API Reference > imodeljs-frontend > Tools > SetupWalkCameraTool SetupWalkCameraTool Class A tool that sets a walk tool starting position by a floor point and look direction. This is a PrimitiveTool and not a ViewTool to allow the view to be panned, zoomed, and rotated while defining the points. Extends PrimitiveTool Methods Name Description constructor(..._args: any[]): SetupWalkCameraTool decorate(context: DecorateContext): void Called to allow an active tool to display non-element decorations in overlay mode. decorateSuspended(context: DecorateContext): void Called to allow a suspended tool to display non-element decorations in overlay mode. getAdjustedEyePoint(): Point3d Protected getAdjustedTargetPoint(): Point3d Protected isCompatibleViewport(vp: undefined | Viewport, isSelectedViewChange: boolean): boolean Determine whether the supplied Viewport is compatible with this tool. isValidLocation(_ev: BeButtonEvent, _isButtonEvent: boolean): boolean Checks that the adjusted point from the supplied button event is within the project extents for spatial views. onDataButtonDown(ev: BeButtonEvent): Promise<EventHandled> Invoked when the data button is pressed. onMouseMotion(ev: BeButtonEvent): Promise<void> Invoked when the cursor is moving onPostInstall(): void Override to execute additional logic after tool becomes active onResetButtonUp(_ev: BeButtonEvent): Promise<EventHandled> Invoked when the reset button is released. onRestartTool(): void Called when an external event may invalidate the current tool's state. onUnsuspend(): void Notification of a ViewTool or InputCollector exiting and this tool is being unsuspended. provideToolAssistance(): void Protected Beta requireWriteableTarget(): boolean Called from isCompatibleViewport to check for a read only iModel, which is not a valid target for tools that create or modify elements. setupAndPromptForNextAction(): void Protected drawFigure(context: DecorateContext, vp: Viewport, groundPt: Point3d, eyeHeight: number): void Static Inherited methods Name Inherited from Description applyToolSettingPropertyChange(_updatedValue: DialogPropertySyncItem): boolean PrimitiveTool Used to receive property changes from UI. autoLockTarget(): void PrimitiveTool Called on data button down event to lock the tool to its current target model. beginDynamics(): void PrimitiveTool Call to initialize dynamics mode. bumpToolSetting(_settingIndex?: number): Promise<boolean> PrimitiveTool Used to "bump" the value of a tool setting. changeLocateState(enableLocate: boolean, enableSnap?: boolean, cursor?: string, coordLockOvr?: CoordinateLockOverrides): void PrimitiveTool Helper method to keep the view cursor, display of locate circle, and coordinate lock overrides consistent with AccuSnap.isLocateEnabled and AccuSnap.isSnapEnabled. endDynamics(): void PrimitiveTool Call to terminate dynamics mode. exitTool(): void PrimitiveTool filterHit(_hit: HitDetail, _out?: LocateResponse): Promise<LocateFilterStatus> PrimitiveTool Invoked to allow tools to filter which elements can be located. getCurrentButtonEvent(ev: BeButtonEvent): void PrimitiveTool Fill the supplied button event from the current cursor location. getDecorationGeometry(_hit: HitDetail): undefined | GeometryStreamProps PrimitiveTool Called to allow snapping to pickable decoration geometry. getPrompt(): string PrimitiveTool Returns the prompt based on the tool's current state. getToolTip(_hit: HitDetail): Promise<string | HTMLElement> PrimitiveTool Invoked before the locate tooltip is displayed to retrieve the information about the located element. initLocateElements(enableLocate: boolean = true, enableSnap?: boolean, cursor?: string, coordLockOvr?: CoordinateLockOverrides): void PrimitiveTool Helper method for tools that need to locate existing elements. onCleanup(): void PrimitiveTool Invoked when the tool becomes no longer active, to perform additional cleanup logic onDataButtonUp(_ev: BeButtonEvent): Promise<EventHandled> PrimitiveTool Invoked when the data button is released. onDynamicFrame(_ev: BeButtonEvent, _context: DynamicsContext): void PrimitiveTool Called to allow Tool to display dynamic elements. onInstall(): boolean PrimitiveTool Override to execute additional logic when tool is installed. onKeyTransition(_wentDown: boolean, _keyEvent: KeyboardEvent): Promise<EventHandled> PrimitiveTool Called when any key is pressed or released. onMiddleButtonDown(_ev: BeButtonEvent): Promise<EventHandled> PrimitiveTool Invoked when the middle mouse button is pressed. onMiddleButtonUp(_ev: BeButtonEvent): Promise<EventHandled> PrimitiveTool Invoked when the middle mouse button is released. onModifierKeyTransition(_wentDown: boolean, _modifier: BeModifierKeys, _event: KeyboardEvent): Promise<EventHandled> PrimitiveTool Called when Control, Shift, or Alt modifier keys are pressed or released. onMouseEndDrag(ev: BeButtonEvent): Promise<EventHandled> PrimitiveTool Invoked when the button is released after onMouseStartDrag. onMouseStartDrag(_ev: BeButtonEvent): Promise<EventHandled> PrimitiveTool Invoked when the cursor begins moving while a button is depressed. onMouseWheel(_ev: BeWheelEvent): Promise<EventHandled> PrimitiveTool Invoked when the mouse wheel moves. onRedoPreviousStep(): Promise<boolean> PrimitiveTool Called to reinstate to a previous tool state (ex. onReinitialize(): void PrimitiveTool Called to reset tool to initial state. onResetButtonDown(_ev: BeButtonEvent): Promise<EventHandled> PrimitiveTool Invoked when the reset button is pressed. onSelectedViewportChanged(_previous: undefined | Viewport, current: undefined | Viewport): void PrimitiveTool Called when active view changes. onSuspend(): void PrimitiveTool Notification of a ViewTool or InputCollector starting and this tool is being suspended. onTouchCancel(_ev: BeTouchEvent): Promise<void> PrimitiveTool Called when a touch point is interrupted in some way and needs to be dropped from the list of target touches. onTouchComplete(_ev: BeTouchEvent): Promise<void> PrimitiveTool Called when the last touch point is removed from the surface completing the current gesture. onTouchEnd(_ev: BeTouchEvent): Promise<void> PrimitiveTool Called when user removes a touch point by lifting a finger or stylus from the surface. onTouchMove(_ev: BeTouchEvent): Promise<void> PrimitiveTool Called when a touch point moves along the surface. onTouchMoveStart(_ev: BeTouchEvent, _startEv: BeTouchEvent): Promise<EventHandled> PrimitiveTool Called after at least one touch point has moved for an appreciable time and distance along the surface to not be considered a tap. onTouchStart(_ev: BeTouchEvent): Promise<void> PrimitiveTool Called when user adds a touch point by placing a finger or stylus on the surface. onTouchTap(_ev: BeTouchEvent): Promise<EventHandled> PrimitiveTool Called when touch point(s) are added and removed from a surface within a small time window without any touch point moving. onUndoPreviousStep(): Promise<boolean> PrimitiveTool Called to reverse to a previous tool state (ex. parseAndRun(..._args: string[]): boolean PrimitiveTool Run this instance of a tool using a series of string arguments. reloadToolSettingsProperties(): void PrimitiveTool Called by tool to inform UI to reload ToolSettings with new set of properties. run(..._args: any[]): boolean PrimitiveTool Establish this tool as the active PrimitiveTool. saveChanges(): Promise<void> PrimitiveTool If this tool is editing a briefcase, commits any elements that the tool has changed, supplying the tool name as the undo string. supplyToolSettingsProperties(): undefined | DialogItem[] PrimitiveTool Used to supply list of properties that can be used to generate ToolSettings. syncToolSettingsProperties(syncData: DialogPropertySyncItem[]): void PrimitiveTool Called by tool to synchronize the UI with property changes made by tool. testDecorationHit(_id: string): boolean PrimitiveTool Called to support operations on pickable decorations, like snapping. register(namespace?: I18NNamespace, i18n?: I18N): void Static PrimitiveTool Register this Tool class with the ToolRegistry. Properties Name Type Description _eyePtWorld Protected Point3d _haveEyePt Protected boolean _targetPtWorld Protected Point3d iconSpec Static string The icon for this Tool. toolId Static string The unique string that identifies this tool. viewport undefined | ScreenViewport Inherited properties Name Type Inherited from Description description Accessor ReadOnly string PrimitiveTool Get the localized description string from this Tool's class description Accessor StaticReadOnly string PrimitiveTool Get the localized description for this Tool class. This returns the value of "tools." + this.toolId + ".description" fromits registered Namespace (e.g. "en/MyApp.json"). If that key is not in the localization namespace,PrimitiveTool.flyover is returned. englishKeyin Accessor StaticReadOnly string PrimitiveTool Get the English keyin string for this Tool class. This returns the value of "tools." + this.toolId + ".keyin" fromits registered Namespace (e.g. "en/MyApp.json"). flyover Accessor ReadOnly string PrimitiveTool Get the localized flyover string from this Tool's class flyover Accessor StaticReadOnly string PrimitiveTool Get the localized flyover for this Tool class. This returns the value of "tools." + this.toolId + ".flyover" fromits registered Namespace (e.g. "en/MyApp.json"). If that key is not in the localization namespace,PrimitiveTool.keyin is returned. hidden Static boolean PrimitiveTool If true, this Tool will not appear in the list from ToolRegistry.getToolList. i18n Static I18N PrimitiveTool The internationalization services instance used to translate strings from the namespace. iconSpec Accessor ReadOnly string PrimitiveTool Get the iconSpec from this Tool's class. iModel Accessor ReadOnly IModelConnection PrimitiveTool Get the iModel on which this tool operates. isControlDown Accessor ReadOnly boolean PrimitiveTool Convenience method to check whether control key is currently down without needing a button event. isDynamicsStarted Accessor ReadOnly boolean PrimitiveTool Call to find out if dynamics are currently active. keyin Accessor ReadOnly string PrimitiveTool Get the localized keyin string from this Tool's class keyin Accessor StaticReadOnly string PrimitiveTool Get the localized keyin string for this Tool class. This returns the value of "tools." + this.toolId + ".keyin" fromits registered Namespace (e.g. "en/MyApp.json"). maxArgs Accessor StaticReadOnly undefined | number PrimitiveTool The maximum number of arguments allowed by PrimitiveTool.parseAndRun, or undefined if there is no maximum.If subclasses override PrimitiveTool.parseAndRun, they should also override this method to indicate the maximumnumber of arguments their implementation expects. minArgs Accessor StaticReadOnly number PrimitiveTool The minimum number of arguments allowed by PrimitiveTool.parseAndRun. If subclasses override PrimitiveTool.parseAndRun, they should alsooverride this method to indicate the minimum number of arguments their implementation expects. UI controls can usethis information to ensure the tool has enough information to execute. namespace Static I18NNamespace PrimitiveTool The I18NNamespace that provides localized strings for this Tool. receivedDownEvent boolean PrimitiveTool Used to avoid sending tools up events for which they did not receive the down event. targetIsLocked boolean PrimitiveTool targetModelId Accessor undefined | string PrimitiveTool targetView undefined | Viewport PrimitiveTool The viewport within which the tool operates. toolId Accessor ReadOnly string PrimitiveTool Get the toolId string for this Tool class. This string is used to identify the Tool in the ToolRegistry and is used to localizethe keyin, description, etc. from the current locale. Defined in core/frontend/src/tools/ViewTool.ts Line 4284 Last Updated: 12 June, 2024