ActionButtonItemDef Class

Abstract base class that is used by classes to execute an action when pressed.


Extended by


Name Description
constructor(itemProps: ItemProps, onItemExecuted?: OnItemExecutedFunc): ActionButtonItemDef    
execute(): void Called when the action button is invoked by a click or touch  
getDimension(orientation: Orientation): number Determines the dimension in a given orientation  
handleSizeKnown(size: SizeProps): void Called when the size of the action button is initialized and the size is known  

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
setDescription(v: string | ConditionalStringValue | StringGetter): void ItemDefBase Set the description.
setLabel(v: string | ConditionalStringValue | StringGetter): void ItemDefBase Set the label.
setTooltip(v: string | ConditionalStringValue | StringGetter): void ItemDefBase Set the tooltip.
initializeDef(me: ItemDefBase, itemProps: ItemProps): void Static ItemDefBase  


Name Type Description
_commandHandler Protected undefined | CommandHandler Command Handler for the action button  
defaultButtonSize Static number The default button size for all action buttons  
parameters undefined | any Parameters passed to the Command Handler  
size undefined | SizeProps Size of the action button, as set by handleSizeKnown  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
applicationData undefined | any ItemDefBase  
badgeType undefined | BadgeType ItemDefBase  
description Accessor ReadOnly string ItemDefBase Get the description string
iconElement undefined | ReactNode ItemDefBase  
iconSpec undefined | IconSpec ItemDefBase  
id Accessor AbstractReadOnly string ItemDefBase  
isActive Accessor boolean ItemDefBase  
isDisabled boolean | ConditionalBooleanValue ItemDefBase  
isEnabled boolean ItemDefBase  
isHidden boolean | ConditionalBooleanValue ItemDefBase  
isPressed boolean ItemDefBase  
isVisible boolean ItemDefBase  
label Accessor ReadOnly string ItemDefBase Get the label string
rawLabel Accessor ReadOnly string | ConditionalStringValue | StringGetter ItemDefBase Get the label string
stateFunc undefined | (state: Readonly<BaseItemState>) => BaseItemState ItemDefBase  
stateSyncIds string[] ItemDefBase  
tooltip Accessor ReadOnly string ItemDefBase Get the tooltip string
trayId Accessor ReadOnly undefined ItemDefBase  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023