FacetIntersectOptions Class

Options for computing and processing facet intersection methods.

see PolyfaceQuery.intersectRay3d


Name Description
constructor(): FacetIntersectOptions constructor with defaults  


Name Type Description
acceptIntersection undefined | FacetIntersectCallback optional callback to accept an intersected facet  
distanceTolerance number distance tolerance for testing coincidence with facet boundary  
needBarycentricCoordinates undefined | boolean whether to compute the barycentric coordinates of the point for a convex facet  
needColor undefined | boolean whether to compute the color at the intersection point  
needNormal undefined | boolean whether to compute the normal at the intersection point  
needParam undefined | boolean whether to compute the uv parameter at the intersection point  
parameterTolerance number fractional tolerance for snapping barycentric coordinates to a triangular facet edge  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023