AuxChannel Class

Represents a single PolyfaceAuxData channel.


Name Description
constructor(data: AuxChannelData[], dataType: AuxChannelDataType, name?: string, inputName?: string): AuxChannel Create a AuxChannel  
clone(): AuxChannel Return a deep copy.  
computeDisplacementRange(scale: number = 1, result?: Range3d): Range3d Compute the range of this channel's displacement values, if AuxChannel.dataType is AuxChannelDataType.Vector.  
isAlmostEqual(other: AuxChannel, tol?: number): boolean Toleranced comparison of contents.  


Name Type Description
data AuxChannelData[] An array of AuxChannelData that represents the vertex data at one or more input values.  
dataType AuxChannelDataType The type of data stored in this channel.  
entriesPerValue Accessor ReadOnly number The number of values in data.values per entry - 1 for scalar and distance types, 3 for normal and vector types.  
inputName undefined | string The input name.  
isScalar Accessor ReadOnly boolean True if AuxChannel.entriesPerValue is 1.  
name undefined | string The channel name.  
scalarRange Accessor ReadOnly undefined | Range1d The minimum and maximum values in data.values, or undefined if AuxChannel.isScalar is false.  
valueCount Accessor ReadOnly number The number of entries in data.values.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023