ModelsTreeProps Interface

Deprecated  in 3.6. Was moved to @itwin/tree-widget-react package.

Props for ModelsTree component


Name Description
onFilterApplied(filteredDataProvider: IPresentationTreeDataProvider, matchesCount: number): void Optional Callback invoked when tree is filtered.  


Name Type Description
activeView undefined | Viewport Active view used to determine and control visibility  
enableElementsClassGrouping undefined | ClassGroupingOption Should the tree group displayed element nodes by class. Beta  
enableHierarchyAutoUpdate undefined | boolean Auto-update the hierarchy when data in the iModel changes.  
filterInfo undefined | Information for tree filtering.  
filteredElementIds undefined | Id64Array Filter the hierarchy by given element IDs.  
height number Height of the component  
iModel IModelConnection An IModel to pull data from  
modelsVisibilityHandler undefined | Custom visibility handler.  
rootElementRef undefined | Ref<HTMLDivElement> Ref to the root HTML element used by this component  
selectionMode undefined | SelectionMode Selection mode in the tree  
selectionPredicate undefined | ModelsTreeSelectionPredicate Predicate which indicates whether node can be selected or no  
width number Width of the component  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023