLine.SettingsProps): HiddenLine.Settings Create a Settings equivalent to this one with the exception of those properties defined in the supplied JSON. toJSON(): HiddenLine.SettingsProps fromJSON(json?: HiddenLine.SettingsProps): HiddenLine.Settings Static Create a DisplaySettings from its JSON representation. Properties Name Type Description defaults Static HiddenLine.Settings The default display settings. hidden Readonly HiddenLine.Style Describes how hidden edges (those obscured by other geometry) should be displayed. matchesDefaults Accessor ReadOnly boolean transparencyThreshold Readonly number A value in the range [0.0, 1.0] specifying a threshold below which transparent surfaces should not be drawn. transThreshold Accessor ReadOnly number visible Readonly HiddenLine.Style Describes how visible edges (those unobscured by other geometry) should be displayed. Defined in core/common/src/HiddenLine.ts Line 174 Last Updated: 12 June, 2024