
Examples of screen-space effects produced by RenderSystem.createScreenSpaceEffectBuilder.


Name Description  
AddEffectTool Adds a screen-space effect to the selected viewport. Beta
ClearEffectsTool Removes all screen-space effects from the selected viewport. Beta
ConvolutionEffect Adds one of a collection of "convolution kernels" that alter a Viewport's image by blending neighboring pixels. Beta
EdgeDetectionEffect Adds a screen-space edge-detection effect to the selected Viewport. Beta
EmbossEffect Adds a screen-space emboss effect to the selected Viewport. Beta
ExplosionEffect This tool applies an explosion particle effect used for testing ParticleCollectionBuilder. Beta
FlipImageConfig Configure the FlipImageEffect. Beta
FlipImageEffect An extremely simple and mostly useless effect intended to demonstrate the basics of creating a screen-space effect. Beta
GaussianBlurEffect Adds a gaussian blur screen-space effect to the selected Viewport. Beta
LensDistortionConfig Configures the LensDistortionEffect. Beta
LensDistortionEffect Adds a screen-space effect to the selected Viewport to simulate the lens distortion produced by real-world cameras with very wide fields of view. Beta
SaturationConfig Configures the SaturationEffect. Beta
SaturationEffect Adjusts the saturation of colors in a viewport. Beta
SharpenEffect Adds a screen-space sharpen effect to the selected Viewport. Beta
SharpnessEffect Adds a screen-space sharpness effect to the selected Viewport. Beta
SnowDecorator Simulates snowfall in a Viewport using particle effects. Beta
SnowEffect Toggles a decorator that simulates snow using particle effects. Beta
UnsharpenEffect Adds a screen-space unsharpen effect to the selected Viewport. Beta
VignetteConfig Configures the VignetteEffect. Beta
VignetteEffect Applies a vignette effect to the viewport. Beta

Global Functions

Name Description  
randomFloat Generate random floating-point number in [min, max). Beta
randomFloatInRange Generate random floating-point number in [range.low, range.high). Beta
randomInteger Generate integer in [min, max]. Beta
randomIntegerInRange Generate random integer in [range.low, range.high]. Beta
randomPositionInRange Generate a random position in the specified range. Beta
refreshViewportsForEffect Requests that any viewport to which the specified effect has been applied redraw its contents. Beta


Name Description  
SnowParams Parameters controlling how a SnowDecorator works. Beta
SnowParticle Represents one particle displayed by a SnowDecorator. Beta

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023