
Classes for working with Properties.


Name Description  
ActionButtonList ActionButtonList React component. Beta
ArrayPropertyValueRenderer Default Array Property Renderer  
DoublePropertyValueRenderer Default Double Property Renderer  
MergedPropertyValueRenderer Default Merged Property Renderer  
NavigationPropertyValueRenderer Default Navigation Property Renderer  
NonPrimitivePropertyLabelRenderer A React component that renders a non-primitive property label.  
NonPrimitivePropertyRenderer React Component that renders struct and array properties  
PrimitivePropertyLabelRenderer A React component that renders a primitive property label  
PrimitivePropertyRenderer React Component that renders primitive properties  
PrimitivePropertyValueRenderer Default Primitive Property Renderer  
PropertyRenderer A React component that renders properties  
PropertyValueRendererManager Default implementation of property value renderer manager  
PropertyView A React component that renders property as label/value pair  
StructPropertyValueRenderer Default Struct Property Renderer  
TableArrayValueRenderer A react component which renders array property value as a button with text  
TableNonPrimitiveValueRenderer A React component that renders non primitive values as a button with text.  
TableStructValueRenderer A react component which renders struct property value as a button with text  


Name Description  
ItemStyleProvider Style provider for stylable items like CellItem and TreeNodeItem  
TableRowStyleProvider Style provider for table rows  


Name Description  
PropertyContainerType Types of property containers  

Global Functions

Name Description  
Returns true if property record has an anchor tag  
Renders anchor tag by wrapping or splitting provided text  
withContextStyle Wraps a React component with a span element with a given style attribute  
If record has links, wraps stringValue in them, otherwise returns unchanged stringValue  


Name Description  
ActionButtonListProps Properties of ActionButtonList React component Beta
ActionButtonRendererProps Properties of ActionButtonRenderer Beta
IPropertyValueRenderer Custom property value renderer interface  
ItemColorOverrides Color overrides for styled item  
ItemStyle Style properties for styled item like CellItem and TreeNodeItem  
NonPrimitivePropertyLabelRendererProps Properties for the NonPrimitivePropertyLabelRenderer React component  
NonPrimitivePropertyRendererProps Properties of NonPrimitivePropertyRenderer React component  
PrimitivePropertyLabelRendererProps Properties of a PrimitivePropertyLabelRenderer React component  
PrimitiveRendererProps Properties of PrimitivePropertyRenderer React component  
PropertyDialogState State of the Dialog component in a container which renders properties  
PropertyLabelRendererProps Base properties for a property label renderer  
PropertyPopupState State of the Popup component in a container which renders properties  
PropertyRendererProps Properties of PropertyRenderer React component  
PropertyValueRendererContext Additional parameters to the renderer  
PropertyViewProps Properties of PropertyView React component  
SharedRendererProps Properties shared by all renderers and PropertyView  
SharedTableNonPrimitiveValueRendererProps Shared properties between table non-primitive value renderers  
TableNonPrimitiveValueRendererProps Properties for TableNonPrimitiveValueRenderer React component  
TableSpecificValueRendererProps Properties for TableArrayValueRenderer and TableStructValueRenderer React component  

Type Aliases

Name Description  
ActionButtonRenderer Renders a React component (usually a button) for a PropertyRecord Beta

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024