IModelJson.IndexedMeshProps Interface

Interface for an indexed mesh.

  • IMPORTANT: All indices are one-based.
  • i.e. vertex index given as 11 appears at index 10 in the data array.
  • This is to allow a negated index to mean "don't draw the following edge"
  • Although negative indices are not allowed for normalIndex, colorIndex, or paramIndex, the "one based" style is used for them so that all indices within the indexedMesh json object are handled similarly.
  • In all index arrays, a ZERO indicates "end of facet".


Name Type Description
color undefined | [number] 32 bit color values  
colorIndex undefined | [number] ONE BASED ZERO TERMINATED array of color indices.  
normal undefined | [XYZProps] surface normals  
normalIndex undefined | [number] ONE BASED ZERO TERMINATED array of normal indices.  
param undefined | [XYProps] texture space (uv parameter) coordinates  
paramIndex undefined | [number] ONE BASED ZERO TERMINATED array of param indices.  
point [XYZProps] vertex coordinates  
pointIndex [number] SIGNED ONE BASED ZERO TERMINATED array of point indices.  
taggedNumericData undefined | IModelJson.TaggedNumericDataProps optional array of tagged geometry (such as to request subdivision surface)  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023