API Reference > ui-core > Utilities Utilities Various utility classes, functions and React hooks for working with a UI. Classes Name Description IconHelper Icon Helper Class used to store the data needed to generate an for use in any control that shows an icon. ScrollPositionMaintainer A helper class to recursively save and restore scroll positions. Beta Timer Notifies handler after a set interval. UiCore Manages the I18N service for the ui-core package. UiEvent iModel.js UI UiEvent class is a subclass of BeEvent with argument type safety. Global Functions Name Description ElementResizeObserver ElementResizeObserver provides functionality similar to ReactResizeDetector when a render function is specified. getCssVariable Get CSS variable getCssVariableAsNumber Get CSS variable as number ResizableContainerObserver ResizableContainerObserver is a component that provides the functionality similar to the ReactResizeDetector option that call a function when useDisposable A custom hook which creates a disposable object and manages its disposal on unmount useEffectSkipFirst Custom hook which works like useEffect hook, but does not invoke callback when effect is triggered for the first time. useOnOutsideClick Invokes onOutsideClick handler when user clicks outside of referenced element. useOptionalDisposable A custom hook which calls the factory method to create a disposable object Interfaces Name Description ClassNameProps Props used by components that expect class name to be passed in. CommonDivProps Common properties using a div element. CommonProps Common props used by components. NoChildrenProps Props used by components that do not expect children to be passed in. PointProps Describes 2d points. RectangleProps Describes 2d bounds. RenderPropsArgs Prop the ElementResizeObserver sends to the render function. SizeProps Describes 2d dimensions. Type Aliases Name Description ExecuteHandler Omit Used to omit properties in a given interface OmitChildrenProp Omit children property from T. OutsideClickEvent Last Updated: 12 June, 2024