BriefcaseIdValue Enumeration

Values of BriefcaseId that have special meaning.



Name Value Description
Unassigned 0 The briefcase has not been assigned a unique Id by iModelHub. Only briefcases that have been assigned a unique BriefcaseId may create changesets,
because BriefcaseId is used to create unique ElementIds for new elements.

The Unassigned briefcaseId is used for several purposes:
- Snapshots. Snapshot files are immutable copies of an iModel for archival or data exchange purposes. They can neither generate nor accept new changesets.
- Checkpoints. Checkpoints are Snapshots that represent a specific version on an iModel's timeline.
- PullOnly. A local briefcase file that may be used to "slide" along a timeline by applying incoming changesets.
They are always opened readonly except to apply changesets.
- Standalone. Standalone iModels are local files that are not connected to iModelHub, and therefore cannot accept or create changesets.
FirstValid 2 All valid iModelHub issued BriefcaseIds will be equal or higher than this
LastValid 16777205 All valid iModelHub issued BriefcaseIds will be equal or lower than this
Max 16777216 BriefcaseIds must be less than this value
Illegal 4294967295 Indicates an invalid/illegal BriefcaseId

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023