API Reference > imodeljs-common > iModels > IModel IModel Class Represents an iModel in JavaScript. see GeoLocation of iModels Implements IModelProps Methods Name Description cartographicToSpatialFromEcef(cartographic: Cartographic, result?: Point3d): Point3d Convert a Cartographic to a point in this iModel's Spatial coordinates using its IModel.ecefLocation. ecefToSpatial(ecef: Readonly<WritableXYAndZ>, result?: Point3d): Point3d Convert a point in ECEF coordinates to a point in this iModel's Spatial coordinates using its IModel.ecefLocation. getEcefTransform(): Transform Get the Transform from this iModel's Spatial coordinates to ECEF coordinates using its IModel.ecefLocation. getRpcProps(): IModelRpcProps Return a token for RPC operations. setEcefLocation(ecef: EcefLocationProps): void Set the EcefLocation for this iModel. setGeographicCoordinateSystem(geoCRS: GeographicCRSProps): void Sets the geographic coordinate reference system from GeographicCRSProps. spatialToCartographicFromEcef(spatial: Readonly<WritableXYAndZ>, result?: Cartographic): Cartographic Convert a point in this iModel's Spatial coordinates to a Cartographic using its IModel.ecefLocation. spatialToEcef(spatial: Readonly<WritableXYAndZ>, result?: Point3d): Point3d Convert a point in this iModel's Spatial coordinates to an ECEF point using its IModel.ecefLocation. getDefaultSubCategoryId(categoryId: string): string Static Get the default subCategoryId for the supplied categoryId Properties Name Type Description changeset ChangesetIdWithIndex changeSetId Accessor ReadOnly string The Id of the last changeset that was applied to this iModel. contextId Accessor ReadOnly undefined | string The Guid that identifies the context that owns this iModel. dictionaryId StaticReadonly string The Id of the dictionary model. ecefLocation Accessor undefined | EcefLocation The EcefLocation of the iModel in Earth Centered Earth Fixed coordinates. geographicCoordinateSystem Accessor undefined | GeographicCRS The geographic coordinate reference system of the iModel. globalOrigin Accessor Point3d An offset to be applied to all spatial coordinates. iModelId Accessor ReadOnly undefined | string The Guid that identifies this iModel. isBriefcase Accessor AbstractReadOnly boolean Returns true if this is a briefcase copy of an iModel that is synchronized with iModelHub. isGeoLocated Accessor ReadOnly boolean True if this iModel has an EcefLocation. isOpen Accessor AbstractReadOnly boolean isSnapshot Accessor AbstractReadOnly boolean Returns true if this is a snapshot iModel. key Accessor ReadOnly string Get the key that was used to open this iModel. name Accessor string Name of the iModel onEcefLocationChanged Readonly BeEvent<(previousLocation: undefined | EcefLocation) => void> Event raised after IModel.ecefLocation changes. onGeographicCoordinateSystemChanged Readonly BeEvent<(previousGCS: undefined | GeographicCRS) => void> Event raised after IModel.geographicCoordinateSystem changes. onGlobalOriginChanged Readonly BeEvent<(previousOrigin: Point3d) => void> Event raised after IModel.globalOrigin changes. onNameChanged Readonly BeEvent<(previousName: string) => void> Event raised after IModel.name changes. onProjectExtentsChanged Readonly BeEvent<(previousExtents: Range3d) => void> Event raised after IModel.projectExtents changes. onRootSubjectChanged Readonly BeEvent<(previousSubject: RootSubjectProps) => void> Event raised after IModel.rootSubject changes. openMode Readonly OpenMode The OpenMode used for this IModel. projectExtents Accessor Range3d The volume, in spatial coordinates, inside which the entire project is contained. repositoryModelId StaticReadonly string The Id of the repository model. rootSubject Accessor RootSubjectProps The name and description of the root subject of this iModel rootSubjectId StaticReadonly string The Id of the root subject element. Defined in core/common/src/IModel.ts Line 307 Last Updated: 12 June, 2024