
Types for working with iModels in both the frontend and backend.


Name Description  
EcefLocation The position and orientation of an iModel on the earth in ECEF (Earth Centered Earth Fixed) coordinates  
IModel Represents an iModel in JavaScript.  
IModelError The error type thrown by this module.  
IModelToken A token that identifies a specific instance of an iModel to be operated on  
IModelVersion Option to specify the version of the iModel to be acquired and used  


Name Description  


Name Description  
CreateIModelProps The properties that can be supplied when creating a new iModel.  
EcefLocationProps Properties that position an iModel on the earth via ECEF (Earth Centered Earth Fixed) coordinates  
GeoCoordinatesRequestProps Information required to request conversion of an array of iModel coordinates to Geographic Coordinates (longitude and latitude) Beta
GeoCoordinatesResponseProps Information returned from a request to convert an array of iModel coordinates to Geographic Coordinates (longitude and latitude) Beta
IModelCoordinatesRequestProps Information required to request conversion of an array of Geographic coordinates (Longitude/Latitude) to iModel coordinates Beta
IModelCoordinatesResponseProps Beta
IModelProps Properties that are about an iModel.  
IModelTokenProps The properties of IModelToken.  
PointWithStatus Information returned from a request to convert an array of Geographic coordinates (Longitude/Latitude) to iModel coordinates Beta
RootSubjectProps Properties of the Root Subject.  

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024