
Subclasses of Elements. See the learning articles.


Name Description  
AnalyticalElement Spatially located, simulating zero or more SpatialLocationElement or PhysicalElement instances in light of a specialized analytical perspective. Beta
AnalyticalPartition An AnalyticalPartition element indicates that there is a specialized analytical perspective within Beta
AnalyticalType Defines a shared set of properties (the 'type') that can be associated with an AnalyticalElement. Beta
AnnotationElement2d 2d element used to annotate drawings and sheets.  
DefinitionElement A Definition Element holds configuration-related information that is meant to be referenced / shared.  
DefinitionPartition A DefinitionPartition element establishes a Definition modeling perspective for its parent Subject.  
Document An InformationContentElement that identifies the content of a document.  
DocumentPartition A DocumentPartition element establishes a Document modeling perspective for its parent Subject.  
Drawing A document that represents a drawing, that is, 2-D graphical representation of engineering data.  
DrawingGraphic 2d element used to persist graphics for use in drawings.  
DrawingGraphicRepresentsFunctionalElement Relates a DrawingGraphic to the FunctionalElement that it represents  
DriverBundleElement Element used in conjunction with bis:ElementDrivesElement relationships to bundle multiple inputs before Beta
Element Elements are the smallest individually identifiable building blocks for modeling the real world in an iModel.  
An information element that links to an embedded file.  
FunctionalBreakdownElement A FunctionalBreakdownElement is a folder node in the functional hierarchy.  
FunctionalComponentElement A FunctionalComponentElement is a leaf node in the functional hierarchy.  
FunctionalElement A FunctionalElement captures functional requirements that will ultimately be fulfilled by a PhysicalElement.  
FunctionalElementIsOfType Relates a FunctionalElement to its FunctionalType  
FunctionalModel A container for persisting FunctionalElements.  
FunctionalPartition A FunctionalPartition element is a key part of the iModel information hierarchy and is always parented  
FunctionalType Defines a set of properties (the 'type') that can be associated with a Functional Element.  
GeometricElement An abstract base class to model real world entities that intrinsically have geometry.  
GeometricElement2d An abstract base class to model information entities that intrinsically have 2d geometry.  
GeometricElement3d An abstract base class to model real world entities that intrinsically have 3d geometry.  
GeometryPart A Definition Element that specifies a collection of geometry that is meant to be reused across Geometric  
GraphicalElement2d An abstract base class for 2d Geometric Elements that are used to convey information within graphical presentations (like drawings).  
GraphicalElement3d A 3d Graphical Element  
GraphicalPartition3d A GraphicalPartition3d element establishes a 3D Graphical modeling perspective for its parent Subject.  
GraphicalType2d Defines a set of properties (the type) that can be associated with a 2D Graphical Element.  
GroupInformationElement Group Information is an abstract base class for modeling entities whose main purpose is to reference a group of related elements.  
GroupInformationPartition A GroupInformationPartition element establishes a Group Information modeling perspective for its parent Subject.  
InformationContentElement Information Content Element is an abstract base class for modeling pure information entities.  
InformationPartitionElement An abstract base class for elements that establishes a particular modeling perspective for its parent Subject.  
InformationRecordElement Information Record Element is an abstract base class for modeling information records.  
InformationRecordPartition An InformationRecordPartition element establishes a Information Record modeling perspective for its parent Subject.  
InformationReferenceElement Information Reference is an abstract base class for modeling entities whose main purpose is to reference something else.  
LinearElement A class offering services for linearly-located data along a Linear-Element. Beta
LinearLocation Linear Referencing Location attached to an Element not inherently Linearly Referenced. Beta
LinearLocationElement Base class for Spatial Location Element implementations that are linearly located along a Linear-Element. Beta
LinearlyLocated A class offering services for LinearlyLocated elements. Beta
LinearlyLocatedAttribution Base class for Spatial Location Element subclasses representing properties whose value is located along a Linear-Element and only applies to a portion of an Element. Beta
LinearPhysicalElement Base class for Physical Elements that are inherently linearly located along a Linear-Element. Beta
LineStyle The definition element for a line style  
LinkElement An information element that specifies a link.  
LinkPartition A LinkPartition element establishes a Link modeling perspective for its parent Subject.  
PhysicalElement An Element that is spatially located, has mass, and can be 'touched'.  
PhysicalElementFulfillsFunction Relates a PhysicalElement to the FunctionalElement elements that it fulfills.  
PhysicalPartition A PhysicalPartition element establishes a Physical modeling perspective for its parent Subject.  
PhysicalType Defines a set of properties (the type) that can be associated with a Physical Element.  
Referent Referent-implementation turning any bis:SpatialElement not inherently Linearly-Referenced into a Referent for Linear-Referencing purposes. Beta
ReferentElement Spatial Location Element that can play the role of a Referent (known location along a Linear-Element). Beta
RenderMaterialElement Defines a rendering material.  
RenderMaterialElement.Params Parameters used to construct a RenderMaterial.  
An information element that links to a repository.  
RoleElement A real world entity is modeled as a Role Element when a set of external circumstances define an important  
SectionDrawing A document that represents a section drawing, that is, 2-D graphical documentation derived from a planar  
SectionLocation A SectionLocation element defines how a section drawing should be generated in a 3d view. Beta
Sheet A digital representation of a sheet of paper.  
SheetBorderTemplate The template for a SheetBorder  
SheetTemplate The template for a Sheet  
SpatialElement An Element that occupies real world space.  
SpatialLocationElement Identifies a tracked real world location but has no mass and cannot be touched.  
SpatialLocationPartition A SpatialLocationPartition element establishes a SpatialLocation modeling perspective for its parent Subject.  
SpatialLocationType Defines a set of properties (the type) that can be associated with a spatial location.  
Subject A Subject is an information element that describes what this repository (or part thereof) is about.  
TextAnnotation2d 2D Text Annotation  
TextAnnotation3d 3D Text Annotation  
Texture Defines a rendering texture that is associated with a Material and applied to surface geometry.  
TypeDefinitionElement Defines a set of properties (the type) that may be associated with an element.  
An information element that specifies a URL link.  
VolumeElement A Volume Element is a Spatial Location Element that is restricted to defining a volume.  


Name Description  
LinearlyLocatedBase Base interface to optionally be implemented by Elements inherently Linearly-Located. Beta
LinearlyLocatedMultipleAt Interface to optionally be implemented by Elements inherently Linearly-Located whose linear-locations are always at-positions. Beta
LinearlyLocatedMultipleFromTo Interface to optionally be implemented by Elements inherently Linearly-Located whose linear-locations are always from-to-positions. Beta
LinearlyLocatedSingleAt Interface to optionally be implemented by Elements inherently Linearly-Located whose linear-locations are always a single at-position. Beta
LinearlyLocatedSingleFromTo Interface to optionally be implemented by Elements inherently Linearly-Located whose linear-locations are always a single from-to-position. Beta

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024