
Definitions of the "props" interfaces and types that define the wire format for communication between the frontend and backend about entities (models, elements, etc) contained in an iModel.


Name Description  
Metadata for an Entity. Beta
Metadata for a property. Beta
RelatedElement The Id and relationship class of an Element that is somehow related to another Element  
TypeDefinition A RelatedElement relationship that describes the TypeDefinitionElement of an element.  


Name Description  
ComparisonOption Enum capturing range-comparison options for from/to distanceAlong in QueryParams Beta
LinearlyReferencedLocationType Enum enabling LinearElement.queryLinearLocations performance optimization when the target Linearly-Located classes are all either At or FromTo. Beta
PrimitiveTypeCode The primitive types of an Entity property. Beta
Rank The rank for a Category  
SectionType An enumeration of the different types of sections.  
TextureFlags Beta


Name Description  
CategoryProps Parameters of a Category  
CustomAttribute A custom attribute instance Beta
DefinitionElementProps Properties of a DefinitionElement  
DistanceExpressionProps Properties of a DistanceExpression Beta
ElementAspectProps Properties of an ElementAspect  
ElementLoadProps Parameters to specify what element to load for IModelDb.Elements.getElementProps.  
ElementProps Properties of an Element  
EntityMetaDataProps Beta
EntityProps The properties of an Entity as they are read/stored from/to the iModel.  
EntityQueryParams Parameters for performing a query on Entity classes.  
ExternalSourceAspectProps Properties of an ExternalSourceAspect that stores synchronization information for an element originating from an external source.  
GeometricElement2dProps Properties that define a GeometricElement2d  
GeometricElement3dProps Properties that define a GeometricElement3d  
GeometricElementProps Properties of a GeometricElement  
GeometricModel2dProps Properties that define a GeometricModel2d  
GeometricModel3dProps Properties that define a GeometricModel3d  
GeometricModelProps Properties that describe a GeometricModel  
GeometryPartProps Properties of a GeometryPart  
ILinearElementProps Properties of an ILinearElement Beta
ILinearlyLocatedAttributionProps Properties of an ILinearlyLocatedAttribution Beta
InformationPartitionElementProps Properties of a InformationPartitionElement  
IReferentProps Properties of an IReferent Beta
LinearLocationReference Interface with data returned by LinearElement.queryLinearLocations API Beta
LinearlyLocatedAttributionProps Properties of a LinearlyLocatedAttribution Beta
LinearlyReferencedAtLocationAspectProps Properties of a LinearlyReferencedAtLocation Beta
LinearlyReferencedAtLocationProps Core properties of a LinearlyReferencedAtLocation Beta
LinearlyReferencedFromToLocationAspectProps Properties of a LinearlyReferencedFromToLocation Beta
LinearlyReferencedFromToLocationProps Core properties of a LinearlyReferencedFromToLocation Beta
LineStyleProps Properties of a LineStyle Beta
ModelProps Properties that define a Model  
ModelQueryParams Parameters for performing a query on Model classes.  
Placement2dProps Properties of a Placement2d  
Placement3dProps Properties of a Placement3d  
PropertyMetaDataProps Beta
QueryParams Interface capturing various parameters for the execution of LinearElement.queryLinearLocations API Beta
ReferentElementProps Properties of a ReferentElement Beta
RelatedElementProps Properties of a NavigationProperty.  
SectionLocationProps Properties that define a SectionLocation Beta
SheetBorderTemplateProps Properties of a SheetBorderTemplate Beta
SheetProps Properties of a Sheet Beta
SheetTemplateProps Properties of a SheetTemplate Beta
SubCategoryProps Parameters of a SubCategory  
SubjectProps Properties of a Subject  
TextureProps Properties that define a Texture Beta
TypeDefinitionElementProps Properties of a TypeDefinitionElement  
ViewAttachmentProps Properties for a ViewAttachment  

Type Aliases

Name Description  
PropertyCallback A callback function to process properties of an Entity Beta

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024