SkyGradient Class

Describes how to map a two- or four-color SkyGradient.Gradient to the interior of a sphere to produce a SkyBox.

see SkyBox.gradient.


Name Description
clone(changedProps: SkyGradientProperties): SkyGradient Create ea copy of this gradient, identical except for any properties explicitly specified by changedProps.  
equals(other: SkyGradient): boolean Returns true if this gradient is equivalent to the supplied gradient.  
toJSON(): SkyBoxProps Convert to JSON representation.  
create(props?: Partial<SkyGradientProperties>): SkyGradient Static Create a new gradient.  
fromJSON(props?: SkyBoxProps): SkyGradient Static Create from JSON representation.  


Name Type Description
defaults StaticReadonly SkyGradient Default settings for a four-color gradient.  
groundColor Readonly ColorDef    
groundExponent Readonly number    
nadirColor Readonly ColorDef    
skyColor Readonly ColorDef    
skyExponent Readonly number    
twoColor Readonly boolean    
zenithColor Readonly ColorDef    

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023