

Name Description
AlphaSlider AlphaSlider component used to set the alpha value. Beta
ColorEditor ColorEditor React component that is a property editor with text input Beta
ColorPropertyEditor Color Property Editor registered for the "number" type name and "color-picker" editor name. Beta
Cube Cube React component used by the 3d Cube Navigation Aid
CubeNavigationAid Cube Navigation Aid Component
CubeRotationChangeEvent 3d Cube Rotation Change event
DrawingNavigationAid A Drawing Navigation Aid.
DrawingViewportChangeEvent Drawing View Change event
LineWeightSwatch LineWeightSwatch Functional component
StandardRotationChangeEvent Standard Rotation Change event
TimelineComponent TimelineComponent is used to playback timeline data
UiIModelComponents Manages the localization service for the imodel-components-react package.
ViewClassFullNameChangedEvent View Class Full Name Change event
ViewIdChangedEvent View Id Change event
ViewportComponentEvents Viewport Rotation events and methods
ViewRotationChangeEvent View Rotation Change event
WeightEditor WeightEditor React component that is a property editor for picking a weight using a WeightPickerButton component
WeightPickerButton WeightPickerButton component
WeightPropertyEditor Weight Property Editor registered for the "number" type name and "weight-picker" editor name.


Name Description
Face Cube Face enumeration
TimelineDateDisplay Determines if data displayed to use is the actual date or the amount of time elapsed since project start.
TimelinePausePlayAction Actions for Pause/Play event
TimelineScale The timeline scale.

Global Functions

Name Description
ColorPickerButton ColorPickerButton component Beta
ColorPickerDialog Color Picker Dialog to use as modal dialog. Beta
ColorPickerPanel Color Picker Dialog to use as modal dialog.
ColorPickerPopup ColorPickerButton component that allows user to select a color from a set of color swatches or to define a new color.
ColorSwatch ColorSwatch Functional component displays a color swatch in a button Beta
HueSlider HueSlider component used to set the hue value. Beta
QuantityInput Input control that allows users to input a quantity and show the formatted string that represents the value. Beta
QuantityNumberInput The QuantityNumberInput component accepts input for quantity values. Beta
SaturationPicker SaturationPicker component used to set the saturation value. Beta
ViewportComponent A viewport React component that creates a ScreenViewport.


Name Description
AlphaSliderProps Properties for the AlphaSlider React component Beta
ColorPickerDialogProps Properties for the ColorPickerDialog React component Beta
ColorPickerPanelProps Properties for the ColorPickerPanel React component
ColorPickerPopupProps Properties for the ColorPickerPopup React component
ColorPickerProps Properties for the ColorPickerButton React component Beta
ColorSwatchProps Properties for the ColorSwatch React component Beta
CubeNavigationAidProps Properties for the CubeNavigationAid component
CubeProps Properties for the Cube React component
CubeRotationChangeEventArgs Arguments for CubeRotationChangeEvent
DrawingNavigationAidProps Properties for the DrawingNavigationAid component
DrawingViewportChangeEventArgs Arguments for DrawingViewportChangeEvent
HueSliderProps Properties for the HueSlider React component Beta
LineWeightSwatchProps Properties for the LineWeightSwatch React component
MilestoneRange A range of time which can be used to focus in on activities scheduled around a milestone.
PlaybackSettings Playback Settings.
QuantityNumberInputProps Properties for the QuantityNumberInput component Beta
QuantityProps Props for QuantityInput control Beta
SaturationPickerProps Properties for the SaturationPicker React component Beta
StandardRotationChangeEventArgs Arguments for StandardRotationChangeEvent
TimelineComponentProps TimelineComponentProps configure the timeline
TimelineDataProvider Interface for a timeline data provider class
TimelineDateMarkerProps TimelineDateMarkerProps: Mark a date on the timeline with an indicator
TimelineMenuItemProps TimelineMenuItemProps specifies playback speed entries in the Timeline's ContextMenu
TimelinePausePlayArgs Args for event to pause or play the timeline component
ViewClassFullNameChangedEventArgs Arguments for ViewClassFullNameChangedEvent
ViewIdChangedEventArgs Arguments for ViewIdChangedEvent
ViewportProps Properties for ViewportComponent component.
ViewRotationChangeEventArgs Arguments for ViewRotationChangeEvent
WeightPickerProps Properties for the WeightPickerButton React component

Type Aliases

Name Description
StepFunctionProp Step function prototype for QuantityNumberInput component Beta
TimelineMenuItemOption TimelineMenuItemOption: specifies how the app wants the timeline speeds to be installed on the TimelineComponent's ContextMenu
ViewStateProp Type for a ViewState prop

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023