
Classes for working with a Content View, Group, Layout or Control


Name Description  
ActiveContentChangedEvent Active Content Changed Event class.  
ContentControl The base class for Frontstage content controls.  
ContentControlActivatedEvent ContentControl Activated Event class.  
ContentGroup ContentGroup class.  
ContentGroupManager ContentGroup Manager class.  
ContentLayout Content Layout React component.  
ContentLayoutActivatedEvent Content Layout Activated Event class.  
ContentLayoutDef Content Layout Definition class.  
ContentLayoutManager ContentLayout Manager class.  
ContentViewManager Content View Manager class.  
IModelViewportControl iModel Viewport Control Beta
MouseDownChangedEvent Mouse Down Changed Event class.  
SavedView SavedView class. Beta
SavedViewLayout SavedViewLayout class. Beta
ViewportContentControl The base class for Frontstage Viewport content controls.  


Name Description  
IModelConnectedViewport ViewSelector that is connected to the IModelConnection property in the Redux store. Beta


Name Description  
ActiveContentChangedEventArgs ActiveContentChangedEvent Args interface.  
ContentControlActivatedEventArgs ControlControl Activated Event Args interface.  
ContentGroupProps Properties for a ContentGroup  
ContentLayoutActivatedEventArgs Content Layout Activated Event Args class.  
ContentLayoutComponentProps Properties for the ContentLayout React component.  
ContentLayoutProps Properties for a ContentLayoutDef  
ContentProps Properties for content displayed in a content view  
IModelViewportControlOptions IModelViewportControl options. Beta
LayoutFragmentProps Properties for a layout fragment  
LayoutHorizontalSplitProps Properties for a horizontal layout split  
LayoutSplit Common interface for HorizontalSplit and VerticalSplit  
LayoutSplitPropsBase Base interface for layout split properties  
LayoutVerticalSplitProps Properties for a vertical layout split.  
MouseDownChangedEventArgs MouseDownChangedEvent Args interface.  
SavedViewLayoutProps SavedViewLayoutProps interface for sharing view layout information. Beta
SavedViewProps SavedViewProps interface for sharing ViewState and EmphasizeElements information. Beta
SupportsViewSelectorChange Interface to be implemented when the ContentControl supports ViewSelector changes  
ViewLayout ViewLayout interface for sharing view layout information. Beta

Type Aliases

Name Description  
ContentCallback Callback to process content properties during toJSON method Beta

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024