Scalar SQLite built-in functions
The following is a list of SQLite built-in scalar functions exposed in ECSql, see SQLite documentation for more details
Function | Description |
abs(X) |
The abs(X) function returns the absolute value of the numeric argument X . Read more. |
char(X1,X2,...,XN) |
The char(X1,X2,...,XN) function returns a string composed of characters having the unicode code point values of integers X1 through XN , respectively.Read more. |
coalesce(X,Y,...) |
The coalesce() function returns a copy of its first non-NULL argument, or NULL if all arguments are NULL . Read more. |
format(FORMAT,...) |
The format(FORMAT,...) SQL function works like the sqlite3_mprintf() . Read more. |
glob(X,Y) |
The glob(X,Y) use glob syntax.
ifnull(X,Y) |
The ifnull() function returns a copy of its first non-NULL argument, or NULL if both arguments are NULL . Read more. |
iif(X,Y,Z) |
The iif(X,Y,Z) function returns the value Y if X is true, and Z otherwise. Read more. |
instr(X,Y) |
The instr(X,Y) function finds the first occurrence of string Y within string X and returns the number of prior characters plus 1 , or 0 if Y is nowhere found within X . Read more. |
length(X) |
Return length of a value according to its type. Read more. |
like(X,Y[,Z]) |
The like() function is used to implement the Y LIKE X [ESCAPE Z] expression. Read more. |
lower(X) |
The lower(X) function returns a copy of string X with all ASCII characters converted to lower case. Read more. |
ltrim(X,Y[,Z]) |
The ltrim(X,Y) function returns a string formed by removing any and all characters that appear in Y from the left side of X . Read more. |
max(X,Y,...) |
The multi-argument max() function returns the argument with the maximum value, or return NULL if any argument is NULL . Read more. |
min(X,Y,...) |
The multi-argument min() function returns the argument with the minimum value.Read more. |
nullif(X,Y) |
The nullif(X,Y) function returns its first argument if the arguments are different and NULL if the arguments are the same. Read more. |
octet_length(X) |
The octet_length(X) function returns the number of bytes in the encoding of text string X .Read more. |
printf(FORMAT,...) |
The printf() SQL function is an alias for the format() SQL function. Read more. |
quote(X) |
The quote(X) function returns the text of an SQL literal which is the value of its argument suitable for inclusion into an SQL statement. Read more. |
random() |
The random() function returns a pseudo-random integer between -9223372036854775808 and +9223372036854775807 . Read more. |
randomblob(N) |
The randomblob(N) function return an N-byte blob containing pseudo-random bytes. Read more. |
replace(X,Y,Z) |
The replace(X,Y,Z) function returns a string formed by substituting string Z for every occurrence of string Y in string X .Read more. |
round(X[,Y]) |
The round(X,Y) function returns a floating-point value X rounded to Y digits to the right of the decimal point. Read more. |
rtrim(X[,Y]) |
The rtrim(X,Y) function returns a string formed by removing any and all characters that appear in Y from the right side of X .Read more. |
sign(X) |
The sign(X) function returns -1 , 0 , or +1 if the argument X is a numeric value that is negative, zero, or positive, respectively. Read more. |
soundex(X) |
The soundex(X) function returns a string that is the soundex encoding of the string X . Read more. |
substr(X,Y[,Z]) |
The substr(X,Y,Z) function returns a substring of input string X that begins with the Y-th character and which is Z characters long. Read more. |
trim(X[,Y]) |
The trim(X,Y) function returns a string formed by removing any and all characters that appear in Y from both ends of X . Read more. |
typeof(X) |
The typeof(X) function returns a string that indicates the datatype of the expression X : "null", "integer", "real", "text", or "blob". Read more. |
unhex(X[,Y]) |
The unhex(X,Y) function returns a BLOB value which is the decoding of the hexadecimal string X . Read more. |
upper(X) |
The upper(X) function returns a copy of input string X in which all lower-case ASCII characters are converted to their upper-case equivalent. Read more. |
Last Updated: 13 May, 2024
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