StructuralAnalysis (Structural Analysis) Schema

Alias: sa

Version: 1.0.4

Structural Analysis Schema.

StructuralAnalysis schema defines classes that represent data for Structural modeling. Focuses on information that is important in design, construction and modification of the load bearing components of buildings, bridges and other structures.

StructuralAnalysis schema uses topological approach for defining its data: TopologyElements represent base structural model skeleton, other members (beams, slabs) share this data to define their analytical location and connectivity with other elements. Topology elements can be either Private (Path, Wire, Loop, Sheet) or Shared (Vertex, Edge, Face).

Some example applications which will use this schema include: RAM, STAAD, SPPM, Structural Synchronizer.

Table of contents

Entity Classes

AxialBehaviorAspect (Axial Behavior Aspect) Sealed EntityClass

Defines member as having a particular axial structural behavior.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:CurveMemberBehaviorAspect

Defines behavior for host CurveMember when subjected to axial Loads. see AxialBehaviorType enum for more information about possible values. Applications should not use this aspect unless they can represent multiple Axial Behavior values. Members should not use this aspect if LoadResistanceBehavior Aspect is already applied.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Type Specifies axial behavior type. AxialBehavior
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

BehaviorAspect (Behavior Aspect) Abstract EntityClass

Defined Structural behavior for an Element.

Base Class: BisCore:ElementUniqueAspect

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

Specifies a structural behavior for an element. The behavior is usually optional and unique for that element. Element behavior aspects are never shared. Each Element can have multiple BehaviorAspect, however all aspects should be unique - there should not be any aspect instances of the same class.

Behavior is subclassed by SurfaceMemberBehaviorAspect, CurveMemberBehaviorAspect, MemberBehaviorAspect.

BendingBehaviorAspect (Bending Behavior Aspect) Sealed EntityClass

Assigns analytical behavior for an IStructuralSurface when subjected to transverse loads.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:SurfaceMemberBehaviorAspect

Defines how SurfaceMember is able to resist deformation when load is applied parallel to Sheets normal. See BendingBehaviorValue enum for possible values.


Name Description Type Extended Type
BendingBehaviorValue Provides value for the behavior. BendingBehaviorValue
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

CamberBehaviorAspect (Camber Behavior Aspect) Sealed EntityClass

Provides camber behavior for CurveMember.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:CurveMemberBehaviorAspect

Behavior specifies that the CurveMember is slightly curved or bent, tipically used with Beams. Positive camber means that the beam is curved upward, this usually provide some extra structural support to a wide span or space by counteracting deflection due to Load. If camber is negative - beam is bent downward, this can indicate a problem either a wear and tear, deterioration or deliberate destructive manipulation to a structure.


Name Description Type Extended Type
CamberValue Camber value for the behavior. double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

CompositeDeckType (Composite Deck Type) Sealed EntityClass

Composite Deck Type.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:SurfaceType


Name Description Type Extended Type
FillingMaterial navigation
Thickness double
SteelDeck navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean
Recipe navigation

CurveLoad (Curve Load) Sealed EntityClass

Load which is applied along the curve.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:Load

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation
CoordinateSystem Local coordinate system of the Load. CoordinateSystem

Distributed Load which affects a curve. These loads can be both uniform (all points on the curve are affected by same force) and non-uniform (forces that affect each point on the curve vary). CurveLoad can be applied on any curve or surface element (CurveMember, SurfaceMember, CurveSupport, SurfaceSupport).

Two aspects must always be assigned to a CurveLoad:

CurveLoadValueAspect (Curve Load Value Aspect) Abstract EntityClass

A LoadValueAspect that can be assigned to a CurveLoad.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:LoadValueAspect

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

Defines an abstract aspect class for setting load values of CurveLoad (e.g. Force). Values along the Curve Load might be both Uniform and Varying.

CurveMember (Curve Member) Sealed EntityClass

Defines a Member that is located along a Path, and whose behavior is defined along that Path.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:Member

CurveMember represents a Member that is primarily linear in nature. CurveMember's purpose is to hold the structure by providing resistance from both lateral and gravity loads. Some examples are beams, columns, piles and cables.

CurveMember's analytical location is defined by its child Wire and CurveMemberOwnsLocationWire relationship. CurveMember has a direction which is defined by its location Wire.

CurveMember has local coordinate system (RST):

  • RAxis matches direction of CurveMember
  • TAxis matches CurveMember's orientation
  • SAxis is defined by cross product of TAxis and RAxis
  • Origin matches location Wire start point

Connectivity between CurveMember and other elements are defined through Edges and Vertices that are referenced by CurveMember's location Wire. By default all fixities for the CurveMember are treated as fixed. However, these default fixities can be overridden with the aspects:

  • VertexReleaseAspect - only used for adjusting fixity for a single specific Vertex
  • PathReleaseAspect - only used for adjusting fixity for all Edges that belong to a specific Path. There might be some cases where Edges need to have different fixities in a CurveMember. For this purpose additional sub Wires with CurveMemberOwnsSubWire relationship should be used. Release aspects for sub wires will always override fixity behavior assigned the location Wire. Each Edge referenced by a sub Wire must be referenced by location Wire.

Not all properties of CurveMember are defined in CurveMember class. There are two additional types of properties that can be assigned to a CurveMember:

  • Mandatory CurveMember properties, that can be repeated in multiple CurveMembers are grouped by a CurveMemberType, these could include material, thickness, etc
  • Optional properties, that define some more unique behavior for that CurveMember that might not exist at all. These behaviors are assigned by MemberBehaviorAspect instances. A single CurveMember might have multiple different type behavior aspects assigned but only one of each kind.


Name Description Type Extended Type
PlacementPoint Point at which Curve Member's topology intersects with Profile. string
Classification The use case for this Curve Member. CurveMemberClassificationType
StartRigidZoneLength Defines the length of Rigid Zone at the start of Curve Member. Rigid zone specifies that the Curve Member is immune deformation at that zone. Common case would be where curve member overlaps with other member, overlapping area would be define das rigid zone. double
EndRigidZoneLength Defines the length of Rigid Zone at the end of Curve Member. Rigid zone specifies that the Curve Member is immune deformation at that zone. Common case would be where curve member overlaps with other member, overlapping area would be define das rigid zone. double
Offset 2d offset defined in local coordinate system, where first coordinate variable shows offset along bi-normal and second along Orientation. point2d
IsProfileMirrored Specifies if profile should be mirrored about orientation. boolean
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation
Story Story that this element is located in. navigation
Orientation Orientation (normal) vector of the curve. point3d

CurveMemberBehaviorAspect (Curve Member Behavior Aspect) Abstract EntityClass

Defines unique behavior for a specific CurveMember.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:BehaviorAspect

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

Base aspect class to define behavior for a CurveMember. Properties which come with derived aspects are optional for CurveMember. CurveMember might have multiple behavior aspects, however only a single instance of each behavior subclass can be assigned to a single CurveMember. Behavior aspects are unique and cannot be shared.

CurveMemberType (Curve Member Type) Abstract EntityClass

Type grouping Curve Members.

Base Class: Analytical:AnalyticalType

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean
Recipe navigation

Multiple CurveMember properties might be grouped by a single entity/type. This entity is a CurveMemberType which holds all repeating properties for the CurveMembers. Each CurveMember must have a CurveMemberType set. Materials, Profiles and Tapering (CurveMember's profile change along the length) can be defined in this way.

Available CurveMemberTypes:

CurveRelativeToCurveAspect (Curve Relative to Curve Aspect) Sealed EntityClass

Defines location for curve load in host curve.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:RelativeCurveLocationAspect

Describes relationship between CurveLoad and its host curve - IDefinedCurve (CurveMember, CurveSupport). Allows to define a location on a host where the force of a CurveLoad is applied to.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Start Fractional parameter on a host curve ('0.0' - start of the curve, 1.0 - end). double
End Fractional parameter on a host curve. ('0.0' - start of the curve, 1.0 - end) double
Offset Offset in a plane, defined by a host curve's normal and bi-normal. point2d
PlacementPoint Placement point on a profile that is associated with the host curve. PlacementPoint should be only used with host that have non point profile (CurveMember). This property should be set to null for hosts that do not have a 'real world' profile - CurveSupport PlacementPoint
ReferenceCurve Reference/Host curve in which curve load is located. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

CurveRelativeToSurfaceAspect (Curve Relative to Surface Location Aspect) Sealed EntityClass

Curve relative to surface.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:RelativeCurveLocationAspect

Describes relationship between CurveLoad and its host surface - IDefinedSurface (SurfaceMember, SurfaceSupport). Allows to define a location on a host where the force of a CurveLoad is applied to.

SurfaceMember might have some SurfaceMemberModifiers which have different thickness than the rest of SurfaceMember. Since CurveLoads are defined by SurfaceMember's plane, CurveLoad might not always rest on a modifier. For this case SurfaceAlignmentType and offset properties can be used to adjust load location to match modifier's plane.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Location Curve which describes load location on a host surface. Bentley.Geometry.Common.IGeometry
Offset Distance from the surface, along the normal. Can be both positive and negative. double
PlacementSurface Placement Surface at which load is applied. For 0-thickness hosts (SurfaceSupport) this should be set to null. PlacementSurface
ReferenceSurface Host surface in which Curve Load is located. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

CurveRotationalBehavior (Curve Rotational Behavior) Abstract EntityClass

Describes connection about some specific axis.

Base Class: BisCore:DefinitionElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

Indicates how a CurveSupport behaves at connection when affected by a force about some specific rotational axis. TODO: more detailed description, add derived classes..

CurveSupport (Curve Support) Sealed EntityClass

Support which is located in a curve.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:Support

Represents an analytical support providing fixity along a curve. For example: a support provided under a wall. The support has its own coordinate system and has fixity properties for each degree of freedom.

Each CurveSupport has a child Wire defining its location. Through this topological location, support is connected to other AnalysisMembers.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Behavior Defines how support behaves at it's location. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation
Story Story that this element is located in. navigation
Orientation Orientation (normal) vector of the curve. point3d

CurveSupportBehavior (Curve Support Behavior) Sealed EntityClass

Defines fixity behaviors for Curve Support.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:SupportBehavior

Defines fixity behavior for each CurveSupport's Local Coordinate axis. There are 4 degrees of freedom: a single rotational about the tangent of a curve and three translational for each axis. CurveSupport connects to other StructuralAnalysisElements through its location curve (Wire) and Edges that concatenate to that curve. Forces that are applied for the CurveSupport or other Elements at that connection are transferred between each other.


Name Description Type Extended Type
TranslationalRAxis Translational Fixity behavior along R Axis. navigation
TranslationalSAxis Translational Fixity behavior along S Axis. navigation
TranslationalTAxis Translational Fixity behavior along T Axis. navigation
RotationalRAxis Rotational Fixity behavior about R Axis. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

CurveTranslationalBehavior (Curve Translational Behavior) Abstract EntityClass

Describes connection along some specific axis.

Base Class: BisCore:DefinitionElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

Indicates how a CurveSupport behaves at connection when affected by a force along some specific axis. The behavior is assigned through CurveSupportBehavior class.

Edge (Edge) Sealed EntityClass

An identified curve location in 3D space.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:SharedTopologyElement

Edges provide a curve location (between two Vertices) and connectivity along the curve. Edge has direction from start Vertex to its end Vertex. Edge's location curve cannot self intersect. Edge can refer to the same Vertex for both its start and end.

Edges are only referred to by Paths (through OrientedEdgeAspects). StructuralAnalysisElements that refer to the same Edge are connected. Multiple edges might exist in same location, however elements would not be considered connected if they reference these separate Edges. By default all elements which refer to the same Edge are fixed at its connection curve. Default fixities can be adjusted with these instances:

Any other Element with a relationship to an Edge will not be considered for updating in operations that split, merge or delete the Edge.

Edges are Model-scope shared resources that never have a parent Element.

Parasolid Equivalent: Edge


Name Description Type Extended Type
StartVertex Start Vertex (Point). navigation
EndVertex End Vertex (Point). navigation
Curve A non self-intersecting curve defining Edge's location. Bentley.Geometry.Common.IGeometry
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

Face (Face) Sealed EntityClass

A surface bounded by Loops.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:SharedTopologyElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

Faces provide a surface location (bounded by Loops) and connectivity across that surface. Faces are never referenced directly by StructuralAnalysisElements, Surface Elements (SurfaceMembers, SurfaceMemberRegions, SurfaceSupports) can reference Faces through FaceSets.

Faces contain Loops and Wires as children. Loops represent Face boundaries and the Wires represent linear connectivity within the Face. Face always has a single Loop which defines outer boundary. Inner Loops will have opposite normal to outer Loop's. Inner Loops define holes in a Face, two faces would not be considered overlapping if the first face's outer Loop is inside of the other face's inner loop. Faces can also directly refer to Vertices, in case there is another member connected to a Face at a single point - Vertex should be used to define that connection, e.g. Column supporting Slab.

Faces also define surface connectivity by themselves. By default all elements which refer to the same Face are fixed at that spatial surface location. Default fixities can be adjusted with these instances:

Faces are only referred to by FaceSets (through OrientedFaceAspects). Any other Element with relationship to a Face will not be considered in operations that split, merge or delete the Face.

Faces are Model-scope shared resources that never have a parent Element.

Faces can only be planar, however in future Faces might have a Surface property which would allow to define a non-planar surface.

Parasolid Equivalent: Face

FaceSet (Face Set) Abstract EntityClass

A set of Edge-connected Faces with compatible orientations.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:PrivateTopologyElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

FaceSet is a set of Edge-connected Faces with compatible orientations. Both adjacent Faces must reference Edges that connect them. Edges can never overlap or intersect in a FaceSet.

The Faces of a FaceSet are defined through its ownership of OrientedFaceAspects. A valid FaceSet must always have at least one OrientedFaceAspect.

FaceSet is abstract and only has two subclasses (both sealed):

  • Shell (Future) - a closed FaceSet defining the boundary of a Region (future)
  • Sheet - an open or closed FaceSet that does not define the boundary of a Region

FaceSets are never shared.

FactoredLoadCase (Factored Load Case) Sealed EntityClass

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:FactoredLoadCondition


Name Description Type Extended Type
LoadCase Load Case. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Factor Factor to be applied to the group. double
LoadCombinationType Type of load combination. LoadCombinationType

FactoredLoadCaseAspect (Factored Load Case Aspect) Sealed EntityClass Deprecated

Instances of LoadCombination and it


Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:FactoredLoadConditionAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
LoadCase Load Case. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementMultiAspect. navigation
Factor Factor to be applied to the group. double
LoadCombinationType Type of load combination. LoadCombinationType

FactoredLoadCombination (Factored Load Combination) Sealed EntityClass

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:FactoredLoadCondition


Name Description Type Extended Type
LoadCombination Load Combination. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Factor Factor to be applied to the group. double
LoadCombinationType Type of load combination. LoadCombinationType

FactoredLoadCombinationAspect (Factored Load Combination Aspect) Sealed EntityClass Deprecated

Instances of LoadCombination and it


Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:FactoredLoadConditionAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
LoadCombination Load Combination. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementMultiAspect. navigation
Factor Factor to be applied to the group. double
LoadCombinationType Type of load combination. LoadCombinationType

FactoredLoadCondition (Factored Load Condition) Abstract EntityClass

Base Class: BisCore:InformationRecordElement


Name Description Type Extended Type
Factor Factor to be applied to the group. double
LoadCombinationType Type of load combination. LoadCombinationType
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json

FactoredLoadConditionAspect (Factored Load Condition Aspect) Abstract EntityClass Deprecated

Instances of LoadCombination and it


Base Class: BisCore:ElementMultiAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
Factor Factor to be applied to the group. double
LoadCombinationType Type of load combination. LoadCombinationType
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementMultiAspect. navigation

FactoredLoadGroupAspect (Factored Load Group Aspect) Sealed EntityClass

Adds a factor to a specified LoadGroup.

Base Class: BisCore:ElementMultiAspect

LoadGroups can be assigned to a multiple LoadCases using this aspect.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Factor Factor to be applied to the group. double
LoadGroup Load Group. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementMultiAspect. navigation

FixedCurveRotationalBehavior (Fixed Curve Rotational Behavior) Sealed EntityClass

Curve has fixed rotational behavior.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:CurveRotationalBehavior

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

Indicates that a CurveSupport is fixed about some specific rotational axis. CurveSupport prevent elements from moving freely about the specified axis. Both CurveSupport and Elements at the connection curve transfer forces between each other, if the direction of that force matches direction about the specified axis.

FixedCurveTranslationalBehavior (Fixed Curve Translational Behavior) Sealed EntityClass

Fix curve translational behavior.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:CurveTranslationalBehavior

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

Indicates that a CurveSupport is fixed along some specific axis. CurveSupport prevent elements from moving freely along the specified axis. Both CurveSupport and Elements at the connection curve transfer forces between each other, if the direction of that force matches direction along that specified axis.

FixedPointRotationalBehavior (Fixed Point Rotational Behavior) Sealed EntityClass

Fixed point rotational behavior.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:PointRotationalBehavior

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

Indicates that a PointSupport is fixed about some specific rotational axis. PointSupport prevent elements from moving freely about the specified axis. Both PointSupport and Elements at the connection point transfer forces between each other, if the direction of that force matches direction about the specified axis.

FixedPointTranslationalBehavior (Fixed Point Translational Behavior) Sealed EntityClass

Fixed Point Translational Behavior.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:PointTranslationalBehavior

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

Indicates that a PointSupport is fixed along some specific axis. PointSupport prevent elements from moving freely along the specified axis. BothPoint Support and Elements at the connection point transfer forces between each other, if the direction of that force matches direction along that specified axis.

FixedSurfaceTranslationalBehavior (Fixed Surface Translational Behavior) Sealed EntityClass

Fixed Surface Translational Behavior.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:SurfaceTranslationalBehavior

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

Indicates that a SurfaceSupport is fixed along some specific axis. SurfaceSupport prevents elements from moving freely along the specified axis. Both SurfaceSupport and Elements at the connection surface transfer forces between each other, if the direction of that force matches direction along that specified axis.

ForcePointLoadValueAspect (Point Force Value Aspect) Sealed EntityClass

Defines a force for a point load.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:PointLoadValueAspect

Defines PointForce value for a PointLoad.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Force Force value. struct
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

LinearSpringCurveRotationalBehavior (Linear Spring Curve Rotational Behavior) Sealed EntityClass

Defines Linear Spring Curve Rotational Behavior for Curve Support.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:CurveRotationalBehavior

Indicates that a CurveSupport has a spring behavior about some specific axis. CurveSupport prevents elements from moving freely about the specified axis. Both CurveSupport and Elements at the connection curve transfer forces between each other, if the direction of that force matches direction about the specified axis. However, unlike FixedCurveRotationalBehavior, LinearSpringCurveRotational behavior has a stiffness at the connection which prevents elements from transferring full force through that connection.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Stiffness Stiffness. double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

LinearSpringCurveTranslationalBehavior (Linear Spring Curve Translational Behavior) Sealed EntityClass

Linear Spring Curve Translational Behavior.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:CurveTranslationalBehavior

Indicates that a CurveSupport has a spring behavior along some specific axis. CurveSupport prevents elements from moving freely along the specified axis. Both CurveSupport and Elements at the connection curve transfer forces between each other, if the direction of that force matches direction along that specified axis. However, unlike FixedCurveTranslationalBehavior, LinearSpringCurveTranslational behavior has a stiffness at the connection which prevents elements from transferring full force through that connection.


Name Description Type Extended Type
SpringType Spring Type. SpringBehaviorType
Stiffness Stiffness. double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

LinearSpringPointRotationalBehavior (Linear Spring Point Rotational Behavior) Sealed EntityClass

linear spring point rotational behavior.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:PointRotationalBehavior

Indicates that a PointSupport has a spring behavior about some specific axis. PointSupport prevents elements from moving freely about the specified axis. Both PointSupport and Elements at the connection point transfer forces between each other, if the direction of that force matches direction about the specified axis. However, unlike FixedPointRotationalBehavior, LinearSpringPointRotational behavior has a stiffness at the connection which prevents elements from transferring full force through that connection.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Stiffness Stiffness. double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

LinearSpringPointTranslationalBehavior (Linear Spring Point Translational Behavior) Sealed EntityClass

Linear SpringPoint Translational Behavior.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:PointTranslationalBehavior

Indicates that a PointSupport has a spring behavior along some specific axis. PointSupport prevents elements from moving freely along the specified axis. Both PointSupport and Elements at the connection point transfer forces between each other, if the direction of that force matches direction along that specified axis. However, unlike FixedPointTranslationalBehavior, LinearSpringPointTranslational behavior has a stiffness at the connection which prevents elements from transferring full force through that connection.


Name Description Type Extended Type
SpringType Spring Type. SpringBehaviorType
Stiffness Stiffness. double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

LinearSpringSurfaceTranslationalBehavior (Linear Spring Surface Translational Behavior) Sealed EntityClass

Linear Spring Surface Translational Behavior.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:SurfaceTranslationalBehavior

Indicates that a SurfaceSupport has a spring behavior along some specific axis. SurfaceSupport prevents elements from moving freely along the specified axis. Both SurfaceSupport and Elements at the connection surface transfer forces between each other, if the direction of that force matches direction along that specified axis. However, unlike FixedSurfaceTranslationalBehavior, LinearSpringSurfaceTranslational behavior has a stiffness at the connection which prevents elements from transferring full force through that connection.


Name Description Type Extended Type
SpringType Spring Type. SpringBehaviorType
Stiffness Stiffness. double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

Load (Load) Abstract EntityClass

Load which affects analysis members.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:StructuralAnalysisElement

Structure loads represent forces, deformations that are applied to StructuralMembers, Supports or Vertices. Properties for load affected elements are calculated by assessing these Loads.

When multiple loads overlap (regardless of the Load Type) the result is always additive.

Loads in StructuralAnalysis schema are always hosted - they always have related Member, Support or Vertex which is assigned through RelativeLocationAspect. Load values are assigned through LoadValueAspect.

StructuralAnalysis provide multiple LoadTypes, all these types could be grouped into a LoadContainer which can be either LoadGroup or LoadCase. LoadCases can reference LoadGroups. Based on Load condition: amount of force produced by the same Load might varry. This variantion is calculated using Load Factors that are defined in a Load Container.

Loads are subclassed by the area they affect:

  • PointLoad - affects such a small area that it can be contracted to a single spatial point
  • CurveLoad - affects over a curve
  • SurfaceLoad - affects over a surface


Name Description Type Extended Type
CoordinateSystem Local coordinate system of the Load. CoordinateSystem
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

LoadCase (Load Case) Sealed EntityClass

Collection of loads that act over the structure as a case.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:LoadContainer

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation
LoadType Load Type. LoadType
SelfWeightVector Self Weight Vector. point3d

Defines LoadType for a set of Loads or LoadGroups. During analysis LoadCases are given different factors by each LoadCombination based on the event against which the structure is tested.

LoadCombination (Load Combination (Deprecated)) Sealed EntityClass Deprecated

Instances of LoadCombination are no longer created. LoadCombinationInformation should be used instead.


Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:StructuralAnalysisElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

LoadCombinationInformation (Load Combination) Sealed EntityClass

Element that groups a set of load cases that are applied to the structure simultaneously or sequentially

Base Class: BisCore:InformationRecordElement

A load combination is a set of load cases that are applied to the structure simultaneously or sequentially. A load case is a single type of load, such as dead load, live load, wind load, earthquake load, etc. Load combinations are used to represent different design situations, such as serviceability, strength, stability, or extreme events. For example, a load combination for strength design might include the dead load, the live load, and a fraction of the wind load. A load combination for earthquake design might include the dead load, the live load, and the earthquake load in a specific direction.

Loads and Factors are assigned to LoadCombinationInformations using ([LoadConditionFactors])(#loadconditionfactor).


Name Description Type Extended Type
SrssFactor A factor to multiply the product of SRSS added Load Conditions. double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json

LoadContainer (Load Container) Abstract EntityClass

A collection of loads.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:StructuralAnalysisElement

Loads are grouped through Parent property by some specific LoadType (usually source of the Loads).


Name Description Type Extended Type
LoadType Load Type. LoadType
SelfWeightVector Self Weight Vector. point3d
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

LoadGroup (Load Group) Sealed EntityClass

Collection of loads only for grouping purposes.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:LoadContainer

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation
LoadType Load Type. LoadType
SelfWeightVector Self Weight Vector. point3d

Groups Loads which can be later added to multiple LoadCases. FactoredLoadGroupAspect is used for assinging LoadGroups to LoadCases.

LoadResistanceBehaviorAspect (Load Resistance Behavior Aspect) Sealed EntityClass

Member load resistance.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:MemberBehaviorAspect

Defines the behavior of a structural Member to resist forces caused by applied Loads.


Name Description Type Extended Type
LoadResistance Value for load resistance. LoadResistance
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

LoadValueAspect (Load Value Aspect) Abstract EntityClass

A value that must be applied to a Load.

Base Class: BisCore:ElementUniqueAspect

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

The actual force of a Load. Each load has to have assigned LoadValueAspect. There is a separate subclass of LoadValueAspect for each Load subclass:

LogicalVertexReleaseAspect (Logical Vertex Release Aspect) Sealed EntityClass

Vertex Release of a Member.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:VertexReleaseAspect

Indicates Logical release at a Vertex. Logical release can be fully released or fully fixed. see [TODO: Add release enum].


Name Description Type Extended Type
TranslationalRAxis Release for Translational R Axis. ReleaseType
TranslationalSAxis Release for Translational S Axis. ReleaseType
TranslationalTAxis Release for Translational T Axis. ReleaseType
RotationalRAxis Release for Rotational R Axis. ReleaseType
RotationalSAxis Release for Rotational S Axis. ReleaseType
RotationalTAxis Release for Rotational T Axis. ReleaseType
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementMultiAspect. navigation
Vertex navigation

Loop (Loop) Sealed EntityClass

A Path that is closed and defines a boundary of a Face.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:Path

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

Every Loop has a parent which is always a Face. Loops are always closed: First OrientedEdge's first Vertex must always be referenced as the last OrientedEdge's end Vertex.

Each Loop has a normal. The direction of normal depends on how the OrientedEdges for the Loop are placed: OrientedEdges are connected clockwise around the Loop when viewed by the normal direction.

Loops are never shared.

Parasolid Equivalent: Loop

MaterialProfile (Material Profile) Sealed EntityClass

Single pair of Profile and PhysicalMaterial.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:MaterialProfileDefinition

Defines a CurveMember that has a constant Profile along it's length.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Profile Referenced Profile. navigation
Category Role of the MaterialProfile. MaterialProfileCategoryType
Material Referenced PhysicalMaterial. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean
Name Name of the MaterialProfile used for identification. string
Description Description of the MaterialProfile. string

MaterialProfileDefinition (Material Profile Definition) Abstract EntityClass

Base class defining an element that pairs Profiles and PhysicalMaterials.

Base Class: BisCore:DefinitionElement

A base class defining CurveMember Material and Profiles at each end. For a case where Profile does not change along the length - MaterialProfile subclass should be used. For a tapered case - where different Profiles are needed at different Curve Member's ends - use TaperedMaterialProfile.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Name Name of the MaterialProfile used for identification. string
Description Description of the MaterialProfile. string
Category Role of the MaterialProfile. MaterialProfileCategoryType
Material Referenced PhysicalMaterial. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

MaterialProfileType (Material Profile Type) Sealed EntityClass

Curve Member Type with shared Material and Profile.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:SingleCurveMemberType

A CurveMemberType which defines a type of a CurveMember that is constructed of a single material. Can be used to define constant profile, tapered and multi-profile Curve Members. Material and Profile data is provided by MaterialProfileDefinition element.


Name Description Type Extended Type
MaterialProfile Material Profile. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean
Recipe navigation

Member (Member) Abstract EntityClass

Abstract class for all member classes to descend from.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:StructuralAnalysisElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation
Story Story that this element is located in. navigation

Represents a major structural component such as: beam, column, wall. Members can transfer forces from one location to another. Members are analytical instances, however they should be modeled to mirror their actual physical locations and sizes as much as practical. “Simplifying” a model by moving Member locations (for example to locate all members on grid lines) is discouraged as these simplified models have little value for drawing production and detailing applications that may utilize the Structural Analysis schema.

Members always have at least one PrivateTopologyElement that defines their location and connectivity to other elements.

There are two types of members in StructuralAnalysisSchema:

MemberBehaviorAspect (Member Behavior Aspect) Abstract EntityClass

Defines unique behavior for a any Member.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:BehaviorAspect

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

Specifies a structural behavior for any Member. All aspects that inherit MemberBehaviorAspect can be applied on (CurveMember and SurfaceMember). For more specialized Behavior Aspects see SurfaceMemberBehaviorAspect or CurveMemberBehaviorAspect.

OrientedEdgeAspect (Oriented Edge Aspect) Sealed EntityClass

This Aspect stores Edges (and related data) for a Path.

Base Class: BisCore:ElementMultiAspect

OrientedEdgeAspect allows to assign Edge for a Path.

A Path might refer to multiple Edges, one of OrientedEdgeAspect purposes is to define the order of Edges in a Path by providing a unique (for that Path) index. Each Edge has a direction from its start Vertex to end Vertex. OrientedEdgeAspect can change the direction how the Edge is treated in Path's context. Edges in a Path are required to connect head to tail. Head OrientedEdgeAspect must have index property set to 0. Each subsequent OrientedEdgeAspect in a Path must have index incremented by 1.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Index Zero based index for Edge order in Path. int
IsForwardDirection Shows if direction matches edge direction. boolean
Edge Edge. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementMultiAspect. navigation

OrientedFaceAspect (Oriented Face Aspect) Sealed EntityClass

This Aspect stores the Faces (and related data) for a FaceSet.

Base Class: BisCore:ElementMultiAspect

Each Face has a direction (same as normal) which is provided by its bounding Loop. IsForwardDirection property can be used when Face needs to have opposite direction to make it compatible with other Faces in a FaceSet.


Name Description Type Extended Type
IsForwardDirection Shows if direction matches Face direction. boolean
Face Face described by this Aspect. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementMultiAspect. navigation

Path (Path) Abstract EntityClass

Series of Edges that define a continuous analytical curve.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:PrivateTopologyElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

Path is a sequence of Vertex-connected Edges. Path always has a Parent which uses Path to reference Edges and Vertices to define either a surface or a linear element.

Path is abstract and only has two subclasses (both sealed):

  • Loop - a closed Path defining the boundary of a Face
  • Wire - an open or closed Path that does not define the boundary of a Face

The Edges of a Path are defined through its ownership of OrientedEdgeAspects. A valid Path must always have at least one OrientedEdgeAspect. Paths can never be shared. Duplicate Paths that reference same Edges and define same connectivity for different members can coexist. Edges in a Path can never intersect.

PointLoad (Point Load) Sealed EntityClass

Load which is applied at a point.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:Load

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation
CoordinateSystem Local coordinate system of the Load. CoordinateSystem

Load which affects such a small area that it can be contracted to a single spatial point. PointLoad should be placed on any Member, Support. However, because some applications are used to placing PointLoads on Vertices/Nodes - PointLoad has exception and can be placed on a Vertex.

Two aspects must always be assigned to a PointLoad:

PointLoadValueAspect (Point Load Value Aspect) Abstract EntityClass

Base class for defining Point Load properties.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:LoadValueAspect

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

Defines an abstract aspect class for setting load values of PointLoad values, curently the only property that can be assinged is Force (PointForceValueAspect)

PointRelativeToCurveAspect (Point Relative to Curve Location Aspect) Sealed EntityClass

Point relative to curve.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:RelativePointLocationAspect

Describes relationship between PointLoad and its host curve - IDefinedCurve (CurveMember. CurveSupport). Allows to define a location on a host where the force of a PointLoad is applied to.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Location Fractional parameter (0.0 - 1.0) on a curve defining a point. double
Offset Offset in a plane defined by normal and bi-normal of location curve. point2d
PlacementPoint Placement Point on a Host where load is located. Should only be used with host that have a non point profile (CurveMember). This property should be set to null for hosts that do not have a 'real world' profile - CurveSupport. PlacementPoint
ReferenceCurve navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

PointRelativeToPointAspect (Point Relative to Point Aspect) Sealed EntityClass

Point relative to point.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:RelativePointLocationAspect

Describes relationship between PointLoad and its host point - IDefinedPoint (Vertex, PointSupport). Allows to define a location at that specific point where the force of PointLoad is applied to.


Name Description Type Extended Type
ReferencePoint navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

PointRelativeToSurfaceAspect (Point Relative to Surface Location Aspect) Sealed EntityClass

Point relative to surface.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:RelativePointLocationAspect

Describes relationship between PointLoad and its host surface - IDefinedSurface (SurfaceMember, SurfaceSupport). Allows to define a location on a host where the force of a PointLoad is applied to.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Location Location is defined in 2d coordinate system defined by host r and s axis. point2d
Offset double
PlacementSurface Defines a Alignment on Surface Host for this load. For 0-thickness hosts (SurfaceSupport) this should be set to null. PlacementSurface
ReferenceSurface navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

PointRotationalBehavior (Vertex Rotational Behavior) Abstract EntityClass

Describes connection about some specific axis.

Base Class: BisCore:DefinitionElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

Indicates how a PointSupport behaves at connection when affected by a force about some specific rotational axis.

PointSupport (Point Support) Sealed EntityClass

Support which is located at a single point.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:Support

Represents an analytical support providing fixity at a point. For example: a support provided under column. The support has its own coordinate system and has fixity properties for each degree of freedom.

Each PointSupport refers to a Vertex defining its location. Through this topological location, support is connected to other AnalysisMembers.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Vertex Vertex at which this instance supports. navigation
Behavior Point Support Behavior. navigation
RAxis RAxis of local coordinate system. point3d
SAxis SAxis of local coordinate system. point3d
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation
Story Story that this element is located in. navigation

PointSupportBehavior (Point Support Behavior) Sealed EntityClass

Defines fixity behavior for a Point Support.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:SupportBehavior

Defines fixity behavior for each PointSupport's Local Coordinate axis. There are 6 degrees of freedom: rotational and translational for each axis. PointSupport connects to other StructuralAnalysisElements through its location point (Vertex). Forces that are applied for the PointSupport or other Elements at that connection are transferred between each other. Fixities for each degree of freedom are defined by a separate behavior.


Name Description Type Extended Type
TranslationalRAxis Translational Fixity behavior along R Axis. navigation
TranslationalSAxis Translational Fixity behavior along S Axis. navigation
TranslationalTAxis Translational Fixity behavior along T Axis. navigation
RotationalRAxis Rotational Fixity behavior about R Axis. navigation
RotationalSAxis Rotational Fixity behavior about S Axis. navigation
RotationalTAxis Rotational Fixity behavior about T Axis. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

PointTranslationalBehavior (Point Translational Behavior) Abstract EntityClass

Defines fixity behavior along a single local coordinate axis of a Point Support.

Base Class: BisCore:DefinitionElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

Indicates how a PointSupport behaves at connection when affected by a force along some specific axis. The behavior is assigned through PointSupportBehavior class.

PrivateTopologyElement (Private Topology Element) Abstract EntityClass

Abstract class as a common parent class for each topology type that is not shared. Each subclass represents a direct or indirect collection of the shared topology. Each subclass is also a collection of the topology of the same dimensionality.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:TopologyElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

PrivateTopologyElements always have a parent Element that owns them, if the parent is deleted, the PrivateTopologyElement is deleted also. The parent Element may be a TopologyElement (such as a Face owning Loops) or may be a StructuralElement (such as a CurveMember owning a Wire).

There is one and only one subclass of PrivateTopologyElement for each dimensionality above zero:

  • Path for 1D (collection of Edges)
  • FaceSet for 2D (collection of Faces)
  • Solid (future) for 3D (collection of Regions) (there is no need for a 0D SharedTopologyElement, as there is no strong motivation to manage a collection of Vertices)

Although Private Topology Elements derive from Geometric3dElement, they never have their own graphics. Instead, Private Topology Elements always reference Shared Topology Elements.

RelativeCurveLocationAspect (Relative Curve Location Aspect) Abstract EntityClass

Curve relative to other elements.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:RelativeLocationAspect

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

Defines relative location for a CurveLoad. Only elemets that implement IDefinedCurve, IDefinedSurface mixins can provide location for this aspect. The aspect is subclassed based on the host type:

RelativeLocationAspect (Relative Location Aspect) Abstract EntityClass

Abstract class to define a relative location.

Base Class: BisCore:ElementUniqueAspect

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

Loads are always hosted in Structural Analysis schema. Which means that their location are always relative to the host member. Relative Location Aspect provides base class for defining Load location relative to its host. This gives advantage that the load is always located at same parts of the host, when host is moved or rotated. Each Load host must subclass a mixin that defines properties required for a Load to define its relative location. The mixins are:

Each Load subclass has sepperate abstract Relative Location Aspects which are further subclassed by each possible host type:

RelativePointLocationAspect (Relative Point Location Aspect) Abstract EntityClass

Point relative to other elements.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:RelativeLocationAspect

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

Defines relative location for a PointLoad. All IDefinedLocation mixins (IDefinedPoint, IDefinedCurve, IDefinedSurface) can provide a relative location for this aspect. The aspect is subclassed based on the host type:

RelativeSurfaceLocationAspect (Relative Surface Location Aspect) Abstract EntityClass

Surface relative to other elements.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:RelativeLocationAspect

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

Defines relative location for a SurfaceLoad. Only elemets that implement IDefinedSurface mixins can provide location for this aspect. The aspect is subclassed based on the host type:

ReleaseAspect (Release Aspect) Abstract EntityClass

Release of a Member.

Base Class: BisCore:ElementMultiAspect

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementMultiAspect. navigation

By default all conectivities through Topology are treated as Fixed. ReleaseAspects allow to override these conectivities. Connectivities can be overriden for each SharedTopologyElement:

  • VertexReleaseAspect overrides Vertex connectivities
  • PathReleaseAspect (Future) overrides Edge connectivities
  • SheetReleaseAspect (Future) overrides Face connectivities

ReleasedCurveRotationalBehavior (Released Curve Rotational Behavior) Sealed EntityClass

Released Curve Rotational Behavior.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:CurveRotationalBehavior

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

Indicates that a CurveSupport is released about some specific rotational axis. CurveSupport does not prevent elements from moving freely about the specified axis. Both CurveSupport and Elements at the connection do not transfer any force between each other, if the direction of that force matches direction about the specified axis.

ReleasedCurveTranslationalBehavior (Released Curve Translational Behavior) Sealed EntityClass

Released Curve Translational Behavior.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:CurveTranslationalBehavior

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

Indicates that a CurveSupport is released along some specific axis. CurveSupport does not prevent elements from moving freely along the specified axis. Both CurveSupport and Elements at the connection curve do not transfer any force between each other, if the direction of that force matches direction along that specified axis.

ReleasedPointRotationalBehavior (Released Point Rotational Behavior) Sealed EntityClass

released point rotational behavior.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:PointRotationalBehavior

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

Indicates that a PointSupport is released about some specific rotational axis. PointSupport does not prevent elements from moving freely about the specified axis. Both PointSupport and Elements at the connection point do not transfer any force between each other, if the direction of that force matches direction about the specified axis.

ReleasedPointTranslationalBehavior (Released Point Translational Behavior) Sealed EntityClass

Released Point Translational Behavior.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:PointTranslationalBehavior

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

Indicates that a PointSupport is released along some specific axis. PointSupport does not prevent elements from moving freely along the specified axis. Both PointSupport and Elements at the connection point do not transfer any force between each other, if the direction of that force matches direction along that specified axis.

ReleasedSurfaceTranslationalBehavior (Released Surface Translational Behavior) Sealed EntityClass

Released Surface Translational Behavior.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:SurfaceTranslationalBehavior

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

Indicates that a SurfaceSupport is released along some specific axis. SurfaceSupport prevents elements from moving freely along the specified axis. Both SurfaceSupport and Elements at the connection surface do not transfer any force between each other, if the direction of that force matches direction along that specified axis.

SharedTopologyElement (Shared Topology Element) Abstract EntityClass

Abstract topology class that can be shared by multiple other Elements. Sharing defines connectivity of the topological network. Each subclass is also the lowest level concept for a particular dimensionality (Face is the lowest 2D concept).

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:TopologyElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

SharedTopologyElements provide location and connectivity for Elements. There is one and only one subclass of SharedTopologyElement for each dimensionality:

SharedTopologyElements are Model-scope resources that never have a parent Element.

SharedTopologyElements are generally immutable, except for two use cases:

  1. Move Model (translate or rotate the entire structural model)
  2. Stretch Model (stretch a portion of a structural model)

Stretching is not always possible. Stretching the model is not allowed unless the entire model data can be updated to be valid.

Instead of being modified, ShareTopologyElements are typically replaced. For example: Edge that is split is replaced by two Edges.

Opposite to PrivateTopologyElements, all instances of SharedTopologyElement classes have graphics.

Sheet (Sheet) Sealed EntityClass

A FaceSet that may be open or closed, and does not bound a Region (future concept). Sheets are also constrained to have a single base Surface.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:FaceSet

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

Sheet is a FaceSet that does not define the boundary of a Region (future).

Sheet's boundary is defined by its child Faces. Every Face in a Sheet must have the same Surface (the motivation for this is to provide a single surface-based coordinate system for SurfaceMembers).

Every Sheet has a parent (ISheetOwner) that is one of the following:

Sheets are never shared.

Parasolid Equivalent: Sheet Body

SimpleSurfaceType (Simple Surface Type) Sealed EntityClass

Simple Surface Type.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:SurfaceType

Most common SurfaceType. Should be assigned to most walls, slabs which do not have any varying thickness, material layers. Simple Surface Type provides constant material and thickness for each IStructuralSurface.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Thickness Thickness of IStructuralSurfaces. double
Material Material of all IStructuralSurfaces with this type. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean
Recipe navigation

SingleCurveMemberType (Single Curve Member Type) Abstract EntityClass

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:CurveMemberType

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean
Recipe navigation

A CurveMemberType which defines a type where all CurveMembers are not segmented. Structural properties for a CurveMember change linearly or do not change at all.

SteelDeckType (Steel Deck Type) Sealed EntityClass

Steel Deck Type.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:SurfaceType


Name Description Type Extended Type
Profile navigation
Material navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean
Recipe navigation

SteelJoistType (Steel Joist Type) Sealed EntityClass

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:CurveMemberType


Name Description Type Extended Type
Depth double
Material Referenced PhysicalMaterial. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean
Recipe navigation

Story (Story) Sealed EntityClass

Defines elevation space in Structure that elements can reference.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:StructurePart

Defines an elevation for a StructuralAnalysisElement.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Elevation The elevation fo this story. double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

StructuralAnalysisElement (Structural Analysis Element) Abstract EntityClass

Abstract class for all StructuralAnalysisElement classes to descend from.

Base Class: Analytical:AnalyticalElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

Derives from AnalysisElement and provides base class for structural elements.

StructuralAnalysisModel (Structural Analysis Model) Sealed EntityClass

Model containing all StructuralAnalysis elements.

Base Class: Analytical:AnalyticalModel

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
ParentModel The parent bis:Model contains the bis:Element that this bis:Model is sub-modeling. navigation
ModeledElement The bis:Element that this bis:Model is sub-modeling. This bis:Model models the same Entity as the sub-Modeled bis:Element, but at a finer granularity. navigation
IsPrivate If IsPrivate is true then this bis:Model should not appear in lists shown to the user. boolean
IsTemplate If IsTemplate is true then this bis:Model is used as a template for creating new instances. boolean
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
LastMod The last time any element in this Model was modified. dateTime
GeometryGuid A GUID that changes whenever any element in this GeometricModel has a change to its geometry. binary BeGuid
IsNotSpatiallyLocated If IsNotSpatiallyLocated is true, then the elements in this bis:GeometricModel3d are not in real-world coordinates and will not be in the spatial index. boolean
IsPlanProjection If IsPlanProjection is true, then the elements in this bis:GeometricModel3d are expected to be in an XY plane. boolean

StructuralAnalysisPartition (Structural Analysis Partition) Sealed EntityClass

StructuralAnalysisPartition element indicates that there is a specialized StructuralAnalysis perspective within the overall information hierarchy.

Base Class: Analytical:AnalyticalPartition

A partition that defines a Structural Analysis perspective for a Subject. Each partition must be sub-modeled by a [StructuralAnalysisModel]. This model is expected to contain all Structural Analysis Elements that define the Subject. Each Structural Analysis Partition must point to a DefinitionContainer that is by default expected to contain most Definitions Elements related to the Analysis Partition.


Name Description Type Extended Type
DefaultDefinitionContainer Default location for definition elements. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Description A human-readable string describing the intent behind the partition. string

Structure (Structure) Sealed EntityClass Deprecated

Instances of Structure are no longer created. Analysis Elements should be inserted directly to StructuralAnalysisPartition model.


Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:StructuralAnalysisElement


Name Description Type Extended Type
DefaultDefinitionContainer Default location for definition elements. (Required) navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

StructurePart (Structure Part) Abstract EntityClass

Groups StructuralAnalysisElements based on some specific condition.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:StructuralAnalysisElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

A class that represents only a part of a Structure. Used for grouping StructuralAnalysisElements that form some specific Structure part. e.g. Story, Frame. StructuralPart that defines a part for some specific Structure must be contained in a model that the Structure is broken down into. Structure and elements that reference it must be contained in same model.

Support (Support) Abstract EntityClass

Abstract class for all support classes to descend from.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:StructuralAnalysisElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation
Story Story that this element is located in. navigation

A support member in StructuralAnalysis represents a StructuralAnalysisElement that is an analytical support. Currently, StructuralAnalysis schema includes PointSupports, CurveSupports and SurfaceSupports. Support elements have no direct physical meaning, they are interpreted by some applications to represent some type of support. Support connects to (supports) to elements that share same connectivity (SharedTopologyElements). Each Support should refer to SupportBehavior which define how support behaves at specific connectivity.

Each Support defines a simplified version of a more complex structure. e.g. Substructure elements - piles, mat foundations would be considered in a Superstructure application as Supports. Both Substructure and Superstructure elements would be stored in same Structural Analysis model. SupportRepresentsMembers relationship allows defining which Members are represented by a Support.

SupportBehavior (Support Behavior) Abstract EntityClass

Defines fixity behaviors for a Support.

Base Class: BisCore:DefinitionElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

Defines how a Support behaves at its connectivity - SharedTopology. There is a separate SupportBehavior class for each Support:

SurfaceLoad (Surface Load) Sealed EntityClass

A Load that is applied over a surface.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:Load

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation
CoordinateSystem Local coordinate system of the Load. CoordinateSystem

Distributed Load which affects a surface. These loads can be both:

  • Uniform - all points on the curve are affected by same force
  • Non-uniform - forces that affect each point on the surface vary.

Curve Load can be applied only on a surface element (SurfaceMember or SurfaceSupport).

Two aspects must always be assigned to a Surface Load:

SurfaceLoadValueAspect (Surface Load Value Aspect) Abstract EntityClass

A LoadValueAspect that can be assigned to a SurfaceLoad.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:LoadValueAspect

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

Defines an abstract aspect class for setting load values of SurfaceLoad (e.g. Force). Values along the Surface Load might be both Uniform and Varying.

SurfaceMember (Surface Member) Sealed EntityClass

Defines a Member that is located by a Sheet.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:Member

Represents Member that has one dimension (thickness) much smaller than its other dimensions and is surface-like in nature. Some examples are slabs, wall and spread footings.

SurfaceMember provides a basic set of capabilities that can be used to model most real-world situations:

  • SurfaceMembers with planar outlines
  • SurfaceMembers with polygon openings
  • Non-planar SurfaceMembers with planar outlines (future)
  • SurfaceMembers with varying thicknesses (future)
  • SurfaceMembers with (mildly) warped surfaces (future)

SurfaceMember's analytical location is defined by a child Sheet. SurfaceMember always has a local coordinate system (RST):

  • RAxis is defined by inherited RAxis property from IDefinedSurface mixin
  • TAxis matches direction of SurfaceMember's Sheet's normal
  • SAxis is defined by cross product of TAxis and RAxis
  • Origin is defined by inherited Origin property from IDefinedSurface mixin

Not all properties of SurfaceMember are defined in SurfaceMember class. There are two additional types of properties that can be assigned to a SurfaceMember:

  • Mandatory SurfaceMember properties, that can be repeated in multiple SurfaceMembers are grouped by a SurfaceType, these could include material, thickness, etc.
  • Optional properties, that define unique behavior for that SurfaceMember that might not exist at all. These behaviors are assigned by MemberBehaviorAspect instances. A single SurfaceMember might have multiple different type behavior aspects assigned but only one of each kind

Complex SurfaceMembers are defined using three different classes:

  • SurfaceMember - the SurfaceMember itself
  • SurfaceMemberModifier - a region of the SurfaceMember that has different properties. Child of SurfaceMember that is being modified
  • SurfaceMemberOpening - an opening in the SurfaceMember. Child of SurfaceMember that the opening modifies


Name Description Type Extended Type
Classification The use case for this Surface Member. SurfaceMemberClassificationType
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation
Story Story that this element is located in. navigation
PlacementSurface Sheet defines area location for IStructuralSurface, the height of IStructuralSurface is defined by thickness(provided by related SurfaceType) which extrudes location area by that thickness. PlacementSurface allows to define how location area should be interpreted for extrusion - ether as start, end or center. These are the most common used cases. More flexibility is achieved by using Offset property. PlacementSurface
Offset PlacementSurface provides only a few cases for how to interpret the location area (Sheet). Offset provides more flexibility for less common cases, where it provides additional offset along the normal of IStructuralSurface. Both PlacementSurface and Offset properties can be used at the same time. double
LayoutDirection Used to define direction for how to place Steel Deck profiles point3d
SurfaceOrigin Point on the surface defining the start of its local coordinate system. point3d
RAxis First vector defining the local coordinate system. This vector should be from tangent plane at the origin point of the surface. point3d

SurfaceMemberBehaviorAspect (Surface Member Behavior Aspect) Abstract EntityClass

Defines unique behavior for a specific SurfaceMember or SurfaceMemberModifier.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:BehaviorAspect

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

Base aspect class to define behavior for a SurfaceMember. Properties which come with derived aspects are optional for SurfaceMember. SurfaceMember might have multiple behavior aspects, however only a single instance of each behavior kind can be assigned. Behavior aspects are unique and cannot be shared.

SurfaceMemberModifier (Surface Member Modifier) Sealed EntityClass

Defines a solid region of a SurfaceMember that has different behavior.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:SurfaceMemberRegion

Defines SurfaceMember's region which has different structural properties than the rest of the surface. SurfaceMemberModifier can belong to different SurfaceType and have different material, thickness than the parent SurfaceMember.

Multiple SurfaceMemberModifiers might overlap at some parts of SurfaceMember. Priority property allows to determine which SurfaceMemberModifier should be used for determining properties of intersecting volume. Higher value of this property means that SurfaceMemberModifier has higher priority over other lower valued SurfaceMemberModifiers. Only a single SurfaceMemberModifier at the intersecting volume can define that SurfaceMembers region.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Priority Defines priority of SurfaceMemberModifier. Higher the number - higher the priority. int
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation
PlacementSurface Sheet defines area location for IStructuralSurface, the height of IStructuralSurface is defined by thickness(provided by related SurfaceType) which extrudes location area by that thickness. PlacementSurface allows to define how location area should be interpreted for extrusion - ether as start, end or center. These are the most common used cases. More flexibility is achieved by using Offset property. PlacementSurface
Offset PlacementSurface provides only a few cases for how to interpret the location area (Sheet). Offset provides more flexibility for less common cases, where it provides additional offset along the normal of IStructuralSurface. Both PlacementSurface and Offset properties can be used at the same time. double
LayoutDirection Used to define direction for how to place Steel Deck profiles point3d

SurfaceMemberOpening (Surface Member Opening) Sealed EntityClass

Defines a void region of a SurfaceMember.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:SurfaceMemberRegion

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

Cuts SurfaceMember and all of its SurfaceMemberModifiers along the Sheet which is assigned to this SurfaceMemberOpening. SurfaceMemberOpenings can intersect, however that does not make difference how the SurfaceMember is cut.

SurfaceMemberRegion (Surface Member Region) Abstract EntityClass

Defines a region of a SurfaceMember that has different behavior (or is an opening).

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:StructuralAnalysisElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

Defines SurfaceMember region which has different behavior at that region than the rest of the SurfaceMember. It could have different thickness, material or other structural properties. SurfaceMemberRegions are permanently tied to the SurfaceMember they are created with. Regions can be removed from the model, but they cannot be switched from one SurfaceMember to another. If the SurfaceMember is removed from the model, the SurfaceMemberRegion is automatically removed from the model. SurfaceMemberRegions are child instances of SurfaceMember.

SurfaceMemberRegion has a single child Sheet to define its area. Each SurfaceMemberRegion's Sheet's Face must be referenced by a Sheet that is used to define location for parent SurfaceMember.

SurfaceRelativeToSurfaceAspect (Surface Relative to Surface Location Aspect) Sealed EntityClass

Surface relative to surface.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:RelativeSurfaceLocationAspect

Describes relationship between SurfaceLoad and its host surface - IDefinedSurface (SurfaceMember, SurfaceSupport). Allows to define a location on a host where the force of a surface load is applied to.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Location Bentley.Geometry.Common.IGeometry
Offset double
PlacementSurface Placement Surface at which load is applied. For 0-thickness hosts (SurfaceSupport) this should be set to null. PlacementSurface
ReferenceSurface navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

SurfaceSupport (Surface Support) Sealed EntityClass

Support which is located in a surface.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:Support

Represents an analytical support providing fixity at a surface. For example: a support provided under a slab. The support has its own coordinate system and has fixity properties for each degree of freedom.

Each Surface Support refers to a Sheet defining its location. Through this topological location, support is connected to other AnalysisMembers.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Behavior Defines how support behaves at it's location. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation
Story Story that this element is located in. navigation
SurfaceOrigin Point on the surface defining the start of its local coordinate system. point3d
RAxis First vector defining the local coordinate system. This vector should be from tangent plane at the origin point of the surface. point3d

SurfaceSupportBehavior (Surface Support Behavior) Sealed EntityClass

Defines Surface behaviors for a Surface Support.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:SupportBehavior

Defines fixity behavior for each SurfaceSupport's Local Coordinate axis. There are only translational degrees of freedom for each Axis. SurfaceSupport connects to other Elements by its location surface (Sheet) and Faces that concatenate to that surface. Forces that are applied for the SurfaceSupport or other Elements at that connection are transferred between each other.


Name Description Type Extended Type
TranslationalRAxis Fixity behavior along R Axis. navigation
TranslationalSAxis Fixity behavior along S Axis. navigation
TranslationalTAxis Fixity behavior along T Axis. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

SurfaceTranslationalBehavior (Surface Translational Behavior) Abstract EntityClass

Surface Translational Behavior.

Base Class: BisCore:DefinitionElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean

Indicates how a SurfaceSupport behaves at connection when affected by a force along some specific axis. The behavior is assigned through SurfaceSupportBehavior class.

SurfaceType (Surface Type) Abstract EntityClass

Defines a Surface Type for IStructuralSurface.

Base Class: Analytical:AnalyticalType

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean
Recipe navigation

IStructuralSurfaces (SurfaceMembers and SurfaceMemberModifiers) might have some shared properties in a structure: thickness, material, etc... SurfaceType groups these IStructuralSurface instances to a single group and provides shared properties for the whole group-system.

Available SurfaceTypes:

TaperedMaterialProfile (Tapered Material Profile) Sealed EntityClass

Defines a CurveMember with a linearly varying Profile.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:MaterialProfileDefinition

Defines a tapered CurveMember that has a varying Profile along it's length.


Name Description Type Extended Type
StartProfile Profile at the Start of CurveMember. navigation
EndProfile Profile at the End of CurveMember. navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean
Name Name of the MaterialProfile used for identification. string
Description Description of the MaterialProfile. string
Category Role of the MaterialProfile. MaterialProfileCategoryType
Material Referenced PhysicalMaterial. navigation

TaperedSurfaceType (Tapered Surface Type) Sealed EntityClass

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:SurfaceType


Name Description Type Extended Type
Material navigation
Location1 point2d
Location2 point2d
Location3 point2d
Thickness1 double
Thickness2 double
Thickness3 double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean
Recipe navigation

TopologyElement (Topology Element) Abstract EntityClass

Abstract class for all topology-related classes to derive from.

Base Class: Analytical:AnalyticalElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

Provides connectivity information for all Structural Analysis elements.

There are two types of topology elements:

  • SharedTopologyElements - Elements share these instances to define their geometry location and connectivity with other elements
  • PrivateTopologyElements - These are owned by elements through PrivateTopologyElement's Parent property. These are usually used to group SharedTopologyElements for required used case, e.g: Group multiple Edges to a Loop to define boundary for a Slab.

All Topology Elements within a Model have the same Origin, Roll, Pitch and Yaw. This matches the approach of IFC's IfcStructuralAnalysisDomain and simplifies many calculations within Elements in the Model.

UniformCurveLoadValueAspect (Uniform Curve Load Value Aspect) Abstract EntityClass

A CurveLoadValueAspect that has constant intensity along the curve length.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:CurveLoadValueAspect

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

Currently only UniformForceCurveLoadValueAspect subclasses this aspect.

UniformForceCurveLoadValueAspect (Uniform Curve Force Value Aspect) Sealed EntityClass

A CurveLoadValueAspect that has constant Force along the curve length.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:UniformCurveLoadValueAspect

This aspect should not be used with VaryingForceCurveLoadValueAspect for the same Load.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Force Linear Force values. struct
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

UniformForceSurfaceLoadValueAspect (Uniform Surface Force Value Aspect) Sealed EntityClass

A UniformSurfaceLoadValueAspect for Force.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:UniformSurfaceLoadValueAspect

This aspect should not be used with VaryingForceSurfaceLoadValueAspect for the same Load.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Force Area Force values. struct
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

UniformSurfaceLoadValueAspect (Uniform Surface Load Value Aspect) Abstract EntityClass

A SurfaceLoadValueAspect that has constant intensity across the curve area.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:SurfaceLoadValueAspect

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

Currently only UniformForceSurfaceLoadValueAspect subclasses this aspect.

VaryingCurveLoadValueAspect (Varying Curve Load Value Aspect) Abstract EntityClass

A CurveLoadValueAspect that varies in intensity along the curve length.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:CurveLoadValueAspect

Currently only VaryingForceCurveLoadValueAspect subclasses this aspect.


Name Description Type Extended Type
CurveVariationType Defines how loads change along the location curve. CurveVariationType
Locations double array
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

VaryingForceCurveLoadValueAspect (Varying Curve Force Value Aspect) Sealed EntityClass

A VaryingCurveLoadValueAspect for Force.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:VaryingCurveLoadValueAspect

This aspect should not be used with UniformForceCurveLoadValueAspect.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Forces Force values. struct array
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation
CurveVariationType Defines how loads change along the location curve. CurveVariationType
Locations double array

VaryingForceSurfaceLoadValueAspect (Curve Force Value Aspect) Sealed EntityClass

A VaryingSurfaceLoadValueAspect for Force.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:VaryingSurfaceLoadValueAspect

This aspect should not be used with UniformForceSurfaceLoadValueAspect for the same Load.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Forces Force values. struct array
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation
SurfaceVariationType SurfaceVariationType
Locations point2d array

VaryingSurfaceLoadValueAspect (Varying Surface Load Value Aspect) Abstract EntityClass

A SurfaceLoadValueAspect that varies in intensity across the application area.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:SurfaceLoadValueAspect

Currently only UniformForceSurfaceLoadValueAspect subclasses this aspect.


Name Description Type Extended Type
SurfaceVariationType SurfaceVariationType
Locations point2d array
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

Vertex (Vertex) Sealed EntityClass

An identified location in 3D space.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:SharedTopologyElement

Vertices provide point location and connectivity at a point. StructuralAnalysisElements which refer to the same Vertex are connected and can transfer forces between each other. There can be multiple Vertices at the same spatial point, however elements that reference these vertices are not treated as connected. By default all elements which refer to the same Vertex are fixed at that spatial point. Default fixities for each of the 6 degrees of freedom can be adjusted with these instances:

Vertices are Model-scope shared resources that never have a parent Element.

Unlike other SharedTopologyElements, Vertices can be directly referenced by non-topology elements, e.g. PointLoad, PointSupport. However, these classes should not reference Vertex directly but use IDefinedPoint mixin instead, which is extended by Vertex class. Topology classes that reference Vertex are:

  • Edge uses Vertices to define its start and end points. Edges referring to the same Vertex are connected
  • Face can have internal vertices, bounded by its outer Loop. For example a slab that is supported by a column: here the column would indirectly refer to a Vertex which would also be shared with the Face that defines the Slab

Parasolid Equivalent: Vertex


Name Description Type Extended Type
Point Describes Vertex location. Point is only set on Vertex creation and cannot be modified. point3d
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

VertexReleaseAspect (Vertex Release Aspect) Abstract EntityClass

Vertex Release of a Member.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:ReleaseAspect

Adjusts fixities at Vertex connectivity.


Name Description Type Extended Type
Vertex navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementMultiAspect. navigation

Wire (Wire) Sealed EntityClass

A Path that does not need to be closed and is not defining the boundary of a face.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:Path

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

Wire is a Path that does not define the boundary of a Face. Wires may be open or closed.

Every Wire has a parent that is one of the following:

  • CurveSupport - defines location and connectivity to Elements that are supported by current CurveSupport

  • Face - never used for defining Face location, only used to define connectivity to other members, e.g: Slab which has a beam under it, here Face would define the Slab which would have an internal Wire that shares Edges with another Wire that defines the beam

  • CurveMember - There will be always a single Location Wire that defines CurveMember location. However, CurveMember might have additional Sub Wires that define different fixities for some of the Edges. All Edges of Sub Wires must be referenced by the Location Wire. Location and Sub Wires are differentiated by using different relationships to define their parent:

Wires are never shared.

Parasolid Equivalent: Wire Body


IDefinedCurve (Curve Location definition) Abstract Mixin

An Element that directly or indirectly defines a curve location and a clear coordinate system with the z-axis along the curve. The Element may have cardinal points defined; if not all the cardinal points should be considered to lie on the z-axis.

Applies To: Element

Commonly used for defining relative location for PointLoad and CurveLoad. IDefinedCurve is usually implemented by CurveMember and CurveSupport classes. Applications that work with Loads should reference host Members through IDefinedCurve mixin and PointRelativeToCurveAspect or CurveRelativeToCurveAspect.


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
Orientation Orientation (normal) vector of the curve. Orientation false 0

IDefinedPoint (Point Location definition) Abstract Mixin

An Element that directly or indirectly defines a point in 3D space.

Applies To: Element

Commonly used for defining relative location for PointLoad. IDefinedPoint is usually implemented by Vertex class. However, it is possible that in the future additional elements will implement this mixin. its is recommended for applications that work with PointLoads, to reference Vertices through IDefinedPoint mixins and PointRelativeToPointAspect.

IDefinedSurface (Surface Location definition) Abstract Mixin

An Element that directly or indirectly defines a surface location and a clear coordinate system with the x and y axes in the surface. The Element may have a top, bottom and center defined; if not, the top and bottom and center should be considered to lie on the surface.

Applies To: Element

Commonly used for defining relative location for PointLoad, CurveLoad and SurfaceLoad. IDefinedSurface implemented by SurfaceMember and SurfaceSupport classes. Applications that work with Loads should reference host Members through IDefinedSurface mixin and PointRelativeToSurfaceAspect, CurveRelativeToSurfaceAspect or SurfaceRelativeToSurfaceAspect.


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
SurfaceOrigin Point on the surface defining the start of its local coordinate system. Surface Origin false 0
RAxis First vector defining the local coordinate system. This vector should be from tangent plane at the origin point of the surface. RAxis false 0

ILoadCondition (Load Condition) Abstract Mixin

A load case or a combination of multiple factored load containers used for analysis.

Applies To: Element

ILoopOwner (Loop Owner) Abstract Mixin

Element which uses child Loop to represent it's location.

Base Class: BisCore:IParentElement

Applies To: Element

Defines parent for a Loop. Each class which can have a Loop as a child should subclass from this mix-in. TopologyElements are smallest part of StructuralAnalysis schema, these classes should not reference directly any more complex entity (e.g. SurfaceMember, PointSupport), ILoopOwner allows to avoid the need of such direct relationship.

IPathsOwner (Paths Owner) Abstract Mixin

Element which uses child Paths to represent it's location.

Base Class: BisCore:IParentElement

Applies To: Element

Defines parent for a Path. Each class which can have a Path as a child should subclass from this mix-in. TopologyElements are smallest part of StructuralAnalysis schema, these classes should not reference directly any more complex entity (e.g. SurfaceMember, PointSupport), IPathOwner allows to avoid the need of such direct relationship.

ISheetOwner (Sheet Owner) Abstract Mixin

Element which uses child Sheet to represent it's location.

Base Class: BisCore:IParentElement

Applies To: Element

Defines parent for a Sheet. Each class which can have a Sheet as a child should subclass from this mix-in. TopologyElements are smallest part of StructuralAnalysis schema, these classes should not reference directly any more complex entity (e.g. SurfaceMember, PointSupport), ISheetOwner allows to avoid the need of such direct relationship.

IStoryAssignable (IStory Assignable) Abstract Mixin

Element which can be assigned to a Story.

Applies To: StructuralAnalysisElement

Indicates that an element can be assigned to a Story.


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
Story Story that this element is located in. Story false 0

IStructuralSurface (Solid Surface) Abstract Mixin

Element which is defined by a surface and a thickness.

Applies To: StructuralAnalysisElement

SurfaceMember and SurfaceMemberModifier require many of the same properties and behave in similar manners. Because of this similarity, both interfaces implement the same mixing - IStructuralSurface. IStructuralSurface always has a normal, which is provided by some other related element (Sheet).


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
PlacementSurface Sheet defines area location for IStructuralSurface, the height of IStructuralSurface is defined by thickness(provided by related SurfaceType) which extrudes location area by that thickness. PlacementSurface allows to define how location area should be interpreted for extrusion - ether as start, end or center. These are the most common used cases. More flexibility is achieved by using Offset property. Placement Surface false 0
Offset PlacementSurface provides only a few cases for how to interpret the location area (Sheet). Offset provides more flexibility for less common cases, where it provides additional offset along the normal of IStructuralSurface. Both PlacementSurface and Offset properties can be used at the same time. Offset false 0
LayoutDirection Used to define direction for how to place Steel Deck profiles Layout Direction false 0

IWireOwner (Wire Owner) Abstract Mixin

Element which uses child Wire do represent it's location.

Base Class: BisCore:IParentElement

Applies To: Element

Defines parent for a Wire. Each class which can have a Wire as a child should subclass from this mix-in. TopologyElements are smallest part of StructuralAnalysis schema, these classes should not reference directly any more complex entity (e.g. SurfaceMember, PointSupport), IWireOwner allows to avoid the need of such direct relationship.

AreaForce Sealed StructClass

Force per unit area.


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
FX Force per unit area in X axis. false 0
FY Force per unit area in Y axis. false 0
FZ Force per unit area in Z axis. false 0
MX Moment per unit area about X axis. false 0
MY Moment per unit area about Y axis. false 0
MZ Moment per unit area about Z axis. false 0

LinearForce Sealed StructClass

Force per unit length.


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
FX Force per unit length in X axis. false 0
FY Force per unit length in Y axis. false 0
FZ Force per unit length in Z axis. false 0
MX Moment per unit length about X axis. false 0
MY Moment per unit length about Y axis. false 0
MZ Moment per unit length about Z axis. false 0

PointForce Sealed StructClass

Force at a point.


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
FX Force in X axis. false 0
FY Force in Y axis. false 0
FZ Force in Z axis. false 0
MX Moment about X axis. false 0
MY Moment about Y axis. false 0
MZ Moment about Z axis. false 0

Relationship Classes

CompositeDeckTypeRefersToPhysicalMaterial Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

CompositeDeckTypeRefersToSteelDeckType Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

CurveLoadOwnsCurveLoadValueAspect Sealed RelationshipClass

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsUniqueAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (1..*)

Constraint Classes:

CurveLoadOwnsRelativeCurveLocationAspect Sealed RelationshipClass

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsUniqueAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

CurveMemberIsOfCurveMemberType Sealed RelationshipClass

Base Class: Analytical:AnalyticalElementIsOfType

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is of

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: defines

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

CurveMemberOwnsCurveMemberBehaviorAspect Sealed RelationshipClass

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsUniqueAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

CurveRelativeToCurveAspectRefersToIDefineCurve Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

CurveRelativeToSurfaceAspectRefersToIDefinedSurface Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

CurveSupportBehaviorRefersToCurveRotationalBehaviorRAxis Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

CurveSupportBehaviorRefersToCurveTranslationalBehaviorRAxis Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

CurveSupportBehaviorRefersToCurveTranslationalBehaviorSAxis Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

CurveSupportBehaviorRefersToCurveTranslationalBehaviorTAxis Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

CurveSupportRefersToCurveSupportBehavior Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: has

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

EdgeHasEndVertex Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: has

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

EdgeHasStartVertex Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: has

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

FaceOwnsBoundaryLoop Sealed RelationshipClass

A relationship that indicates that a Face owns a Loop which describes it's outer boundary.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:ILoopOwnerOwnsLoop

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

FaceOwnsInnerPaths Sealed RelationshipClass

A relationship that indicates that a Face owns a Path which should describe it's inner connectivity with other StructuralAnalysis Elements.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:IPathsOwnerOwnsPaths

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:

FaceRefersToInnerVertices Sealed RelationshipClass

Base Class: BisCore:ElementRefersToElements

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:

FaceSetOwnsOrientedFaceAspects Sealed RelationshipClass

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsMultiAspects

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (1..*)

Constraint Classes:

FactoredLoadCaseAspectRefersToLoadCase Sealed RelationshipClass Deprecated

Instances of LoadCombination and it

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

FactoredLoadCaseRefersToLoadCase Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

FactoredLoadCombinationAspectRefersToLoadCombination Sealed RelationshipClass Deprecated

Instances of LoadCombination and it

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

FactoredLoadCombinationRefersToLoadCombination Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

FactoredLoadGroupAspectRefersToLoadGroup Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

ILoopOwnerOwnsLoop RelationshipClass

A relationship that indicates that an Element owns Loop.

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsChildElements

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

IPathsOwnerOwnsPaths RelationshipClass

A relationship that indicates that an Element owns Paths.

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsChildElements

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:

ISheetOwnerOwnsLocationSheet Sealed RelationshipClass

A relationship that indicates that an ISheetOwner owns a Sheet that represents it's location..

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:ISheetOwnerOwnsSheet

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

ISheetOwnerOwnsSheet RelationshipClass

A relationship that indicates that an Element owns Sheet.

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsChildElements

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (1..*)

Constraint Classes:

IStoryAssignableRefersToStory Sealed RelationshipClass

A relationship that indicates that an IStoryAssignable element can refer to a Story.

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

IStructuralSurfaceRefersToSurfaceType Sealed RelationshipClass

Base Class: Analytical:AnalyticalElementIsOfType

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: references

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

IWireOwnerOwnsLocationWire Sealed RelationshipClass

A relationship that indicates that a IWireOwner owns Wire to define location.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:IWireOwnerOwnsWire

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

IWireOwnerOwnsWire RelationshipClass

A relationship that indicates that an Element owns Wire.

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsChildElements

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

LoadCaseOwnsFactoredLoadGroupAspects Sealed RelationshipClass

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsMultiAspects

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:

LoadCombinationOwnsFactoredLoadConditionAspects Sealed RelationshipClass Deprecated

Instances of LoadCombination are no longer created. LoadCombinationInformation should be used instead.

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsMultiAspects

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:

LoadCombinationOwnsFactoredLoadConditions Sealed RelationshipClass

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsChildElements

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:

LoadContainerOwnsLoads Sealed RelationshipClass

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsChildElements

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:

MaterialProfileRefersToMaterial Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

MaterialProfileRefersToProfile Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

MaterialProfileTypeHasMaterialProfile Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: has

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

MemberOwnsMemberBehaviorAspect Sealed RelationshipClass

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsUniqueAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

MemberOwnsVertexReleaseAspects Sealed RelationshipClass

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsMultiAspects

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:

OrientedEdgeAspectHasEdge Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: has

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

OrientedFaceAspectHasFace Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: has

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

PathOwnsOrientedEdgeAspects Sealed RelationshipClass

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsMultiAspects

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (1..*)

Constraint Classes:

PointLoadOwnsPointLoadValueAspect Sealed RelationshipClass

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsUniqueAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

PointLoadOwnsRelativePointLocationAspect Sealed RelationshipClass

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsUniqueAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

PointRelativeToCurveAspectRefersToIDefinedCurve Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

PointRelativeToPointAspectRefersToIDefinedPoint Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

PointRelativeToSurfaceAspectRefersToIDefinedSurface Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

PointSupportBehaviorRefersToPointRotationalBehaviorRAxis Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

PointSupportBehaviorRefersToPointRotationalBehaviorSAxis Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

PointSupportBehaviorRefersToPointRotationalBehaviorTAxis Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

PointSupportBehaviorRefersToPointTranslationalBehaviorRAxis Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

PointSupportBehaviorRefersToPointTranslationalBehaviorSAxis Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

PointSupportBehaviorRefersToPointTranslationalBehaviorTAxis Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

PointSupportRefersToPointSupportBehavior Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: has

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

PointSupportRefersToVertex Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: has

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

SimpleSurfaceTypeRefersToMaterial Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

SteelDeckTypeRefersToPhysicalMaterial Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

SteelDeckTypeRefersToProfile Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

SteelJoistTypeRefersToMaterial Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

StructuralAnalysisPartitionRefersToDefinitionContainer Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

StructureRefersToDefinitionContainer Sealed RelationshipClass Deprecated

Instances of Structure are no longer created so this relationship is no longer needed.


Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

SupportRepresentsMembers RelationshipClass

Defines Members that are represented by a Support

Base Class: BisCore:ElementRefersToElements

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: represents

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: are represented by

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:

SurfaceLoadOwnsRelativeSurfaceLocationAspect Sealed RelationshipClass

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsUniqueAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

SurfaceLoadOwnsSurfaceLoadValueAspect Sealed RelationshipClass

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsUniqueAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

SurfaceMemberOwnsRegions Sealed RelationshipClass

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsChildElements

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: references

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: referenced by

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:

SurfaceMemberOwnsSurfaceMemberBehaviorAspect Sealed RelationshipClass

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsUniqueAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

SurfaceMemberRegionOwnsLocationSheet Sealed RelationshipClass

A relationship that indicates that a SurfaceMemberRegion owns a Sheet.

Base Class: StructuralAnalysis:ISheetOwnerOwnsSheet

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

SurfaceRelativeToSurfaceAspectRefersToIDefinedSurface Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

SurfaceSupportBehaviorRefersToSurfaceTranslationalBehaviorRAxis Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

SurfaceSupportBehaviorRefersToSurfaceTranslationalBehaviorSAxis Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

SurfaceSupportBehaviorRefersToSurfaceTranslationalBehaviorTAxis Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

SurfaceSupportRefersToSurfaceSupportBehavior Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: has

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

TaperedMaterialProfileRefersToEndProfile Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

TaperedMaterialProfileRefersToStartProfile Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

TaperedSurfaceTypeRefersToPhysicalMaterial Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:

VertexReleaseAspectRefersToVertex Sealed RelationshipClass

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: references

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


AxialBehavior Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Describe the structural behavior of element subject to axial loads.

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Unset 0 Value is not set.
Compression and Tension 1 Resits both Compression and tension.
Compression only 2 Resists axial compression, but not axial tension.
Tension only 3 Resists axial tension, but not axial compression.

BendingBehaviorValue Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Describes the structural behavior of element to transverse loads.

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Unset 0 To indicate this value was never set.
One Way 1 This member can span transverse loads in one direction (along the region r-axis).
Two Way 2 This member can span transverse loads in two (perpendicular) directions (the r- and s- axes).
Two Way Twist Free 3 This member can span transverse loads in two (perpendicular) directions (the r- and s- axes), but cannot resist (r-s) twisting moments.

This enum is used to describe the structural behavior of a SurfaceMember subject to transverse loads. Please note:

  • These values define the behavior of a SurfaceMember in its interior. The Edge releases/fixities of the member have no effect on its interior behavior
  • These values affect how a member is analyzed; they are not intended to indicate design parameters
  • These values do NOT reflect which analysis models ("Lateral" vs "Gravity") a member is analyzed in. See LoadResistanceAspect

CoordinateSystem Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Used for setting Coordinate System (Load)

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Global 0 Load is defined in global coordinate system.
Local 1 Load is defined in host's local coordinate system.

CurveMemberClassificationType Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Used for setting classification for CurveMember.

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Unset 0 Classification undefined.
Beam 1 Structural element that primarily resists loads applied laterally to the beam's length.
Column 2 Structural element that primarily resists load applied along the beam's length.
Horizontal Brace 3 Structural system commonly used in structures subject to lateral loads such as wind and seismic pressure. The bracing at each floor (in horizontal planes) provides load paths for the transference of horizontal forces to the planes of vertical bracing.
Strip Footing 4 Structural element that provides a continuous, level (or sometimes stepped) strip of base to a wall or closely-spaced rows of columns built centrally above them.
Pedestal 5 Base on which a column is mounted.
Pile 6 Vertical structural element of a deep foundation, driven or drilled deep into the ground at the building site.
Vertical Brace 7 Structural system commonly used in structures subject to lateral loads such as wind and seismic pressure. Bracing between column lines (in vertical planes) provides load paths for the transference of horizontal forces to ground level.

CurveVariationType Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Enumeration of Curve Load Variation types.

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Linear 0 Forces at curve points vary linearly along the host curve.
Parabola 1 Forces at point vary parabolically along the host curve.

Specifies how Load vary along the host IDefinedCurve

LoadCombinationType Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Specifies the method for combining loads into a single group.

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Normal 0
ABS 1 Absolute Method.
SRSS 2 Square Root of the Sum of the Squares Method.

LoadResistance Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Classifies members according to the types of loads they can resist.

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Unset 0 Value is not set.
Gravity only 1 Resists only gravity loads.
Gravity and Lateral 2 Resists both gravity and lateral loads.
Lateral only 3 Resists only lateral loads.
Non Structural 4 Not used to resist loads.

LoadType Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Used for specifying LoadType in LoadContainer.

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Unset 0 Load type not set.
Other 1 Load type is not specified by other available types.
Blast 2 Blast wave forces due to explosions.
Dead Unspecified 3 Load which does not change over time and its' source
Dead Structure 4 Dead load from structure self-weight.
Dead Superimposed 5 Dead load from other-than structure self-weight.
Dead Construction 6 Dead load from other-than-structure in place only during construction.
Earth Pressure Unspecified 7 Earth pressure at some unspecified design level.
Earth Pressure Service 8 Loads due to earth pressure at service limit level.
Earth Pressure Ultimate 9 Load caused by lateral pressure of soil, usually affecting a retaining wall.
Equipment 10 Loads due to earth pressure at ultimate limit level.
Floor Unspecified 11 Floor loads with out further specification.
Floor Construction 12 Floor loads in place only during construction.
Floor Residential 13 Floor loads due to residential use.
Floor Office 14 Floor loads due to office use.
Floor Assembly 15 Floor loads due to assembly use.
Floor Storage 16 Floor loads due to storage use.
Floor Retail 17 Floor loads due to retail/shopping use.
Fluid Unspecified 18 Loads due to fluids, but not further specified.
Fluid Contained 19 Fluid (of known density) contained by walls of known height (such as a water or oil tank).
Fluid Uncontained 20 Fluid of unknown density or of unknown height (such as a hydrostatic flood).
Ground Water Pressure 21 Loads due to ground water pressure.
Hydrodynamic 22 Loads due to moving fluids.
Hydrostatic 23 Loads due to hydrostatic pressure.
Ice 24 Atmospheric Ice (rain freezing upon structure, etc.)
Mechanical Vibration 25 Loads due to oscillating or rotating equipment.
Notional 26 Lateral loads due to vertical loads that account for the effects of initial imperfections.
Parking Unspecified 27 Floor loads due to parking use.
Parking Light 28 Floor loads due to light vehicle parking use.
Parking Heavy 29 Floor loads due to heavy vehicle parking use.
Post Tensioning 30 Loads due to application of post-tensioning.
Post Tensioning Restraint 31 Theoretical loads due to restraint of post-tensioning.
Hyperstatic 32 Theoretical loads due to restraint of post-tensioning.
Roof Unspecified 33 Roof loads without further specification.
Roof Access 34 Roof loads due to roof inspection, repair etc.
Roof Rain 35 Roof loads due to rainwater ponding.
Roof Snow Unspecified 36 Roof loads due to snow with no further specification.
Roof Snow Uniform 37 Roof loads due to uniform snow loads. Note that this is typically used as an alternate to RoofSnowDrift.
Roof Snow Drift 38 Roof loads due to drifted snow loads Note that this is typically used as an alternate to RoofSnowUniform.
Seismic Unspecified 39 Seismic loads at some unspecified loading level.
Seismic Service 40 Seismic loads at service levels.
Seismic Ultimate 41 Seismic loads at service levels.
Settlement 42 Loads due to support settlement.
Shrinkage 43 Loads due to member shrinkage.
Thermal 44 Loads due to changing temperature or temperature differential.
Time History 45 Loads due to the non-linear application of forces over time.
Wind Unspecified 46 Wind loads at some unspecified design level.
Wind Service 47 Wind loads at service levels.
Wind Ultimate 48 Wind loads at ultimate levels.

MaterialProfileCategoryType (Material Profile Category Type) Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Role of the MaterialProfile.

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Load Bearing 0

PlacementPoint Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Default standard placement points.

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Left Bottom 0 Most bottom left Profile's bounding box point.
Middle Bottom 1 Most bottom center profile BoundingBox point.
Right Bottom 2 Most bottom right Profile BoundingBox point.
Left Middle 3 Most left point at the horizontal middle height line of Profile BoundingBox.
Middle Middle 4 Profile's BoundingBox center point.
Right Middle 5 Most right point at the horizontal middle height line of Profile BoundingBox.
Left Top 6 Most top left profile BoundingBox point.
Middle Top 7 Most top center profile BoundingBox point.
Right Top 8 Most top right profile BoundingBox point.
Centroid 9 Point at which a cutout of the shape could be perfectly balanced.
Centroid Bottom 10 Point on the most bottom horizontal line, most close to GeometricCentroid.
Left Centroid 11 Point on the most left vertical line, most close to GeometricCentroid.
Right Centroid 12 Point on the most right vertical line, most close to GeometricCentroid.
Centroid Top 13 Point on the most top horizontal line, most close to GeometricCentroid.
Shear Centre 14 Point at which applied external force does not twist Profile.
Shear Bottom 15 Point on the most bottom horizontal line, most close to ShearCentre.
Left Shear 16 Point on the most left vertical line, most close to ShearCentre.
Right Shear 17 Point on the most right vertical line, most close to ShearCentre.
Shear Top 18 Point on the most top horizontal line, most close to ShearCentre.

Specifies how the surface (Sheet) is referenced by a SurfaceMember.

PlacementSurface Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Used for setting Surface location.

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Top 0 Topology defines top boundary of a Surface.
Middle 1 Topology defines boundary at the mid depth of a Surface.
Bottom 2 Topology defines boundary at the bottom of a Surface.

ReleaseType Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Used for specifying the type of Release.

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Unspecified 0
Released 1
Fixed 2

SpringBehaviorType Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Compression Only 0 Support resists only compression.
Tension Only 1 Support resists only tension.
Compression and Tension 2 Support resists both compression and tension.

SurfaceMemberClassificationType Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Used for setting classification for SurfaceMember.

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Unset 0
Cladding 1
Footing 2
Pile Cap 3
Slab 4
Spread Footing 5
Wall 6

Specifies classification for SurfaceMember.

SurfaceVariationType Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Enumeration of Surface Load Variation types.

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Plane 0 Force at plane points vary linearly from some specific point in the plane.
Parabola 1 Force at plane points vary parabolically from some specific point in the plane.

Last Updated: 12 February, 2025