
Types for working with RpcInterfaces.


Name Description  
BentleyCloudRpcConfiguration Operating parameters for Bentley cloud RPC interface deployments.  
BentleyCloudRpcManager Coordinates usage of RPC interfaces for Bentley cloud deployments.  
BentleyCloudRpcProtocol An http protocol for Bentley cloud RPC interface deployments.  
ElectronRpcConfiguration RPC interface configuration for an Electron-based application. Beta
ElectronRpcManager Coordinates usage of RPC interfaces for an Electron-based application. Beta
ElectronRpcProtocol RPC interface protocol for an Electron-based application. Beta
ElectronRpcRequest Beta
IModelNotFoundResponse Response if the IModelDb was not found at the backend  
IModelReadRpcInterface The RPC interface for reading from an iModel.  
MobileRpcConfiguration Holds configuration for the RpcInterfaces used by the application. Beta
MobileRpcManager Coordinates usage of RPC interfaces for an Mobile-based application. Beta
MobileRpcProtocol RPC interface protocol for an Mobile-based application. Beta
MobileRpcRequest Beta
RpcConfiguration A RpcConfiguration specifies how calls on an RPC interface will be marshalled, plus other operating parameters.  
RpcControlResponse An RPC operation control response.  
RpcInterface An RPC interface is a set of operations exposed by a service that a client can call, using configurable protocols,  
RpcInvocation An RPC operation invocation in response to a request.  
RpcManager RPC interface management is concerned with coordination of access and configuration for RPC interfaces.  
RpcNotFoundResponse A RPC operation response.  
RpcOperation An RPC operation descriptor.  
RpcOperationPolicy The policy for an RPC operation.  
RpcPendingResponse A pending RPC operation response.  
RpcProtocol An application protocol for an RPC interface.  
RpcRequest A RPC operation request.  
SnapshotIModelRpcInterface The RPC interface for working with snapshot iModels. Beta
WebAppRpcProtocol The HTTP application protocol.  
WebAppRpcRequest A web application RPC request.  


Name Description  
RpcContentType RPC content types.  
RpcEndpoint Endpoints for RPC protocols.  
RpcMobilePlatform RPC supported mobile platforms. Beta
RpcProtocolEvent RPC protocol event types.  
RpcRequestEvent RPC request event types.  
RpcRequestStatus The status of an RPC operation request.  
RpcResponseCacheControl Describes available options for RPC response caching.  


Name Description  
BentleyCloudRpcParams Initialization parameters for BentleyCloudRpcConfiguration.  
ElectronRpcParams Initialization parameters for ElectronRpcConfiguration. Beta
HttpServerRequest An HTTP server request object.  
HttpServerResponse An HTTP server response object.  
OpenAPIInfo An OpenAPI 3.0 info object.  
RpcInterfaceEndpoints Describes the endpoints of an RPC interface.  
RpcOperationsProfile Runtime information related to the operation load of one or more RPC interfaces.  
RpcRequestContext Interface to enable passing application-specific context with each RPC request.  
SerializedRpcOperation A serialized RPC operation descriptor.  
SerializedRpcRequest A serialized RPC operation request.  


Name Description  

Type Aliases

Name Description  
MobileRpcChunks Beta
RpcInvocationCallback_T Notification callback for an RPC invocation.  
RpcProtocolEventHandler Handles RPC protocol events.  
RpcRequestCallback_T Notification callback for an RPC request.  
RpcRequestEventHandler Handles RPC request events.  
RpcRequestInitialRetryIntervalSupplier_T Supplies the initial retry interval for an RPC request.  
RpcRequestNotFoundHandler Resolves "not found" responses for RPC requests.  
RpcRequestTokenSupplier_T Supplies an IModelTokenProps for an RPC request.  
RpcResponseCachingCallback_T Determines if caching is permitted for a RPC response.  

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024