GeodeticDatum Class

This class represents a geodetic datum. Geodetic datums are based on an ellipsoid. In addition to the ellipsoid definition they are the base for longitude/latitude coordinates. Geodetic datums are the basis for geodetic transformations. Most geodetic datums are defined by specifying the transformation to the common base WGS84 (or local equivalent). The transforms property can contain the definition of the transformation path to WGS84. Sometimes there exists transformation paths direct from one non-WGS84 datum to another non-WGS84. The current model does not allow specifications of these special paths at the moment.



Name Description
constructor(_data?: GeodeticDatumProps): GeodeticDatum    
equals(other: GeodeticDatum): boolean Compares two Geodetic Datums.  
toJSON(): GeodeticDatumProps Creates a JSON from the Geodetic Datum definition  
fromJSON(data: GeodeticDatumProps): GeodeticDatum Static Creates a Geodetic Datum from JSON representation.  


Name Type Description
additionalTransformPaths Readonly undefined | GeodeticTransformPath[] The optional list of transformation paths to other datum.  
deprecated Readonly boolean If true then indicates the definition is deprecated.  
description Readonly undefined | string Description  
ellipsoid Readonly undefined | GeodeticEllipsoid The full definition of the geodetic ellipsoid associated to the datum.  
ellipsoidId Readonly undefined | string The key name to the base Ellipsoid.  
epsg Readonly undefined | number The EPSG code of the geodetic datum.  
id Readonly undefined | string GeodeticDatum key name  
source Readonly undefined | string A textual description of the source of the geodetic datum definition.  
transforms Readonly undefined | GeodeticTransform[] The transformation to WGS84.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023