IModelExportHandler Class


Handles the events generated by IModelExporter.

note Change information is available when IModelExportHandler methods are invoked via IModelExporter.exportChanges, but not available when invoked via IModelExporter.exportAll.

note The handler is intended to be owned by (registered with) and called from the IModelExporter exclusively

see iModel Transformation and Data Exchange, IModelExporter

Extended by


Name Description
constructor(): IModelExportHandler    
onDeleteElement(_elementId: string): void Called when an element should be deleted.  
onDeleteModel(_modelId: string): void Called when a model should be deleted.  
onDeleteRelationship(_relInstanceId: string): void Called when a relationship should be deleted.  
onExportCodeSpec(_codeSpec: CodeSpec, _isUpdate: undefined | boolean): void Called when a CodeSpec should be exported.  
onExportElement(_element: Element, _isUpdate: undefined | boolean): void Called when an element should be exported.  
onExportElementMultiAspects(_aspects: ElementMultiAspect[]): void Called when ElementMultiAspects should be exported.  
onExportElementUniqueAspect(_aspect: ElementUniqueAspect, _isUpdate: undefined | boolean): void Called when an ElementUniqueAspect should be exported.  
onExportFont(_font: FontProps, _isUpdate: undefined | boolean): void Called when a font should be exported.  
onExportModel(_model: Model, _isUpdate: undefined | boolean): void Called when a model should be exported.  
onExportRelationship(_relationship: Relationship, _isUpdate: undefined | boolean): void Called when a Relationship should be exported.  
onExportSchema(_schema: Schema): Promise<void | ExportSchemaResult> Called when a schema should be exported.  
onProgress(): Promise<void> This method is called when IModelExporter has made incremental progress based on the IModelExporter.progressInterval setting.  
shouldExportCodeSpec(_codeSpec: CodeSpec): boolean If true is returned, then the CodeSpec will be exported.  
shouldExportElement(_element: Element): boolean If true is returned, then the element will be exported.  
shouldExportElementAspect(_aspect: ElementAspect): boolean If true is returned, then the ElementAspect will be exported.  
shouldExportRelationship(_relationship: Relationship): boolean If true is returned, then the relationship will be exported.  
shouldExportSchema(_schemaKey: SchemaKey): boolean If true is returned, then the schema will be exported.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023