FrameworkFrontstages Interface


UiFramework.frontstages interface


Name Description
addFrontstageProvider(frontstageProvider: FrontstageProvider): void Add a Frontstage via a FrontstageProvider.  
clearFrontstageDefs(): void Clears the Frontstage map.  
clearFrontstageProviders(): void Clears the Frontstage Providers and the defs that may have been created from them.  
closeModalFrontstage(): void Closes the top-most modal Frontstage.  
closeNestedFrontstage(): Promise<void> Closes the top-most nested Frontstage.  
deactivateFrontstageDef(): Promise<void> Deactivates the active FrontstageDef.  
findWidget(widgetId: string): undefined | WidgetDef Finds a widget with the given id in the active frontstage  
getFrontstageDef(id?: string): Promise<undefined | FrontstageDef> Find a loaded Frontstage with a given id.  
hasFrontstage(frontstageId: string): boolean    
openModalFrontstage(modalFrontstage: ModalFrontstageInfo): void Opens a modal Frontstage.  
openNestedFrontstage(nestedFrontstage: FrontstageDef): Promise<void> Opens a nested Frontstage.  
setActiveFrontstage(frontstageId: string): Promise<void> Sets the active FrontstageDef give the stageId.  
setActiveFrontstageDef(frontstageDef: undefined | FrontstageDef): Promise<void> Sets the active FrontstageDef.  
setActiveNavigationAid(navigationAidId: string, iModelConnection: IModelConnection): void Sets the active Navigation Aid via its Id.  
setActiveTool(tool: Tool): void Sets the active tool  
setActiveToolId(toolId: string): void Sets the active tool id  
setWidgetState(widgetId: string, state: WidgetState): boolean Sets the state of the widget with the given id  
updateModalFrontstage(): void Updates the top-most modal Frontstage.  


Name Type Description
activeFrontstageDef Readonly undefined | FrontstageDef Gets the active FrontstageDef.  
activeFrontstageId Readonly string Gets the Id of the active FrontstageDef.  
activeModalFrontstage Readonly undefined | ModalFrontstageInfo Gets the top-most modal Frontstage.  
activeNestedFrontstage Readonly undefined | FrontstageDef Gets the top-most nested Frontstage.  
activeToolId Readonly string Gets the Id of the active tool.  
activeToolInformation Readonly undefined | ToolInformation Gets the active tool's ToolInformation  
isLoading Readonly boolean Returns true if Frontstage is loading its controls.  
modalFrontstageCount Readonly number Gets the number of modal Frontstages.  
nestedFrontstageCount Readonly number Gets the number of nested Frontstages.  
onCloseModalFrontstageRequestedEvent Readonly Get Modal Frontstage Requested Closed event.  
onContentControlActivatedEvent Readonly ContentControlActivatedEvent Get Content Control Activated event.  
onContentLayoutActivatedEvent Readonly ContentLayoutActivatedEvent Get Content Layout Activated event.  
onFrontstageActivatedEvent Readonly FrontstageActivatedEvent Get Frontstage Activated event.  
onFrontstageDeactivatedEvent Readonly FrontstageDeactivatedEvent Get Frontstage Deactivated event.  
onFrontstageReadyEvent Readonly FrontstageReadyEvent Get Frontstage Activated event.  
onModalFrontstageChangedEvent Readonly ModalFrontstageChangedEvent Get Modal Frontstage Changed event.  
onModalFrontstageClosedEvent Readonly ModalFrontstageClosedEvent Get Modal Frontstage Closed event.  
onNavigationAidActivatedEvent Readonly NavigationAidActivatedEvent Get Navigation Aid Activated event.  
onPanelStateChangedEvent Readonly PanelStateChangedEvent Get Widget State Changed event.  
onToolActivatedEvent Readonly ToolActivatedEvent Get Tool Activated event.  
onToolIconChangedEvent Readonly ToolIconChangedEvent Get Tool Icon Changed event.  
onToolSettingsReloadEvent Readonly UiEvent<void> Get ToolSetting Reload event.  
onWidgetStateChangedEvent Readonly WidgetStateChangedEvent Get Widget State Changed event.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023