
Classes and Higher Order Components for working with the DragDrop API.


Name Description  
BeDragDropContextComponent React component for DragDrop API. Beta


Name Description  
BeDragDropContext Context component for DragDrop API. Beta


Name Description  
DropEffects Enum for different DropEffects. Beta
DropStatus Enum for status of current drag/drop item Beta

Global Functions

Name Description  
withDragSource HOC (Higher-Order Component) that transforms wrapped component into a DragSource. Beta
withDropTarget HOC (Higher-Order Component) that transforms wrapped component into a DropTarget. Beta


Name Description  
DragDropArguments Base DragDropArguments interface, used by both DragSourceArguments and DragTargetArguments. Beta
DragLayerProps Properties for DragLayer components Beta
DragSourceArguments Interface for arguments supplied to DragSource callbacks, including onDragSourceBegin, and onDragSourceEnd, as well as to the DragLayers as a prop. Beta
DragSourceProps Properties and callbacks for the withDragSource Higher-Order Component. Beta
DropTargetArguments Interface for arguments supplied to DropTarget callbacks, including onDropTargetOver, onDropTargetDrop, and canDropTargetDrop. Beta
DropTargetProps Properties and callbacks for the withDragSource Higher-Order Component. Beta
WithDragSourceProps React properties for withDragSource Higher-Order Component Beta
WithDropTargetProps React properties for withDropTarget Higher-Order Component Beta

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024