ThematicDisplayProps Interface

JSON representation of the thematic display setup of a DisplayStyle3d.



Name Type Description
axis undefined | XYZProps For ThematicDisplayMode.Height, this is the axis along which to apply the thematic gradient in the scene.  
displayMode undefined | ThematicDisplayMode The thematic display mode.  
gradientSettings undefined | ThematicGradientSettingsProps The settings used to create a color gradient applied to the geometry.  
range undefined | Range1dProps The range to use when applying the thematic gradient for height and slope mode.  
sensorSettings undefined | ThematicDisplaySensorSettingsProps For ThematicDisplayMode.InverseDistanceWeightedSensors, these are the settings that control the sensors.  
sunDirection undefined | XYZProps For ThematicDisplayMode.HillShade, this is the direction of the sun in world space.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023