RelatedInstanceNodesSpecification Interface

Produces ECInstance nodes that are related to some source ECInstance. The source instance is determined by traversing the hierarchy upwards until an ECInstance node is encountered.

see Related instance nodes specification reference documentation page



Name Type Description
instanceFilter undefined | string Specifies an ECExpression for filtering  
relationshipPaths RepeatableRelationshipPathSpecification[] Specifies a chain of relationship path specifications  
specType "RelatedInstanceNodes" Used for serializing to JSON.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
doNotSort undefined | boolean ChildNodeSpecificationBase Suppress sorting of nodes returned by this specification.
groupByClass undefined | boolean DefaultGroupingPropertiesContainer Controls whether returned instances should be grouped by ECClass.
groupByLabel undefined | boolean DefaultGroupingPropertiesContainer Controls whether returned instances should be grouped by label.
hasChildren "Always" | "Never" | "Unknown" ChildNodeSpecificationBase This attribute allows telling the engine that nodes created by this specification always or never have children.
hideExpression undefined | string ChildNodeSpecificationBase When specified ECExpression evaluates
hideIfNoChildren undefined | boolean ChildNodeSpecificationBase Specifies whether nodes created through this specification should be hidden if they have no child nodes.
hideNodesInHierarchy undefined | boolean ChildNodeSpecificationBase When true, instances nodes produced by this specification are omitted and their children appear one
nestedRules undefined | ChildNodeRule[] ChildNodeSpecificationBase Specifications of nested child node rules that
priority undefined | number ChildNodeSpecificationBase Controls the order in which specifications are handled — specification with higher priority value is
relatedInstances undefined | RelatedInstanceSpecification[] ChildNodeSpecificationBase Specifications of related instances that can be used
suppressSimilarAncestorsCheck undefined | boolean ChildNodeSpecificationBase Specifies whether similar ancestor nodes' checking should be suppressed when creating nodes based on this

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023