QuantityTakeoffsAspects Schema

Alias: qto

Version: 1.0.2

Table of contents

Entity Classes

DimensionsAspect (Dimensions Aspect) EntityClass

An aspect that defines basic object measurements: height, length width.

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
Height Object's height/depth in meters. double
Length Object's length in meters. double
Width Object's width/thickness in meters. double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

DoorAspect EntityClass Deprecated

Use ArchitecturalPhysical:Door and ArchitecturalPhysical:DoorType instead.

An aspect that describes the door type.

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
Type Type of a door. DoorType
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

EnergyPerformanceAspect EntityClass

An aspect that defines the overall energy efficiency rating of a building.

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
Rating Energy performance rating defined as a number from 0 to 100. double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

FoundationAspect EntityClass

An aspect that describes the type of structural foundation.

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
Type Type of a structural foundation. FoundationType
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

MaterialAspect EntityClass Deprecated

Use bis:PhysicalMaterial instead.

An aspect that defines the basic properties of a material.

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
Material Material name. string
MaterialDensity Material density described as kilogram per meter cubed. double
Weight Material weight in kilograms. double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

PerimeterAspect (Perimeter Aspect) EntityClass

An aspect that defines the length of the outline of a shape - perimeter.

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
Perimeter Perimeter of the shape in meters. double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

PileAspect EntityClass

An aspect that defines the depth of a vertical structural element of a deep foundation - pile.

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
EmbedmentDepth Describes how deep a pile is embedded in meters. double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

PipeAspect EntityClass

An aspect that defines the basic measurements of a pipe.

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
Diameter Diameter of a pipe in meters. double
Length Length of a pipe in meters. double
Schedule Schedule of a pipe. The schedule number on a pipe relates to the thickness of the wall on the pipe. string
Thickness Thickness of a pipe in meters. double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

QuantityTakeoffAspect Abstract EntityClass

An abstract aspect that contains detailed measurement of materials and labor needed to complete a construction project.

Base Class: BisCore:ElementUniqueAspect

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

SideAreasAspect (Side-areas Aspect) EntityClass

An aspect that defines the area measurements for the different sides of a three dimensional object.

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
BottomGrossArea Total surface area of the bottom side. double
BottomNetArea Usable surface area of the bottom side. double
LeftSideGrossArea Total surface area of the left side. double
LeftSideNetArea Usable surface area of the left side. double
RightSideGrossArea Total surface area of the right side. double
RightSideNetArea Usable surface area of the right side. double
TopGrossArea Total surface area of the top side. double
TopNetArea Usable surface area of the top side. double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

SlabAspect EntityClass

An aspect that describes the properties of a large, flat piece of concrete or stone - slab.

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
SlabDirection Describes in which direction is a slab supported. SlabDirectionType
Type Type of a slab. SlabType
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

SlopeAspect (Slope) EntityClass

An aspect that defines the angle of a slope.

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
Slope Angle of a slope in radians. double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

StairsAspect EntityClass

An aspect that describes properties of stairs.

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
NumberOfRisers Number of steps/risers in the stairs. int
RiserHeight Height of a riser, distance between steps. double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

StructuralLinearMemberAspect EntityClass

An aspect that describes a straight structural member.

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
CrossSectionalArea Cross-Sectional area of a structural member. double
SectionName Name of a structural member. string
Type Type of a structural member. StructuralFramingType
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

SurfaceAreaAspect (Surface-area Aspect) EntityClass

An aspect that defines gross and net surface area measurements.

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
GrossSurfaceArea Total surface area. double
NetSurfaceArea Usable surface area. double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

ThicknessAspect (Thickness Aspect) EntityClass

An aspect that defines object's thickness.

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
Thickness Thickness of an object in meters. double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

VolumeAspect (Volume Aspect) EntityClass

An aspect that defines gross and net volumes of an object.

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
GrossVolume Total volume of an object with packaging. double
NetVolume Volume of an object alone. double
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

WallAspect EntityClass

An aspect that describes the wall type.

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
Type Type of a wall. WallType
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

WindowAspect EntityClass Deprecated

Use ArchitecturalPhysical:Window and ArchitecturalPhysical:WindowType instead.

An aspect that describes the window type.

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:QuantityTakeoffAspect


Name Description Type Extended Type
Type Type of a window. WindowType
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementUniqueAspect navigation

Relationship Classes

ElementOwnsDimensionsAspect RelationshipClass

A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ElementOwnsDoorAspect RelationshipClass Deprecated

Use ArchitecturalPhysical:Door and ArchitecturalPhysical:DoorType instead.

A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ElementOwnsEnergyPerformanceAspect RelationshipClass

A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ElementOwnsFoundationAspect RelationshipClass

A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ElementOwnsMaterialAspect RelationshipClass Deprecated

Use bis:PhysicalMaterial instead.

A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ElementOwnsPerimeterAspect RelationshipClass

A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ElementOwnsPileAspect RelationshipClass

A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ElementOwnsPipeAspect RelationshipClass

A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect RelationshipClass

Element may own one or more quantitytakeoffaspects

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsUniqueAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:

ElementOwnsSideAreasAspect RelationshipClass

A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ElementOwnsSlabAspect RelationshipClass

A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ElementOwnsSlopeAspect RelationshipClass

A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ElementOwnsStairsAspect RelationshipClass

A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ElementOwnsStructuralLinearMemberAspect RelationshipClass

A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ElementOwnsSurfaceAreaAspect RelationshipClass

A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ElementOwnsThicknessAspect RelationshipClass

A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ElementOwnsVolumeAspect RelationshipClass

A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ElementOwnsWallAspect RelationshipClass

A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ElementOwnsWindowAspect RelationshipClass Deprecated

Use ArchitecturalPhysical:Window and ArchitecturalPhysical:WindowType instead.

A relationship tieing the specialized quantity takeoff aspect with an element

Base Class: QuantityTakeoffsAspects:ElementOwnsQuantityTakeOffAspect

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:


DoorType Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Flush 0
Full Glass 1
Half Glass 2
2 Lite 3
Narrow View 4
View 5
Louver - Full 6
Louver - Bottom 7
Louver - Top 8
Half Glass w/ Louver 9
Narrow View w/ Louver 10

FoundationType Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Mat Foundation 0
Pile 1
Pile Cap 2
Spread Footing 3
Strip Footing 4

SlabDirectionType Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Unknown 0
One Way 1
Two Way 2

SlabType Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Floor 0
Roof 1
Landing 2
Base Slab 3
User Defined 4
Not Defined 5

StructuralFramingType Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Beam 0
Column 1
Vertical Brace 2
Horizontal Brace 3
Pier 4
Pile 5
Purlin 6
Cladding 7

WallType Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Movable 0
Parapet 1
Partitioning 2
Plumbing Wall 3
Shear 4
Solid Wall 5
Standard 6
Polygonal 7
Elemented Wall 8
User Defined 9
Not Defined 10

WindowType Enumeration

Backing Type: int

Strict: true

Label Value Description
Casement 0
Single Hung 1
Double Hung 2
Awning 3
Hopper 4
Sliding 5

Last Updated: 13 May, 2024