API Reference > presentation-common > PresentationRules > Ruleset Ruleset Interface Presentation ruleset is a list of rules that define tree hierarchy and content provided by the presentation manager. The ruleset consists of: Ruleset options Navigation rules: Root node rules Child node rules Content rules for content you see in content controls Customization rules used for additional customizations such as styling, labeling, checkboxes, etc. User-controllable variables. Implemented by RegisteredRuleset Properties Name Type Description id string Ruleset identifier. requiredSchemas undefined | RequiredSchemaSpecification[] Schema requirements for this ruleset. Beta rules Rule[] Presentation rules used to create hierarchies and content supplementationInfo undefined | SupplementationInfo Supplementation-related information for this ruleset supportedSchemas undefined | SchemasSpecification Names of schemas which the rules should be applied for. Deprecated vars undefined | VariablesGroup[] User-controllable variable definitions version undefined | string Version of the presentation ruleset in SemVer format: {major}.{minor}.{patch}. Beta Defined in presentation/common/src/presentation-common/rules/Ruleset.ts Line 26 Last Updated: 12 June, 2024