
Classes for working with Property Editors.


Name Description  
BasicPropertyEditor BasicPropertyEditor React component that uses the TextEditor property editor. Beta
BooleanEditor BooleanEditor React component that is a property editor with checkbox input Beta
BooleanPropertyEditor BooleanPropertyEditor React component that uses the BooleanEditor property editor. Beta
ColorEditor ColorEditor React component that is a property editor with text input Beta
ColorPropertyEditor ColorPropertyEditor returns React component ColorEditor to select a color value. Beta
DataControllerBase DataControllerBase is the base class for all Data Controllers. Beta
EditorContainer EditorContainer React component Beta
EnumButtonGroupEditor EnumButtonGroupEditor React component that is a property editor with select input Beta
EnumEditor EnumEditor React component that is a property editor with select input Beta
EnumPropertyButtonGroupEditor EnumPropertyButtonGroupEditor React component that uses the EnumButtonGroupEditor property editor. Beta
EnumPropertyEditor EnumPropertyEditor React component that uses the EnumEditor property editor. Beta
PropertyEditorBase PropertyEditor is the base class for all property editors. Beta
PropertyEditorManager Manages Property Editors. Beta
TextEditor TextEditor React component that is a property editor with text input Beta
ToggleEditor ToggleEditor React component that is a property editor with checkbox input Beta
TogglePropertyEditor TogglePropertyEditor React component that uses the ToggleEditor property editor. Beta
WeightEditor WeightEditor React component that is a property editor with text input Beta
WeightPropertyEditor WeightPropertyEditor returns React component WeightEditor to select a color value. Beta


Name Description  
DataController DataControllers can be implemented per typename to validate and commit values. Beta
EditorContainerProps EditorContainer React component properties Beta
PropertyEditorProps Properties for a property editor component Beta
PropertyUpdatedArgs Arguments for the Property Updated event callback Beta
TypeEditor Interface implemented by React based type editors Beta

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024