Earthwork Schema

Alias: ew

Version: 1.0.0

Base schema for the Earthwork domain.

Contains the classes modeling earthwork activities in BIS. Earthwork involves the work of excavating or building embankments, moving and/or processing of massive quantities of soil or unformed rock. It is done to reconfigure the topography of a site to achieve the design levels.


Table of contents

Entity Classes

Cut (Cut) EntityClass

A bis:PhysicalElement modeling the volume of material to be removed from existing terrain or road structure by excavation or other means.

Base Class: BisCore:PhysicalElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation
PhysicalMaterial Indicates the bis:PhysicalMaterial of which the bis:PhysicalElement is made. navigation

The material excavated, modeled by Cuts, can later be used as fill or discarded as waste. The Earthwork schema does not aim to model such processes, however. A Cut instance can override the Physical Material to be removed specified by its corresponding CutType via its PhysicalMaterial property.

Cuts shall have their Volume stored in their GeometryStream as a Polyface.

Cuts must be contained in PhysicalModels. Instances of Cut, by default, shall use the Domain-ranked ew:Volume category.

Equivalent to IfcEarthworksCut with the main difference that IFC's equivalent does not model the material excavated, only the resulting void from modification of existing terrain.

CutType (Cut Type) EntityClass

Defines a shared set of properties and classification (the 'type') that can be associated with a ew:Cut instance.

Base Class: BisCore:PhysicalType

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean
Recipe navigation
PhysicalMaterial Indicates the bis:PhysicalMaterial of which bis:PhysicalElements of the given bis:PhysicalType are made. navigation

Instances of CutType provide an additional classification that can be applied to Cuts. Examples include Excavation, Trench or Dredging. An instance of CutType can optionally specify a single Physical Material to be removed via its PhysicalMaterial property.

Equivalent to IfcEarthworksCutTypeEnum.

Fill (Fill) EntityClass

A bis:PhysicalElement created by earthwork activities to build subgrade or to raise the level of the ground in general.

Base Class: BisCore:PhysicalElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation
PhysicalMaterial Indicates the bis:PhysicalMaterial of which the bis:PhysicalElement is made. navigation

Examples of Fill include subgrade or a parts of a structure above it (such as “soft” courses in pavement or ballast). Usually formed by spreading and compacting construction materials such as sand and gravel.

Fills shall have their Volume stored in their GeometryStream as a Polyface. Further classification of Fill instances can be achieved via instances of FillType. A Fill instance can override the Physical Material specified by its corresponding FillType via its PhysicalMaterial property.

Fills must be contained in PhysicalModels. Instances of Fill, by default, shall use the Domain-ranked ew:Volume category.

Equivalent to IfcEarthworksFill.

FillType (Fill Type) EntityClass

Defines a shared set of properties and classification (the 'type') that can be associated with a ew:Fill instance.

Base Class: BisCore:PhysicalType

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean
Recipe navigation
PhysicalMaterial Indicates the bis:PhysicalMaterial of which bis:PhysicalElements of the given bis:PhysicalType are made. navigation

Instances of FillType provide an additional classification that can be applied to Fills. Examples include Embankment, Slope Fill or Back Fill. An instance of FillType can optionally specify a single Physical Material via its PhysicalMaterial property.

Equivalent to IfcEarthworksFillTypeEnum.

SurfaceGrade (Surface Grade) EntityClass

A bis:PhysicalElement capturing the designed grade of ground typically after introducing modifications to the existing terrain.

Base Class: BisCore:PhysicalElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation
PhysicalMaterial Indicates the bis:PhysicalMaterial of which the bis:PhysicalElement is made. navigation

SurfaceGrades shall have their Surface stored in their GeometryStream as a Polyface. A SurfaceGrade instance can override the Physical Material specified by its corresponding SurfaceGradeType via its PhysicalMaterial property.

SurfaceGrades must be contained in PhysicalModels. Instances of SurfaceGrade, by default, shall use the Domain-ranked ew:Grading category.

SurfaceGradeType (Surface Grade Type) EntityClass

Defines a shared set of properties and classification (the 'type') that can be associated with a ew:SurfaceGrade instance.

Base Class: BisCore:PhysicalType

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue Nullable string property that holds the actual text of an Element's Code. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
IsPrivate If true, this bis:DefinitionElement should not be displayed in the GUI. boolean
Recipe navigation
PhysicalMaterial Indicates the bis:PhysicalMaterial of which bis:PhysicalElements of the given bis:PhysicalType are made. navigation

Instances of SurfaceGradeType provide an additional classification that can be applied to SurfaceGrades. An instance of SurfaceGradeType can optionally specify a single Physical Material via its PhysicalMaterial property.

Relationship Classes

CutIsOfType RelationshipClass

A type-instance relation; one that indicates that the specific ew:Cut is an instance of the defined ew:CutType.

Base Class: BisCore:PhysicalElementIsOfType

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is of

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: classifies

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

FillIsOfType RelationshipClass

A type-instance relation; one that indicates that the specific ew:Fill is an instance of the defined ew:FillType.

Base Class: BisCore:PhysicalElementIsOfType

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is of

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: classifies

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

SurfaceGradeIsOfType RelationshipClass

A type-instance relation; one that indicates that the specific ew:SurfaceGrade is an instance of the defined ew:SurfaceGradeType.

Base Class: BisCore:PhysicalElementIsOfType

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is of

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: classifies

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

Last Updated: 13 February, 2025