Label override

Note: This rule is deprecated. Use InstanceLabelOverride rule instead.

TypeScript type: LabelOverride.

Label override rules provide advanced ways to override instance labels and descriptions in exchange of some performance penalty.


Name Required? Type Default
requiredSchemas No RequiredSchemaSpecification[] []
priority No number 1000
onlyIfNotHandled No boolean false
condition No ECExpression ""
label No ECExpression ""
description No ECExpression ""

Attribute: requiredSchemas

Specifications that define ECSchema requirements for the rule to take effect.

Type RequiredSchemaSpecification[]
Is Required No
Default Value []

Attribute: priority

Defines the order in which presentation rules are evaluated.

Type number
Is Required No
Default Value 1000

Attribute: onlyIfNotHandled

Should this rule be ignored if there is already an existing rule with a higher priority.

Type boolean
Is Required No
Default Value false

Attribute: condition

Defines a condition for the rule, which needs to be met in order to execute it.

Type ECExpression
Is Required No
Default Value ""

Attribute: label

An expression whose result becomes the label.

Type ECExpression
Is Required No
Default Value ""

Attribute: description

An expression whose result becomes the description.

Type ECExpression
Is Required No
Default Value ""


  "ruleType": "LabelOverride",
  "requiredSchemas": [{ "name": "MySchema", "minVersion": "1.2.3" }],
  "priority": 999,
  "stopFurtherProcessing": true,
  "condition": "ThisNode.IsOfClass(\"MyItem\", \"MySchema\")",
  "label": "\"Volume: \" & (this.Height * this.Width * this.Length)",
  "description": "\"Physical item\""

Known issues

The rule should be avoided in favor of InstanceLabelOverride due to:

  • InstanceLabelOverride rules always take precedence over LabelOverride, no matter what their priorities are. A possible workaround is to avoid having InstanceLabelOverride rules for the class targeted by specific LabelOverride. If InstanceLabelOverride rules come from a supplemental schema, that can't be controlled, there's an option to add such an InstanceLabelOverride to reset overrides in supplemental ruleset:

      "ruleType": "InstanceLabelOverride",
      "priority": 9999,
      "class": { "schemaName": "MySchema", "className": "MyClass" },
      "values": []
  • Nested LabelOverride rules (specified anywhere else other than at the root rules level) have no effect. A possible workaround is to move them to the root rules level.

Last Updated: 13 May, 2024