
ECExpressions is a very basic language that allows customizing presentation rules' behavior.

Symbols that can be used depend on current context. Example:


Here, symbol this returns a context which has a function symbol GetContextB(). This function returns a context which has a property symbol ContextC. And the property value is a context that contains a function symbol DoSomething(). The latter function might return some value or return nothing, but instead do some action - it all depends on the symbol.

ECExpression syntax

Data types

ECExpressions contain values of primitive types or data type of ECClass or ECArray.

Primitive value types

Type Description Example
Boolean Boolean (true/false) value True, False
DateTime Date and time in ticks @1549278124937
Integer (Long) 32-bit (64-bit) number 1
Double Floating point number 6.84
String String of characters "" ,"Dog and Cat"
Null Null value Null

Other primitive types

Type Description
Binary Array of bytes
Point2d 2D point containing X and Y components as double values
Point3d 3D point containing X, Y and Z components as double values
IGeometry A common geometry value of any type

ECClass data type

ECClass data types define ECInstances. ECClasses contain ECProperties and Methods which can be accessed via dot (.) operator.

ECArray data type

ECArray data types define arrays of values. Each value can be accessed via [] operator.

Expression components

In addition to values of primitive types ECExpressions may contain symbols and operators


Symbols are used to supply values to expression evaluator. Symbols can be supplied from ECInstance via an access string, from an application defined value or from application defined method. Access string is a limited expression that holds no blanks, no operators, and no variable portions. It may contain array indexing and member selection using [] or dot . operators, but no part of the expression can be variable, and the access string cannot contain embedded blanks.

Property symbols

ECInstance Property symbols supply Property values of some ECInstance when the symbol is being evaluated.

Value symbols

Value symbols supply some named predefined value in a context.

Method symbols

Method symbols supply a named method in a context.

this.IsOfClass("ClassName", "SchemaName")
Value lists

Value lists in ECExpressions are iterable containers and can be handled with lambdas. Currently presentation rules engine supports only a single simple lambda for value lists, AnyMatches, which checks if any of the items in the value list passes given condition. Examples:

value_list.AnyMatches(x => x = this.PropertyValue)
value_list.AnyMatches(x => this.PropertyValue = x)
value_list.AnyMatches(x => this.IsOfClass(x.PropertyValue))


Parentheses (,)
(2 * (3 + 4))
Logical operators
Description Operator
Conjunction And*, AndAlso
Disjunction Or*, OrElse
Exclusive disjunction Xor
Negation Not

Note: *Checks right side of expression even if result value can be deducted from the left side.

False And True OrElse True
Comparison operators
Description Operator Example
Less than < 3 < 3 ==> False
Less than or equal to <= 3 <= 3 ==> True
Greater than > 3 > 3 ==> False
Greater than or equal to >= 3 >= 3 ==> True
Equal to = 3 = 3 ==> True
Not equal to <> 3 <> 3 ==> False
Arithmetic operators
Description Operator Example
Exponentation ^ 2 ^ 3 ==> 8
Multiplication * 2.2 * 3 ==> 6.6
Double division / 13 / 5 ==> 2.6
Integer division \ 13 \ 5 ==> 2
Modular division Mod 13 Mod 5 ==> 3
Addition + 1 + "4" ==> 5
Subtraction - 5 - 1 ==> 4
Bit shift operators
Description Operator Example
Signed shift left << 5 << 1 ==> 10
Signed shift right >> 24 >> 2 ==> 6
Unsigned shift right >>> -105 >>> 1 ==> 75
Conditional operator
IIf (condition, true-result, false-result)

Returns result based on given condition. If condition evaluates to true, returns true-result. Otherwise returns false-result.

IIf (500>200, "Math ok", "Math wrong") ==> "Math ok"
IIf (500<200, "Math ok", "Math wrong") ==> "Math wrong"
String operators
Description Operator Example
Concatenation & "Dog and " & 4 & " cats" ==> "Dog and 4 cats"
Like ~ "My name is Peter" ~ "% name is %" ==> True
Lambda operator

Lambda operator => creates a callback expression for a given symbol.

MyArray.Find(item => item.IntProperty = 5)

Combined expressions

System.Math.Cos (System.Math.PI * 45.0 / 180.0) ==> 0.707
System.String.Length ("Dog" & " and " & "Cat") ==> 11

Evaluating if property is Null

Method IsNull (value) evaluates if given value is Null.

Method IfNull (value, value-if-null) evaluates to value if it is not null, otherwise evaluates to value-if-null.

In case this.MiddleName is null:

IfNull (this.MiddleName, "") ==> ""
IIf (Not IsNull(this.MiddleName), " " & this.MiddleName & " ", "") ==> ""

In case this.MiddleName is set to "Harvey"

IfNull (this.MiddleName, "") ==> "Harvey"
IIf (Not IsNull (this.MiddleName), " " & this.MiddleName & " ", "") ==> " Harvey "

Checking to see if a this.MiddleName is Null or empty

IIf (IsNull (this.MiddleName) or this.MiddleName = "", "Is null or empty", "Has a value")

ECExpression contexts


Symbol Type Value
IsNull bool Is this context null
Type string Type of the node
Label string Node label
Description string Node description
ClassName string ECClass name if its an EC-related node
ClassLabel string ECClass display label if its an EC-related node
SchemaName string ECSchema name if its an EC-related node
SchemaLabel string ECSchema display label if its an EC-related node
SchemaMajorVersion number ECSchema major version if its an EC-related node
SchemaMinorVersion number ECSchema minor version if its an EC-related node
InstanceId number ECInstance ID if its an ECInstance node
IsInstanceNode bool Is this an ECInstance node
IsClassGroupingNode bool Is this an ECClass grouping node
IsPropertyGroupingNode bool Is this an ECProperty grouping node
GroupedInstancesCount number Count of grouped ECInstances (only available for ECClass and ECProperty grouping nodes)
ECInstance ECInstance context ECInstance symbol context if its an ECInstance node
HasChildren bool Does this node have any children
ChildrenArtifacts object[] A value list of objects generated using the NodeArtifacts customization rule on child nodes. Child nodes in this case are immediate child nodes that are not necessarily visible.


ECInstance expression context provides access to ECInstance property values. Example:


Additionally, when evaluating ECInstance contexts, the below symbols are available:

Symbol Type Value
GetRelatedDisplayLabel("RelationshipSchemaName:RelationshipName", "Forward|Backward", "RelatedClassSchemaName:RelatedClassName") string Returns display label of the related instance
GetRelatedInstancesCount("RelationshipSchemaName:RelationshipName", "Forward|Backward", "RelatedClassSchemaName:RelatedClassName") number Number of related instances following the specified relationship
GetRelatedInstancesCount("RelatedClassSchemaName:RelatedClassName", lambda_for_filtering_related_instances) number Number of related instances that match criteria described by given lambda
HasRelatedInstance("RelationshipSchemaName:RelationshipName", "Forward|Backward", "RelatedClassSchemaName:RelatedClassName") bool Does this instance has a related instance following the specified relationship
HasRelatedInstance("RelatedClassSchemaName:RelatedClassName", lambda_for_filtering_related_instances) bool Does this instance has a related instance that matches criteria described by given lambda
GetRelatedValue("RelationshipSchemaName:RelationshipName", "Forward|Backward", "RelatedClassSchemaName:RelatedClassName", "PropertyName") any Returns property value of the related instance
GetRelatedValue("RelatedClassSchemaName:RelatedClassName", lambda_for_filtering_related_instances, "PropertyName") any Returns property value of related instance that matches criteria described by given lambda
IsOfClass("SchemaName", "ClassName")) bool Returns true if the instance is of a class with given schema and class names
IsOfClass(SomeECClassId)) bool Returns true if the instance is of a class with specified ECClass ID

Deprecated symbols:

Symbol Type Value
GetRelatedInstance("RelationshipName:0|1:RelatedClassName") ECInstance context Returns related instance context. Not available when evaluating instance filters.

ECInstance key

ECInstance key expression context provides access to class and instance IDs. The context has the following symbols:

Symbol Type Value
ECClassId number ID of ECInstance's ECClass
ECInstanceId number ID of ECInstance

Symbols in global context

Note: User Settings is a deprecated name of Ruleset Variables concept.

Ruleset variable access symbols allow accessing variable values through ECExpressions.

Symbol Deprecated Symbol Type Value
GetVariableStringValue("var_id") GetSettingValue("var_id") string Get string value of a variable with the specified ID
GetVariableBoolValue("var_id") GetSettingBoolValue("var_id") bool Get boolean value of a variable with the specified ID
GetVariableIntValue("var_id") GetSettingIntValue("var_id") number Get int value of a variable with the specified ID
GetVariableIntValues("var_id") GetSettingIntValues("var_id") number[] Get int value list of a variable with the specified ID
HasVariable("var_id") HasSetting("var_id") bool Does variable with the specified ID exist

Other symbols

Symbol Type Value
Set(number1, number2, ..., numberN) number[] Create a value list of the supplied numbers.
GetFormattedValue(this.MyProp, "Metric|UsCustomary|UsSurvey|BritishImperial") any Returns property value formatted using specified unit system. If unit system is not specified default presentation units are used to format value

Formatted property values

Comparison of formatted property values in ECExpressions can be done using GetFormattedValue function. Specific unit system can be passed as a second argument to function or omitted to use default presentation format:

GetFormattedValue(this.Length, "Metric") = "10.0 m"
GetFormattedValue(this.Length) = "10.0 m"

Last Updated: 12 February, 2025