API Reference > geometry-core > Numerics > PlaneByOriginAndVectors4d PlaneByOriginAndVectors4d Class A Plane4dByOriginAndVectors is a 4d origin and pair of 4d "vectors" defining a 4d plane. The parameterization of the plane is X = origin + vectorU*u + vectorV * v With particular weight values origin.w === 1, vectorU.w === 0, vectorV.w === 0 this is like Plane3dByOriginAndVectors With other weights, the deweighted xyz coordinates of points on the 4d plane still form a 3d plane. Methods Name Description clone(result?: PlaneByOriginAndVectors4d): PlaneByOriginAndVectors4d Return a clone of this plane fractionToPoint(u: number, v: number, result?: Point4d): Point4d evaluate plane point (full 3d) at given (u,v) coordinate. isAlmostEqual(other: PlaneByOriginAndVectors4d): boolean Return true if origin, vectorU, and vectorV pass isAlmostEqual. setFrom(other: PlaneByOriginAndVectors4d): void copy all content from other plane setOriginAndVectors(origin: Point4d, vectorU: Point4d, vectorV: Point4d): PlaneByOriginAndVectors4d Copy the contents of origin, vectorU, vectorV parameters to respective member variables setOriginAndVectorsXYZW(x0: number, y0: number, z0: number, w0: number, ux: number, uy: number, uz: number, uw: number, vx: number, vy: number, vz: number, vw: number): PlaneByOriginAndVectors4d Set all numeric data from complete list of (x,y,z,w) in origin, vectorU, and vectorV createOriginAndTargets3d(origin: Point3d, targetU: Point3d, targetV: Point3d, result?: PlaneByOriginAndVectors4d): PlaneByOriginAndVectors4d Static create from origin point, (u=1,v=0) point, and (u=0,v=1) point. createOriginAndVectors(origin: Point4d, vectorU: Point4d, vectorV: Point4d, result?: PlaneByOriginAndVectors4d): PlaneByOriginAndVectors4d Static Create a plane with (copies of) origin, vectorU, vectorV parameters, all given as full 4d points. createOriginAndVectorsXYZW(x0: number, y0: number, z0: number, w0: number, ux: number, uy: number, uz: number, uw: number, vx: number, vy: number, vz: number, vw: number, result?: PlaneByOriginAndVectors4d): PlaneByOriginAndVectors4d Static Create from complete list of (x,y,z,w) in origin, vectorU, and vectorV createXYPlane(result?: PlaneByOriginAndVectors4d): PlaneByOriginAndVectors4d Static create a new plane which maps to the cartesian xy plane. Properties Name Type Description origin Point4d homogeneous origin vectorU Point4d homogeneous u-direction vector vectorV Point4d homogeneous v-direction vector Defined in core/geometry/src/geometry4d/PlaneByOriginAndVectors4d.ts Line 19 Last Updated: 13 June, 2024