ImageMapLayerSettings Class

Normalized representation of a ImageMapLayerProps for which values have been validated and default values have been applied where explicit values not defined. Image map layers are created from servers that produce images that represent map tiles. Map layers map also be represented by models. One or more map layers may be included within MapImagerySettings object.

see MapImagerySettings

see ModelMapLayerSettings for model based map layer settings.


Extended by


Name Description
clone(changedProps: Partial<ImageMapLayerProps>): ImageMapLayerSettings Create a copy of this MapLayerSettings, optionally modifying some of its properties.  
getSubLayerChildren(subLayer: MapSubLayerSettings): undefined | MapSubLayerSettings[] Return the children for a sublayer  
isSubLayerVisible(subLayer: MapSubLayerSettings): boolean Return true if sublayer is visible -- testing ancestors for visibility if they exist.  
setCredentials(userName?: string, password?: string): void    
subLayerById(id?: SubLayerId): undefined | MapSubLayerSettings Return a sublayer matching id -- or undefined if not found  
toJSON(): ImageMapLayerProps return JSON representation of this MapLayerSettings object  
fromJSON(props: ImageMapLayerProps): ImageMapLayerSettings Static Create a map layer settings from its JSON representation.  


Name Type Description
accessKey undefined | MapLayerKey    
allSubLayersInvisible Accessor ReadOnly boolean Return true if all sublayers are invisible.  
formatId Readonly string    
password undefined | string    
source Accessor ReadOnly string    
subLayers Readonly MapSubLayerSettings[]    
url Readonly string    
userName undefined | string    

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
name Readonly string MapLayerSettings  
transparency Readonly number MapLayerSettings  
transparentBackground Readonly boolean MapLayerSettings  
visible Readonly boolean MapLayerSettings  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023