ContentDescriptorRequestOptions<TIModel, TKeySet, TRulesetVariable> Interface

Request type for content descriptor requests.



Name Type Description
displayType string Content display type.  
keys TKeySet Input keys for getting the content  
selection undefined | SelectionInfo Information about the selection event that was the cause of this content request  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
imodel TIModel RequestOptionsWithRuleset<TIModel, TRulesetVariable> iModel to request data from
locale undefined | string RequestOptionsWithRuleset<TIModel, TRulesetVariable> Optional locale to use when formatting / localizing data
rulesetOrId string | Ruleset RequestOptionsWithRuleset<TIModel, TRulesetVariable> Ruleset or id of the ruleset to use when requesting data
rulesetVariables undefined | TRulesetVariable[] RequestOptionsWithRuleset<TIModel, TRulesetVariable> Ruleset variables to use when requesting data
unitSystem undefined | UnitSystemKey RequestOptionsWithRuleset<TIModel, TRulesetVariable> Unit system to use when formatting property values with units.

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023