BaseMapLayerSettings Class

A ImageMapLayerSettings that can serve as the base layer for a MapImagerySettings. The base layer supports all of the same options as any other layer, but also allows for simplified configuration based on a small set of known supported BackgroundMapProviders like Bing Maps. If the base layer was configured from such a provider, that information will be preserved and can be queried; this allows the imagery provider and/or type to be easily modified.

see MapImagerySettings.backgroundBase.



Name Description
clone(changedProps: Partial<BaseMapLayerProps>): BaseMapLayerSettings Create a copy of this layer.  
toJSON(): BaseMapLayerProps Convert this layer to its JSON representation.  
fromJSON(props: BaseMapLayerProps): BaseMapLayerSettings Static Create a base layer from its JSON representation.  
fromProvider(provider: BackgroundMapProvider, options?: { invisible?: boolean, transparency?: number }): BaseMapLayerSettings Static Create a base layer from a BackgroundMapProvider.  

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
getSubLayerChildren(subLayer: MapSubLayerSettings): undefined | MapSubLayerSettings[] ImageMapLayerSettings Return the children for a sublayer
isSubLayerVisible(subLayer: MapSubLayerSettings): boolean ImageMapLayerSettings Return true if sublayer is visible -- testing ancestors for visibility if they exist.
setCredentials(userName?: string, password?: string): void ImageMapLayerSettings  
subLayerById(id?: SubLayerId): undefined | MapSubLayerSettings ImageMapLayerSettings Return a sublayer matching id -- or undefined if not found


Name Type Description
provider Accessor ReadOnly undefined | BackgroundMapProvider The provider from which this base layer was configured, if any.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
accessKey undefined | MapLayerKey ImageMapLayerSettings  
allSubLayersInvisible Accessor ReadOnly boolean ImageMapLayerSettings Return true if all sublayers are invisible.
formatId Readonly string ImageMapLayerSettings  
name Readonly string ImageMapLayerSettings  
password undefined | string ImageMapLayerSettings  
source Accessor ReadOnly string ImageMapLayerSettings  
subLayers Readonly MapSubLayerSettings[] ImageMapLayerSettings  
transparency Readonly number ImageMapLayerSettings  
transparentBackground Readonly boolean ImageMapLayerSettings  
url Readonly string ImageMapLayerSettings  
userName undefined | string ImageMapLayerSettings  
visible Readonly boolean ImageMapLayerSettings  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023