API Reference > geometry-core > Curve > StrokeCountMap StrokeCountMap Class data carrier interface for per-primitive stroke counts and distances used by PolyfaceBuilder. For a simple primitive (Line segment or arc) that is stroked with uniform fraction, the members are: numStroke = total number of strokes curveLength = length of this curve a0 = external mapped coordinate for fraction 0 on this primitive or component a1 = external mapped coordinate for fraction 1 on this primitive or component For linestring and bspline curve, those numbers are totals for the overall curve, and breakdown within the components (line segments or bezier spans) is recorded on the optional array componentData[] Members of the array are annotated with componentIndex within the linestring or bspline curve Methods Name Description addToCountAndLength(numStroke: number, curveLength: number): void Apply stroke count and curve length from a component to a parent map. clone(): StrokeCountMap * clone all data from root. fractionToA(fraction: number): number interpolate in the a0,a1 mapping. isCompatibleComponentStructure(other: StrokeCountMap, enforceCounts: boolean): boolean return true if other has the same component structure as this createWithComponentIndex(componentIndex: number = 0, numStroke: number = 0, curveLength: number = 0, a0: number = 0, a1: number = 0): StrokeCountMap Static Create a StrokeCountMap with componentIndex (but no primitive or componentData array) createWithCurvePrimitive(primitive: CurvePrimitive, numStroke: number, curveLength: number, a0: number, a1: number, componentData?: StrokeCountMap[]): StrokeCountMap Static Create a StrokeCountMap with curve primitive and optional componentData array. createWithCurvePrimitiveAndOptionalParent(curvePrimitive: CurvePrimitive, parentMap?: StrokeCountMap, componentData?: StrokeCountMap[]): StrokeCountMap Static create a StrokeCountMap, optionally Properties Name Type Description a0 number start coordinate (in user-defined space) for fraction 0 on this primitive or component a1 number end coordinate (in user-defined space) for fraction 0 on this primitive or component componentData undefined | StrokeCountMap[] further StrokeCountMap's within this interval (e.g. componentIndex undefined | number this curve's index within its parent. curveLength number Length of the curve interval. numStroke number number of strokes expected in this interval. primitive undefined | CurvePrimitive The curve that this map represents Defined in curve/Query/StrokeCountMap.ts Line 25 Last Updated: 12 June, 2024